Vernon Mothers Day Dash 5K Road Race
Sunday May 14, 2017 at Henry Park - Vernon, CT
Platt Systems Chip Timing - Overcast- 46 degrees Rain
Timing & Results by Plattsys Timing @
Overall Male : Scott Livingston (18:15) Overall Female: Ashley Mattingly (19:48)
******************************************************* Team Results
===== New Team Division :MOTHER DAUGHTER TEAMS ====
1 Krasermann (Beth & Emma) 43:40 ( 2)
Beth Krasemann Suffield 20:05 MD01 - 368
Emma Krasemann Suffield 23:35 MD01 - 367
2 Bonnie Armstrong & Anna Armstrong 46:18 ( 2)
Anna Armstrong South Windsor 22:47 MD05 - 547
Bonnie Armstrong South Windsor 23:31 MD05 - 405
3 Rebecca Boulet - Caitlin Boule 53:50 ( 2)
Caitlin Boulet South Windsor 26:41 MD22 - 507
Rebecca Boulet South Windsor 27:09 MD22 - 506
4 Tracey and Samantha Sondik 59:06 ( 2)
Samantha Sondik Bolton 29:28 MD13 - 474
Tracey Sondik Bolton 29:38 MD13 - 472
5 Smulski 59:50 ( 2)
Gabrielle Smulski Vernon Rockville 29:52 MD26 - 385
Melissa Trantolo Vernon Rockville 29:58 MD26 - 384
6 Nancy Allen-Hilton - Olivia Hilton 1:00:56 ( 2)
Emily Hilton Boston 29:10 MD17 - 484
Nancy Allen-Hilton Vernon Rockville 31:46 MD17 - 486
7 Marcroft 1:02:23 ( 2)
Caroline Marcroft Tolland 31:00 MD25 - 2790
Cory Marcroft Tolland 31:23 MD25 - 2789
8 Cindy Ryan - Lacey Ryan 1:02:23 ( 2)
Lacey Ryan Tolland 31:00 MD18 - 489
Cindy Ryan Tolland 31:23 MD18 - 488
9 Keri & Addison jonas 1:03:26 ( 2)
Addision Jonas Coventry 30:21 MD16 - 483
Keri Jonas Coventry 33:05 MD16 - 482
10 Melissa - Madalyn 1:03:43 ( 2)
Madalyn Saucier Vernon Rockville 29:56 MD14 - 477
Melissa Saucier Vernon Rockville 33:47 MD14 - 476
11 Theresa Valentine - Allison Va 1:04:22 ( 2)
Allison Valentine New Hartford 30:17 MD07 - 440
Theresa Valentine New Hartford 34:05 MD07 - 439
12 Katharine and Samantha Obrien 1:05:01 ( 2)
Samantha O'Brien Unionville 30:57 MD15 - 480
Katharine O'Brien Unionville 34:04 MD15 - 481
13 Diane/Gabriella Brunoli 1:21:35 ( 2)
Gabriella Brunoli Vernon Rockville 38:34 MD24 - 521
Diane Brunoli Vernon Rockville 43:01 MD24 - 520
14 Missy - Izzy clark 1:21:37 ( 2)
Isaiah Crawford Vernon RockvilleV 38:35 MD23 - 509
Melissa Clark Vernon RockvilleV 43:02 MD23 - 508
15 Rebecca & Sarah Hall 1:23:09 ( 2)
Sarah Hall South Windsor 41:34 MD20 - 496
Rebecca Hall South Windsor 41:35 MD20 - 495
16 Christine - Amber Upton 1:24:45 ( 2)
Christine Upton Vernon Rockville 41:12 MD03 - 390
Amber Upton Vernon Rockville 43:33 MD03 - 391
17 Jennifer Throwe / Lindsey Thro 1:25:46 ( 2)
Lindsey Throwe Burlington 42:03 MD19 - 490
Jennifer Throwe Burlington 43:43 MD19 - 415
18 Burke 1:28:38 ( 2)
Sheila Burke Southbury 44:19 MD25 - 371
Carolyn Burke Southbury 44:19 MD25 - 372
19 Grant 1:43:33 ( 2)
Imani Grant Vernon Rockville 51:43 MD26 - 2795
Shaneika Burchell Vernon Rockville 51:50 MD26 - 2794
===== New Team Division :MOTHER SON TEAMS ====
1 Mattingly 42:37 ( 2)
Ashley Mattingly Mansfield Center 19:48 MS15 - 2791
Jack Mattingly Mansfield Center 22:49 MS15 - 2792
2 Mocadlo 44:35 ( 2)
Kevin Mocadlo Broad Brook 21:05 MS12 - 2783
Jean Mocadlo Broad Brook 23:30 MS12 - 2782
3 Denise-Brian Seney 45:20 ( 2)
Brian Seney Acton 19:32 MS05 - 419
Denise Seney Vernon 25:48 MS05 - 418
4 Debbie and Shepard Livingston 45:45 ( 2)
Debbie Livingston Bolton 22:14 MS11 - 511
Shepard Livingston Bolton 23:31 MS11 - 514
5 Laurelynn DeLuca - Angelo DeLuca 49:30 ( 2)
Laurelynn DeLuca South Glastonbury 23:50 MS08 - 466
Angelo DeLuca South Glastonbury 25:40 MS08 - 467
6 Fabuien 58:20 ( 2)
Melissa Fabuien Vernon Rockville 29:10 MS13 - 2784
Nicholas Fabuien Vernon Rockville 29:10 MS13 - 2785
7 Thomas 59:51 ( 2)
Timothy Thomas Vernon 22:44 MS01 - 366
Nancy Thomas Vernon 37:07 MS01 - 365
8 Emily & DuranKeony 1:05:15 ( 2)
DuranKeony Torres Ellington 28:50 MS10 - 499
Emily Torres Ellington 36:25 MS10 - 498
9 Alit and Jack Bedik 1:06:31 ( 2)
Jack Bedik South Windsor 27:57 MS03 - 379
Alit Bedik South Windsor 38:34 MS03 - 378
10 Jennifer Bundy-Nathaniel Bundy 1:06:45 ( 2)
Nathaniel Bundy Vernon Rockville 26:50 MS06 - 432
Jennifer Bundy Vernon Rockville 39:55 MS06 - 431
11 Cathleen Swody -Evan 1:14:31 ( 2)
Evan Glynn Glastonbury 37:14 MS02 - 376
Cathleen Swody Glastonbury 37:17 MS02 - 375
******************************************************* Results