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Platt Timing Systems Official Reporting System
Clinton Blue Fish 5K Road Race || Saturday August 21, 2010 | Jared Eliot Middle School Clinton, CT
Results || Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476

Platt Timing Systems Official Reporting System
Clinton Blue Fish 5K Road Race || Saturday August 21, 2010 | Jared Eliot Middle School Clinton, CT
Results || Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476

                        Platt Timing Systems Official Reporting System
 Clinton Blue Fish 5K Road Race || Saturday August 21, 2010 | Jared Eliot Middle School Clinton, CT  
           Results  ||   Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
                                Top Male Finishers
   1   Will Sanders                23M        Wethersfield CT         15:45
   2   Sam Haney                   19M        Essex CT                16:16
   3   Glenn Holmes                15M        Ivoryton CT             17:16

                                Top Female Finishers
   1   Caroline Tynan              38F        Severn                  17:55
   2   Ally Gates                  16F        Deep River CT           19:21
   3   Manya Swick                 18F        Niantic CT              19:46

PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ======

                        FEMALE RESULTS:   08 and under ** 

  1  Emma Workman                   8F F0008  Lafayette CT            34:08    378

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    09 to 12  

  1  Annaliese Troidle             11F F0912  Branford CT             28:11     95
  2  Sarah Bigalbal                11F F0912  Oakdale CT              35:04    126
  3  Alyssa Lemay                   9F F0912  Clinton CT              36:07    243

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    13 to 19  

  1  Ally Gates                    16F F1319  Deep River CT           19:21    138
  2  Manya Swick                   18F F1319  Niantic CT              19:46    206
  3  Kathleen Darling              16F F1319  Killingworht CT         19:58    315

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    20 to 29  

  1  Caroline Norton               20F F2029  Portland CT             21:19    344
  2  Ryan Borg                     25F F2029  CLinton CT              21:49    272
  3  Kristina Kijanka              26F F2029  Bristol CT              23:48    187

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    30 to 39  

  1  Caroline Tynan                38F F3039  Severn CT               17:55    356
  2  Beth Cafferty                 36F F3039  Clinton CT              21:17     45
  3  Tricky (Ms) Tanksley          30F F3039  Gales Ferry CT          21:47     46

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    40 to 49  

  1  Marcy Withington              40F F4049  Old Lyme CT             21:26    404
  2  Joanie Darling                47F F4049  Killingworth CT         22:53    314
  3  Judy Jendrucek                49F F4049  Essex CT                23:19    185

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    50 to 59  

  1  Katherine Van Itallie         50F F5059  Old Saybrook CT         23:12     94
  2  Carol Chiappone               50F F5059  Woodbridge CT           25:30    208
  3  Rita Lubitz                   54F F5059  Madison CT              27:27    171

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    60 to 69  

  1  Terry Weiss                   60F F6069  Madison CT              26:31    329
  2  Susan Sheckley                62F F6069  Niantic CT              27:48    311
  3  Karen Rogers                  60F F6069  Clinton CT              28:02    153

                          MALE RESULTS:   08 and under ** 

  1  Walter Workman                 7M M0008  Lafayette CT            32:28    379
  2  Reed Brencher                  8M M0008  Killingworth CT         36:36    381
  3  Matthew Candler                7M M0008  Norwich CT              37:00    359

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                          Clinton Blue Fish 5K Road Race Results Posted to
                                    Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476

PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ======

                          MALE RESULTS:    09 to 12  

  1  Joshua Chang                  11M M0912  Old Saybrook CT         24:58    242
  2  Quinn Brencher                12M M0912  Killingworth CT         28:34    383
  3  Nicholas Zoner                12M M0912  Clinton CT              29:57    168

                          MALE RESULTS:    13 to 19  

  1  Sam Haney                     19M M1319  Essex CT                16:16     41
  2  Glenn Holmes                  15M M1319  Ivoryton CT             17:16     63
  3  Louis Tobias                  15M M1319  Cromwell CT             17:18    349

                          MALE RESULTS:    20 to 29  

  1  Will Sanders                  23M M2029  Wethersfield CT         15:45    297
  2  Casey Neistat                 29M M2029  New London CT           17:57    376
  3  Philip Williams               29M M2029  Bristol CT              18:04    178

                          MALE RESULTS:    30 to 39  

  1  Tim Cote                      34M M3039  New Haven CT            17:27    293
  2  James Dubreuil                37M M3039  Trumbull CT             18:31    113
  3  John Halpin                   39M M3039  New York NY             18:42    343

                          MALE RESULTS:    40 to 49  

  1  Brad Overturf                 43M M4049  Norwich CT              17:16    365
  2  Nate Pawelek                  41M M4049  Clinton CT              17:45     83
  3  Dave Hayes                    46M M4049  Essex CT                18:42    232

                          MALE RESULTS:    50 to 59  

  1  John Shepherd                 54M M5059  Essex CT                18:43    201
  2  Pasqualoni Pasqualoni         54M M5059  Madison CT              20:42    335
  3  Larry Lubitz                  53M M5059  Madison CT              22:17    170

                          MALE RESULTS:    60 to 69  

  1  Dave Jacobs                   65M M6069  Niantic CT              20:44     76
  2  Tony Hollister                63M M6069  Glastonbury CT          21:23     10
  3  Richard Steeves               60M M6069  Guilford CT             21:56    104

                          MALE RESULTS:    70 to 79  

  1  Raymond Fitzgerald            72M M7079  Niantic CT              30:42    393
  2  Tom Sullivan                  70M M7079  Ledyard CT              32:29    345
  3  David Barker                  71M M7079  Guilford CT             37:00     51

                          MALE RESULTS:    80 to ++  

  1  Geoffrey Etherington          81M M80++  Killingworth CT         24:40    373
  2  Herman Bershtein              84M M80++  Hamden CT               43:18     86