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US SubBase Sprint Triathlon
Saturday August 11, 2012 || Platt: Timing
US SUB Base - Groton, CT || 80 degrees = Overcast - Dry - Humid
Distances: Swim 1/4 mile (Thames River) || Bike 10.75 mile || Run 2 mile

US SubBase Sprint Triathlon
Saturday August 11, 2012 || Platt: Timing
US SUB Base - Groton, CT || 80 degrees = Overcast - Dry - Humid
Distances: Swim 1/4 mile (Thames River) || Bike 10.75 mile || Run 2 mile
                             US SubBase Sprint Triathlon
                         Saturday August 11, 2012 || Platt: Timing
            US SUB Base - Groton, CT || 80 degrees = Overcast - Dry - Humid
       Distances: Swim 1/4 mile (Thames River) || Bike 10.75 mile || Run 2 mile 
                        CHIP Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476   
                               P:T:S SPRINT TRIATHLON RESULTS 

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                         2012 US SubBase Sprint Triathlon  Results Posted to
                            Chip Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 (8/11/2012)

OVERALL                                        WAVE   DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1  --||-- BIKE --||---T2  --||--- RUN  --|WA  
====  ========================== ==== =====  =======  ========   ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  =====  == =====
  1    Clayton Otter              16M M0019    54:53    1/5       1    4:22   12  1:09    6   34:07   1   :18    4   14:57  1   61   
  2    Joel Curry                 33M M3039    55:49    1/16     34    7:45    3   :57    1   31:01  30   :41    8   15:25  1   19   
  3    Robert Buckles             34M M3039    58:23    2/16     29    7:31   35  1:57    5   34:04  52  1:05    1   13:46  1   8    
  4    Justin Stewart             26M M2029    58:46    1/8      38    7:53   51  2:31    4   33:54   4   :24    2   14:04  1   79   
  5    Roy Johnston               34M M3039    59:01    3/16     28    7:29   28  1:43    3   33:42  45   :56    6   15:11  1   36   
  6    Nathan Hall                37M M3039    59:51    4/16      7    6:33    4   :57    2   32:55  36   :47   36   18:39  1   32   
  7    Edgardo Comulada           40M M4049  1:00:06    1/11     17    6:57    7  1:00    7   34:20  31   :42   24   17:07  1   17   
  8    Benjamin Keffer            32M M3039  1:00:19    5/16     16    6:52    6   :58   11   36:15  13   :29   10   15:45  1   37   
  9    Wesley Koshoffer           16M M0019  1:00:31    2/5      14    6:51    5   :58   13   36:24   6   :26   11   15:52  1   44   
  10   Heath Gasior               38M M3039  1:00:45    6/16      8    6:36   20  1:26   18   37:13   7   :26    5   15:04  1   27   
  11   James Russell              22M M2029  1:00:57    2/8       9    6:38   25  1:30   16   36:46  62  1:25    3   14:38  1   69   
  12   Kathryn Siedsma            27F F2029  1:01:32    1/5      22    7:12    8  1:01   10   35:46  16   :30   23   17:03  2   76   
  13   Scott Linaburg, Jr         24M M2029  1:01:34    3/8      24    7:19    9  1:01   15   36:38   5   :25   12   16:11  1   51   
  14   Aaron Thieme               41M M4049  1:01:39    2/11     51    9:06   27  1:43    8   34:21  55  1:11    7   15:18  1   85   
  15   Stephanie Carper           23F F2029  1:02:09    2/5      44    8:20   18  1:21    9   35:18  21   :33   18   16:37  2   10   
  16   Robert Boyd                42M M4049  1:02:39    3/11     13    6:48   50  2:22   12   36:16  20   :32   19   16:41  1   6    
  17   Nicholas Lauer             16M M0019  1:03:35    3/5      25    7:20   11  1:08   20   37:16  17   :31   26   17:20  1   47   
  18   Johanna Lovendale          35F F3039  1:04:05    1/10     46    8:27   10  1:07   17   37:13  34   :43   17   16:35  2   53   
  19   John Lovendale             33M M3039  1:04:19    7/16      6    6:32   16  1:16   26   38:04  29   :40   29   17:47  1   54   
  20   Robert Hanna               41M M4049  1:04:22    4/11     23    7:13   19  1:24   27   38:12  35   :46   21   16:47  1   33   
  21   John Protz                 48M M4049  1:05:34    5/11     21    7:10   46  2:11   25   37:51  48  1:02   25   17:20  1   64   
  22   Andrew Clark               17M M0019  1:06:34    4/5       2    5:10   14  1:12   43   43:34   3   :23   13   16:15  1   14   
  23   Matthew Roney              30M M3039  1:07:28    8/16     41    8:02   40  2:01   33   40:34  19   :32   15   16:19  1   68   
  24   Darby George               40M M4049  1:07:29    6/11     12    6:47   58  3:10   14   36:31  47  1:01   43   20:00  1   30   
  25   Jennifer Ceccarelli        39F F3039  1:07:39    2/10     35    7:45   17  1:20   22   37:26  58  1:18   41   19:50  2   12   
  26   Heather RELAY Koshoffer    99R R60++  1:08:06    1/1      19    7:01    2   :35   29   39:55  14   :29   45   20:06  2   42   
  27   Richard Strubel            26M M2029  1:08:13    4/8      15    6:51   36  1:58   32   40:32   9   :27   34   18:25  1   82   
  28   Blair Lee                  34M M3039  1:08:53    9/16     36    7:45   55  3:01   19   37:14  66  2:37   32   18:16  1   49   
  29   Brian Kerr                 49M M4049  1:09:38    7/11     42    8:14   53  2:35   31   40:19  25   :35   31   17:55  1   38   
  30   Jeanne Gilbert             49F F4049  1:09:44    1/4      20    7:02   37  2:00   34   40:36  49  1:02   38   19:04  2   31   
  31   Shawn Schlieper            34F F3039  1:10:12    3/10     43    8:18   41  2:02   24   37:37  57  1:17   51   20:58  2   74   
  32   Daniel Clark               15M M0019  1:10:28    5/5       4    5:56   44  2:07   50   45:41   2   :22   16   16:22  1   13   
  33   Olivia Otter               15F F0019  1:10:32    1/3       3    5:41   31  1:52   49   45:34  23   :34   22   16:51  2   62   
  34   Amanda Tavis               26F F2029  1:10:56    3/5      40    8:02   38  2:00   40   42:34  27   :37   28   17:43  2   83   
  35   Christopher Johnson        33M M3039  1:11:44   10/16     31    7:40   54  2:53   28   38:32  61  1:21   54   21:18  1   35   
  36   Nick Durocher              32M M3039  1:11:56   11/16     18    7:01   57  3:08   45   44:22  28   :39   20   16:46  1   24   
  37   Chris Cosentino            33M M3039  1:12:20   12/16     33    7:42   48  2:16   35   40:51  56  1:15   48   20:16  1   18   
  38   MaryAnn Ruud               38F F3039  1:12:29    4/10     49    8:56   15  1:12   37   41:23  40   :51   46   20:07  2   70   
  39   Tammy Duffy                43F F4049  1:12:49    2/4      52    9:24   32  1:54   23   37:32  32   :42   58   23:17  2   23   
  40   Clinton Scheibner          31M M3039  1:13:12   13/16     32    7:41   29  1:51   41   43:08  26   :37   42   19:55  1   73   
  41   Heidi Cass                 36F F3039  1:13:15    5/10     27    7:23   13  1:12   42   43:18  24   :34   50   20:48  2   11   
  42   Tim Kollmer                44M M4049  1:13:30    8/11     30    7:36   43  2:05   44   43:55  18   :31   39   19:23  1   41   
  43   Eugene Wright              29M M2029  1:14:06    5/8      45    8:21   33  1:54   48   45:17  37   :47   30   17:47  1   90   
  44   Joshep Raska               31M M3039  1:15:17   14/16     55    9:53   47  2:13   36   41:08  41   :55   52   21:08  1   65   
  45   George Cantu               46M M4049  1:15:31    9/11     62   15:18   45  2:11   38   41:51  33   :42    9   15:29  1   9    
  46   Clare Doyle                17F F0019  1:15:57    2/3      54    9:34   63  3:34   47   45:12  60  1:19   14   16:18  2   22   
  47   Greg Alaimo                42M M4049  1:16:30   10/11     47    8:50   65  5:38   30   40:19  50  1:04   49   20:39  1   1    
  48   Miguel Roman               30M M3039  1:16:39   15/16     56    9:55   56  3:07   39   42:21  51  1:04   47   20:12  1   67   
  49   Norm Diggs                 50M M5059  1:17:04    1/2      57   10:09   42  2:03   46   44:41  65  1:54   33   18:17  1   21   
  50   Destiney Vince             35F F3039  1:17:54    6/10     58   10:49   22  1:29   52   46:35  15   :29   35   18:32  2   88   
   ================  WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE  1   ================  

