
| Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Sunday July 11, 2010 || Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
.25 M Swim, 12 M Bike, 3.1 Mile Run || Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
| | | Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Sunday July 11, 2010 || Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
.25 M Swim, 12 M Bike, 3.1 Mile Run || Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
| | | | Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Sunday July 11, 2010 || Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
.25 M Swim, 12 M Bike, 3.1 Mile Run || Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
OVERALL WAVE DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1 --||-- BIKE --||---T2 --||--- RUN --|WA
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= ======== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== == =====
1 Travis Gale 26M M2029 1:05:54 1/21 51 6:11 6 1:02 9 36:50 1 :23 2 21:28 2 80
2 Timothy McGrath 41M M4049 1:05:55 1/32 6 5:12 7 1:04 6 35:46 49 :48 3 23:05 3 140
3 James Honda 24M M2029 1:07:08 2/21 25 5:46 32 1:36 1 34:12 58 :52 6 24:42 2 102
4 Steve Sauve 34M M3039 1:07:51 1/22 22 5:41 31 1:35 5 35:38 96 1:09 5 23:48 3 173
5 Gregory McGee 34M M3039 1:07:58 2/22 13 5:20 16 1:23 2 35:14 16 :38 10 25:23 2 136
6 Chris Litty 46M M4049 1:08:44 2/32 11 5:19 11 1:16 7 35:55 28 :41 11 25:33 2 122
7 Nicholas Gernt 28M M2029 1:08:52 3/21 9 5:17 1 :28 3 35:26 15 :37 18 27:04 2 85
8 David Anderson 42M M4049 1:09:53 3/32 16 5:35 2 :48 8 36:36 50 :48 12 26:06 1 3
9 Kevin Vallez 42M M4049 1:10:45 4/32 148 8:40 76 2:08 10 36:54 131 1:36 1 21:27 3 202
10 Bill Siewertsen 45M M4049 1:10:53 5/32 33 5:53 15 1:19 4 35:31 79 1:00 20 27:10 3 177
11 Patrick Rose 19M M0019 1:11:17 1/9 2 4:54 90 2:14 17 38:15 30 :42 9 25:12 3 164
12 James Guerin 27M M2029 1:11:57 4/21 29 5:50 3 :49 16 38:11 23 :41 13 26:26 2 92
13 Eric Hale 33M M3039 1:12:40 3/22 36 5:57 20 1:24 15 38:02 31 :42 14 26:35 2 95
14 Nathan Carlson 26M M2029 1:12:56 5/21 8 5:17 9 1:13 13 37:43 7 :32 28 28:11 1 33
15 Jeremy Galeota 33M M3039 1:13:24 4/22 46 6:07 12 1:17 11 37:35 10 :35 23 27:50 2 81
16 Allie Burdick 35F F3039 1:15:07 1/22 98 7:20 38 1:41 32 40:00 92 1:06 8 25:00 1 30
17 Robert Rakowski 41M M4049 1:15:19 6/32 30 5:52 27 1:32 12 37:37 84 1:02 42 29:16 3 158
18 Brian Sardo 36M M3039 1:15:23 5/22 48 6:08 34 1:39 18 38:17 97 1:09 27 28:10 3 172
19 Matthew Bruton 22M M2029 1:15:38 6/21 15 5:34 97 2:17 21 38:44 102 1:13 24 27:50 1 26
20 Paul Ferruolo 46M M4049 1:15:45 7/32 41 6:04 84 2:11 23 39:11 111 1:19 17 27:00 2 74
21 Brian Albert 18M M0019 1:16:24 2/9 5 5:09 17 1:23 50 41:36 6 :32 21 27:44 1 1
22 David Weiner 42M M4049 1:16:34 8/32 28 5:49 67 2:00 20 38:38 72 :58 41 29:09 3 205
23 Ed Bolduc 50M M5059 1:16:51 1/11 87 7:04 35 1:39 27 39:39 42 :45 22 27:44 1 22
24 Alec Weiner 16M M0019 1:17:03 3/9 18 5:36 91 2:14 35 40:19 61 :54 26 28:00 3 204
25 Jay Cutler 40M M4049 1:17:20 9/32 3 5:02 42 1:44 39 40:52 125 1:31 29 28:11 1 51
26 Gabriel Thayer 36M M3039 1:17:38 6/22 39 6:00 80 2:09 28 39:41 113 1:20 33 28:28 3 193
27 Patricia Attianese 39F F3039 1:17:38 2/22 49 6:08 5 :58 51 41:39 3 :27 32 28:26 1 6
28 Todd Hany 25M M2029 1:17:42 7/21 31 5:52 57 1:52 31 39:57 32 :43 43 29:18 2 96
29 Brian Reall 35M M3039 1:17:44 7/22 43 6:04 118 2:31 19 38:27 153 1:52 36 28:50 3 161
30 Andra Mazur 29F F2029 1:18:05 1/17 40 6:02 28 1:34 54 42:11 101 1:11 19 27:07 2 130
31 Chris Sivo 45M M4049 1:18:30 10/32 24 5:45 47 1:47 29 39:41 90 1:05 53 30:12 3 180
32 Thomas Sardinha 46M M4049 1:18:31 11/32 84 7:00 74 2:06 52 42:05 13 :36 15 26:44 3 171
33 Nathan Champion 25M M2029 1:18:46 8/21 1 4:41 8 1:10 43 41:10 40 :44 61 31:01 1 40
34 Robert Rose 46M M4049 1:18:48 12/32 12 5:19 104 2:21 24 39:18 55 :51 60 30:59 3 166
35 Nick Kane 21M M2029 1:18:50 9/21 34 5:54 68 2:01 49 41:29 91 1:06 30 28:20 2 109
36 Jeffrey Anderson 45M M4049 1:18:53 13/32 71 6:44 72 2:05 14 37:57 60 :53 65 31:14 1 4
37 Alexander Trueb 20M M2029 1:19:11 10/21 10 5:18 86 2:12 25 39:26 57 :52 67 31:23 3 197
38 Alex Smith 15M M0019 1:19:36 4/9 17 5:36 101 2:20 95 46:24 4 :28 7 24:48 3 182
39 Neil Bruton 21M M2029 1:19:49 11/21 19 5:36 75 2:08 45 41:12 145 1:44 40 29:09 1 27
40 David Bruton 50M M5059 1:19:50 2/11 147 8:38 92 2:14 26 39:29 11 :36 39 28:53 1 28
41 Daniel Murphy 39M M3039 1:20:00 8/22 94 7:15 83 2:10 36 40:22 122 1:29 35 28:44 3 149
42 Anthony Barone 41M M4049 1:20:04 14/32 77 6:53 30 1:34 30 39:52 44 :46 59 30:59 1 16
43 Ryan Clarke 15M M0019 1:20:15 5/9 117 7:41 78 2:08 92 46:16 2 :25 4 23:45 1 45
44 Christian Trueb 24M M2029 1:20:38 12/21 38 5:59 139 2:46 41 41:04 37 :44 52 30:05 3 198
45 Nicholas Grassi 28M M2029 1:20:55 13/21 54 6:15 10 1:15 63 43:02 8 :33 49 29:50 2 89
46 Timothy Daley 27M M2029 1:21:02 14/21 76 6:49 158 3:12 22 38:49 139 1:40 55 30:32 1 53
47 Jennifer Garofalo 22F F2029 1:21:21 2/17 74 6:48 52 1:49 67 43:36 46 :47 31 28:21 2 84
48 John Doherty 44M M4049 1:21:26 15/32 106 7:27 37 1:40 44 41:11 149 1:48 44 29:20 1 63
49 Jae Lorenzet 51M M5059 1:21:34 3/11 134 7:59 55 1:51 42 41:07 148 1:47 37 28:50 2 123
50 Keith Tuller 48M M4049 1:21:36 16/32 80 6:55 51 1:48 37 40:30 123 1:29 57 30:54 3 199
================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 1 ================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
OVERALL WAVE DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1 --||-- BIKE --||---T2 --||--- RUN --|WA
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= ======== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== == =====
51 Ashley Burns 24F F2029 1:22:00 3/17 89 7:05 59 1:54 60 42:46 52 :49 46 29:26 1 31
52 Rob Decker 42M M4049 1:22:51 17/32 27 5:49 113 2:29 33 40:16 82 1:01 83 33:16 1 55
53 Adam Silverman 46M M4049 1:23:31 18/32 55 6:16 116 2:30 38 40:38 152 1:51 78 32:16 3 179
54 Ben Linginbuel 23M M2029 1:23:37 15/21 65 6:35 43 1:44 47 41:20 70 :57 81 33:01 2 121
55 James Hainey 45M M4049 1:24:03 19/32 73 6:47 13 1:17 70 43:54 34 :43 66 31:22 2 94
56 Scott Wilson 56M M5059 1:24:06 4/11 137 8:13 69 2:01 40 41:02 99 1:11 69 31:39 3 210
57 Lauren Mislak 26F F2029 1:24:16 4/17 133 7:58 125 2:34 71 44:13 20 :39 38 28:52 3 144
58 Michelle Hainey 44F F4049 1:24:21 1/28 81 6:57 4 :53 55 42:18 65 :55 84 33:18 2 93
59 Amy Buckley 31F F3039 1:24:23 3/22 59 6:21 156 3:10 56 42:21 156 1:57 56 30:34 1 29
60 Robert Bowtruczyk 32M M3039 1:24:35 9/22 23 5:43 48 1:48 48 41:21 142 1:43 92 34:00 1 25
61 Kristin Thayer 37F F3039 1:24:50 4/22 35 5:56 64 1:58 62 42:53 155 1:54 76 32:09 3 192
62 Jo-anne Rankin 50F F5059 1:24:52 1/7 165 9:22 18 1:24 58 42:26 140 1:41 51 29:59 3 159
63 Ken Hodgdon 42M M4049 1:25:02 20/32 135 8:04 147 2:54 68 43:47 24 :41 47 29:36 2 101
64 Ralph Slater 42M M4049 1:25:04 21/32 85 7:01 14 1:18 72 44:14 67 :56 68 31:35 3 181
65 Steve Chamberland 42M M4049 1:25:19 22/32 100 7:23 94 2:15 34 40:17 103 1:13 93 34:11 1 39
66 Brandon McGoldrick 34M M3039 1:25:23 10/22 95 7:15 142 2:51 61 42:53 163 2:33 50 29:51 2 139
67 Regina McGillivray 43F F4049 1:25:24 2/28 58 6:21 21 1:25 109 48:21 115 1:22 25 27:55 2 137
68 Lindsay Castonguay 26F F2029 1:26:49 5/17 86 7:03 110 2:27 78 44:45 38 :44 70 31:50 1 36
69 Shannon Reall 35F F3039 1:27:01 5/22 123 7:47 62 1:57 69 43:50 126 1:31 73 31:56 3 160
70 Luke Badger 17M M0019 1:27:09 6/9 60 6:22 120 2:32 83 45:15 73 :58 75 32:02 1 13
71 Rick Roy 40M M4049 1:27:20 23/32 112 7:35 114 2:30 59 42:26 64 :55 90 33:54 3 167
72 Nancy Hilliard 41F F4049 1:27:50 3/28 149 8:41 111 2:27 77 44:39 130 1:34 54 30:29 2 100
73 Lisa O'Doherty 41F F4049 1:28:01 4/28 63 6:34 126 2:34 64 43:17 157 2:04 88 33:32 3 151
74 Ryan Rose 17M M0019 1:28:05 7/9 7 5:13 45 1:46 73 44:19 71 :57 107 35:50 3 165
75 Steven Wrona 42M M4049 1:28:11 24/32 116 7:40 98 2:18 65 43:23 109 1:18 89 33:32 3 207
76 Elizabeth McAvoy 27F F2029 1:29:01 6/17 45 6:06 170 4:27 89 46:01 112 1:19 62 31:08 2 132
77 Colin McAvoy 35M M3039 1:29:01 11/22 155 8:48 50 1:48 88 46:01 105 1:14 64 31:10 2 133
78 Jessica Doherty 28F F2029 1:29:05 7/17 53 6:13 100 2:20 112 48:36 45 :47 63 31:09 1 62
79 Robert Panico 45M M4049 1:29:16 25/32 75 6:49 153 3:06 57 42:23 161 2:24 95 34:34 3 155
80 Julie Stafford 36F F3039 1:29:27 6/22 21 5:40 107 2:25 124 50:02 144 1:44 48 29:36 3 186
81 Matthew Maznicki 38M M3039 1:29:32 12/22 103 7:25 79 2:09 106 47:27 22 :40 71 31:51 2 129
82 Gretchin Bade 44F F4049 1:29:40 5/28 69 6:37 22 1:29 114 48:44 14 :37 77 32:13 1 11
83 Doug Comstock 55M M5059 1:29:41 5/11 42 6:04 26 1:32 46 41:16 127 1:32 140 39:17 1 46
84 Ben Mattheise 57M M5059 1:30:27 6/11 167 9:47 159 3:14 96 46:36 118 1:25 45 29:25 3 211
85 Connor Mullen 19M M0019 1:30:30 8/9 83 6:59 61 1:57 103 47:05 9 :33 91 33:56 3 146
86 Melissa Capo 34F F3039 1:30:38 7/22 90 7:05 103 2:20 93 46:23 128 1:32 85 33:18 1 32
87 Sean Glasgow 49M M4049 1:30:39 26/32 68 6:37 95 2:15 85 45:36 68 :56 101 35:15 2 86
88 Rob Emhoff 28M M2029 1:30:48 16/21 4 5:04 122 2:33 100 46:53 18 :39 103 35:39 2 72
89 Ryan Kolej 31M M3039 1:30:49 13/22 102 7:25 96 2:17 99 46:50 69 :56 86 33:21 2 110
90 Audrey Kubas 40F F4049 1:30:55 6/28 56 6:17 36 1:40 87 45:46 43 :45 116 36:27 2 111
91 Rob Tarantino 37M M3039 1:31:06 14/22 52 6:12 133 2:40 66 43:28 100 1:11 123 37:35 3 190
92 Gwen Unterstein 38F F3039 1:31:07 8/22 67 6:36 93 2:15 111 48:33 17 :39 82 33:04 3 200
93 Lynne David 44F F4049 1:31:12 7/28 140 8:18 46 1:46 74 44:24 154 1:53 97 34:51 1 54
94 Shannon Denver 36F F3039 1:31:13 9/22 136 8:07 53 1:50 75 44:30 87 1:04 104 35:42 1 58
95 Michael DiDonato 38M M3039 1:31:20 15/22 44 6:05 146 2:53 53 42:10 146 1:45 129 38:27 1 61
96 Natalie Carpenter 36F F3039 1:31:35 10/22 72 6:45 119 2:32 123 49:55 117 1:25 58 30:58 1 34
97 Wally Squier 55M M5059 1:32:17 7/11 126 7:50 165 3:50 81 44:56 169 3:22 79 32:19 3 185
98 Joshua Friedman 19M M0019 1:32:17 9/9 26 5:46 49 1:48 119 49:34 12 :36 94 34:33 2 79
99 Erin LaFleche 32F F3039 1:32:29 11/22 37 5:59 148 2:55 97 46:49 141 1:41 100 35:05 2 113
100 Amy Schmelter 43F F4049 1:32:33 8/28 88 7:05 77 2:08 104 47:08 129 1:33 96 34:39 3 174
================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 2 ================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
OVERALL WAVE DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1 --||-- BIKE --||---T2 --||--- RUN --|WA
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= ======== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== == =====
101 Dawn Tavolieri 41F F4049 1:32:35 9/28 99 7:22 132 2:39 90 46:05 132 1:36 98 34:53 3 191
102 Jeffrey Boudle 47M M4049 1:32:59 27/32 127 7:51 102 2:20 84 45:20 137 1:39 106 35:49 1 24
103 Bridget Kaldy 38F F3039 1:33:04 12/22 138 8:14 138 2:45 76 44:31 138 1:40 109 35:54 2 108
104 Michelle Dutkewych 44F F4049 1:33:13 10/28 128 7:52 60 1:55 102 47:04 78 1:00 102 35:22 2 70
105 Brian Smith 51M M5059 1:33:46 8/11 122 7:46 141 2:49 152 55:15 98 1:11 16 26:45 3 183
106 Tom DuFore 56M M5059 1:34:10 9/11 62 6:33 124 2:33 82 45:08 83 1:01 135 38:55 1 68
107 Noelle Sardinha 41F F4049 1:34:53 11/28 61 6:28 63 1:57 116 48:57 51 :49 119 36:42 3 170
108 Daniel McCann 28M M2029 1:34:56 17/21 78 6:53 88 2:13 117 49:04 151 1:50 99 34:56 2 135
109 Nathaniel Stafford 35M M3039 1:35:08 16/22 32 5:53 44 1:45 122 49:47 33 :43 120 37:00 3 187
110 Richard Denver 45M M4049 1:35:13 28/32 130 7:53 106 2:22 79 44:53 110 1:19 134 38:46 1 59
111 Diane Chamberland 44F F4049 1:35:29 12/28 119 7:43 58 1:54 94 46:23 80 1:00 130 38:29 1 38
112 Richard Bogoslofski 39M M3039 1:35:30 17/22 152 8:43 19 1:24 86 45:40 76 :59 133 38:44 1 21
113 Patti Charette 41F F4049 1:35:47 13/28 159 8:54 151 3:04 148 54:12 86 1:02 34 28:35 1 41
114 Justin Audet 28M M2029 1:36:01 18/21 92 7:13 112 2:28 107 47:30 19 :39 127 38:11 1 7
115 Brittany Badger 25F F2029 1:36:26 8/17 124 7:47 131 2:38 98 46:49 107 1:15 126 37:57 1 12
116 Carolyn McCann 20F F2029 1:36:29 9/17 79 6:55 115 2:30 80 44:55 104 1:14 155 40:55 2 134
117 Samantha Murphy 20F F2029 1:36:40 10/17 57 6:17 39 1:42 125 50:17 93 1:06 122 37:18 3 148
118 Jessica Richards 23F F2029 1:36:56 11/17 70 6:39 29 1:34 108 47:47 21 :39 146 40:17 3 162
119 Stacey Bogoslofski 36F F3039 1:37:41 13/22 129 7:52 33 1:36 145 53:58 62 :54 87 33:21 1 20
120 Kellie Mazzola 34F F3039 1:37:59 14/22 131 7:55 129 2:36 126 50:27 108 1:16 105 35:45 2 131
121 Paula Jones 53F F5059 1:38:26 2/7 151 8:42 66 2:00 91 46:12 74 :58 149 40:34 2 107
122 Michael Chichlowski 46M M4049 1:38:36 29/32 145 8:31 157 3:11 144 53:53 77 :59 74 32:02 1 43
123 Evette Cook 41F F4049 1:39:31 14/28 111 7:34 152 3:05 105 47:10 159 2:11 142 39:31 1 48
124 Roman Dutkewych 41M M4049 1:39:47 30/32 82 6:59 82 2:10 141 53:16 95 1:08 113 36:14 2 71
125 Kimberly Sullivan 36F F3039 1:40:08 15/22 142 8:22 25 1:32 113 48:38 54 :50 152 40:46 3 188
126 Julie Recker 27F F2029 1:40:10 12/17 91 7:12 71 2:05 142 53:25 53 :50 118 36:38 3 212
127 Gregory Rumowicz 50M M5059 1:40:14 10/11 164 9:21 117 2:31 101 46:55 59 :53 150 40:34 3 169
128 Joy Bostick 40F F4049 1:40:25 15/28 157 8:50 127 2:35 115 48:46 41 :45 141 39:29 1 23
129 Karen Cersoli 43F F4049 1:40:30 16/28 107 7:29 85 2:11 132 51:46 119 1:25 125 37:39 1 37
130 Christina Kozar 30F F3039 1:40:42 16/22 101 7:24 65 1:59 135 52:27 5 :31 128 38:21 3 209
131 Thomas Mcloughlin 52M M5059 1:40:43 11/11 143 8:23 163 3:35 130 51:10 116 1:23 112 36:12 3 141
132 Debi Thompson 51F F5059 1:40:48 3/7 139 8:14 140 2:48 139 53:06 47 :47 108 35:53 3 194
133 Stephen Munz 39M M3039 1:41:45 18/22 108 7:30 149 2:59 147 54:09 39 :44 115 36:23 3 147
134 Rob Backman 39M M3039 1:41:49 19/22 120 7:44 123 2:33 121 49:45 63 :54 154 40:53 1 10
135 Christine Cassettari 44F F4049 1:42:13 17/28 125 7:49 105 2:21 140 53:08 150 1:49 121 37:06 1 35
136 Teresa Benner 42F F4049 1:42:16 18/28 113 7:36 99 2:19 127 50:44 167 3:04 131 38:33 1 18
137 Irene Clarke 41F F4049 1:42:17 19/28 166 9:44 161 3:21 154 55:54 121 1:27 72 31:51 1 44
138 Christine Vigneault 31F F3039 1:42:36 17/22 20 5:40 135 2:41 128 50:45 56 :51 160 42:39 3 203
139 Melody Smith 17F F0019 1:42:53 1/2 66 6:35 164 3:48 161 59:07 48 :48 80 32:35 3 142
140 Kim Silverman 47F F4049 1:42:58 20/28 64 6:35 73 2:05 156 56:13 134 1:37 117 36:28 3 178
141 Barbara Chichlowski 43F F4049 1:43:32 21/28 160 8:55 24 1:32 134 52:02 36 :44 147 40:19 1 42
142 Allison Cristina 26F F2029 1:43:32 13/17 121 7:46 166 3:59 118 49:16 158 2:07 148 40:24 1 50
143 Victoria Orkins 50F F5059 1:43:41 4/7 162 8:56 160 3:16 146 53:59 120 1:25 111 36:05 3 152
144 Colleen Gosselin 46F F4049 1:43:42 22/28 161 8:56 109 2:26 120 49:38 136 1:39 156 41:03 2 88
145 Glorimar Hickman 38F F3039 1:43:46 18/22 146 8:38 54 1:50 136 52:32 133 1:37 138 39:09 2 98
146 Tom Glowa 31M M3039 1:43:49 20/22 96 7:16 168 4:07 110 48:33 166 3:01 153 40:52 2 87
147 Mel Hardy 46M M4049 1:43:57 31/32 153 8:46 167 3:59 143 53:27 124 1:29 114 36:16 2 97
148 Philip Wilson 25M M2029 1:44:26 19/21 110 7:33 143 2:52 137 52:36 94 1:08 145 40:17 3 206
149 Eilleen Ivens 45F F4049 1:44:50 23/28 132 7:57 121 2:32 131 51:23 160 2:20 151 40:38 2 106
150 Zach Barberich 21M M2029 1:45:46 20/21 109 7:33 23 1:29 159 57:29 29 :42 132 38:33 1 15
================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 3 ================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
OVERALL WAVE DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1 --||-- BIKE --||---T2 --||--- RUN --|WA
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= ======== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== == =====
151 Stacie Mikol 42F F4049 1:46:39 24/28 114 7:36 40 1:43 129 51:04 85 1:02 166 45:14 3 143
152 Catherine Mugo 48F F4049 1:46:46 25/28 170 11:05 137 2:43 133 51:56 147 1:46 139 39:16 3 145
153 Meghan Scranton 25F F2029 1:47:59 14/17 14 5:27 169 4:25 153 55:36 114 1:22 157 41:09 3 176
154 Kristina Landry 17F F0019 1:48:32 2/2 50 6:09 144 2:52 158 57:04 66 :55 158 41:32 2 114
155 Michelle Frank 38F F3039 1:48:33 19/22 104 7:26 70 2:05 151 54:48 135 1:37 159 42:37 2 78
156 Joe Armstrong 36M M3039 1:50:51 21/22 150 8:41 128 2:35 150 54:43 88 1:04 164 43:48 1 5
157 Lois Timms-Ferrara 51F F5059 1:50:52 5/7 115 7:37 134 2:40 157 57:04 27 :41 161 42:50 3 195
158 Rita Hurley 54F F5059 1:51:09 6/7 141 8:22 150 3:00 138 53:03 168 3:09 162 43:35 2 104
159 Pam Dubois 43F F4049 1:52:14 26/28 118 7:42 56 1:51 155 55:56 26 :41 167 46:04 1 66
160 Cristina MacGillis 40F F4049 1:52:33 27/28 158 8:50 89 2:13 163 1:01:34 75 :58 136 38:58 2 127
161 Alicia Hill 31F F3039 1:52:39 20/22 97 7:18 81 2:10 165 1:03:11 81 1:01 137 38:59 2 99
162 Felicia LaPlante 20F F2029 1:56:29 15/17 93 7:14 41 1:44 168 1:10:50 25 :41 110 36:00 2 116
163 Rachel MacGillis 28F F2029 1:56:40 16/17 105 7:26 154 3:08 166 1:03:32 164 2:42 144 39:52 2 126
164 Joey Backman 23M M2029 1:56:51 21/21 168 10:27 108 2:26 149 54:22 106 1:15 169 48:21 1 9
165 Betsy Baker 50F F5059 1:59:40 7/7 163 9:08 145 2:52 167 1:05:19 162 2:31 143 39:50 1 14
166 Lorrenna Cooke 39F F3039 2:02:34 21/22 156 8:48 136 2:43 162 59:30 170 3:49 168 47:44 1 49
167 Adrienne Loth 36F F3039 2:04:37 22/22 47 6:07 162 3:25 170 1:15:45 143 1:43 124 37:37 2 124
168 Katie D'Onofrio 24F F2029 2:07:08 17/17 154 8:46 155 3:09 169 1:10:51 35 :44 163 43:38 1 64
169 Joan Fisher 47F F4049 2:07:50 28/28 171 13:18 171 5:28 164 1:02:20 165 2:46 165 43:58 2 75
DNF Bill Unterstein-DNF 39M M3039 144 8:25 130 2:38 0 -- 0 -- 201
DNF Joel Malinoski-DNF 49M M4049 169 10:37 87 2:13 160 58:19 89 1:05 128
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= == =====
New Division: F---- ** Female ** TOP Female FINISHERS **
1 Allie Burdick 35F F---- 1:15:07 1 30
New Division: F0019 ** Female 19 and under **
1 Melody Smith 17F F0019 1:42:53 3 142
2 Kristina Landry 17F F0019 1:48:32 2 114
New Division: F2029 ** Female from 20 to 29 **
1 Andra Mazur 29F F2029 1:18:05 2 130
2 Jennifer Garofalo 22F F2029 1:21:21 2 84
3 Ashley Burns 24F F2029 1:22:00 1 31
New Division: F3039 ** Female from 30 to 39 **
1 Patricia Attianese 39F F3039 1:17:38 1 6
2 Amy Buckley 31F F3039 1:24:23 1 29
3 Kristin Thayer 37F F3039 1:24:50 3 192
New Division: F4049 ** Female from 40 to 49 **
1 Michelle Hainey 44F F4049 1:24:21 2 93
2 Regina McGillivray 43F F4049 1:25:24 2 137
3 Nancy Hilliard 41F F4049 1:27:50 2 100
New Division: F5059 ** Female from 50 to 59 **
1 Jo-anne Rankin 50F F5059 1:24:52 3 159
2 Paula Jones 53F F5059 1:38:26 2 107
3 Debi Thompson 51F F5059 1:40:48 3 194
New Division: M---- ** Male ** TOP Male FINISHERS **
1 Travis Gale 26M M---- 1:05:54 2 80
New Division: M0019 ** Male 19 and under **
1 Patrick Rose 19M M0019 1:11:17 3 164
2 Brian Albert 18M M0019 1:16:24 1 1
3 Alec Weiner 16M M0019 1:17:03 3 204
New Division: M2029 ** Male from 20 to 29 **
1 James Honda 24M M2029 1:07:08 2 102
2 Nicholas Gernt 28M M2029 1:08:52 2 85
3 James Guerin 27M M2029 1:11:57 2 92
New Division: M3039 ** Male from 30 to 39 **
1 Steve Sauve 34M M3039 1:07:51 3 173
2 Gregory McGee 34M M3039 1:07:58 2 136
3 Eric Hale 33M M3039 1:12:40 2 95
New Division: M4049 ** Male from 40 to 49 **
1 Timothy McGrath 41M M4049 1:05:55 3 140
2 Chris Litty 46M M4049 1:08:44 2 122
3 David Anderson 42M M4049 1:09:53 1 3
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Ellington Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
Chronotrack Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476
==== ========================== ==== ===== ======= == =====
New Division: M5059 ** Male from 50 to 59 **
1 Ed Bolduc 50M M5059 1:16:51 1 22
2 David Bruton 50M M5059 1:19:50 1 28
3 Jae Lorenzet 51M M5059 1:21:34 2 123