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                         2012 US SubBase Sprint Triathlon  Results Posted to
                            Chip Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 (8/11/2012)

OVERALL                                        WAVE   DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1  --||-- BIKE --||---T2  --||--- RUN  --|WA  
====  ========================== ==== =====  =======  ========   ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  =====  == =====
  51   Kaitlin DuRoss             25F F2029  1:18:51    4/5      39    7:53   34  1:55   58   49:22  39   :50   37   18:51  2   25   
  52   Christina Shelton          32F F3039  1:21:01    7/10     10    6:40   21  1:28   51   46:17  44   :56   61   25:40  2   75   
  53   Arturo Sionglo             31M M3039  1:22:18   16/16     11    6:42   26  1:39   53   47:35  22   :34   62   25:48  1   77   
  54   Travis McGee               28M M2029  1:23:59    6/8      50    8:59   49  2:22   60   52:14  38   :50   40   19:34  1   55   
  55   William Yates              20M M2029  1:28:59    7/8      48    8:54   52  2:34   65   59:27   8   :26   27   17:38  1   91   
  56   Judith Nioso               46F F4049  1:30:20    3/4      66   15:41   60  3:18   54   47:46  54  1:10   56   22:25  2   58   
  57   Jeremy Lake                24M M2029  1:30:21    8/8      63   15:33   39  2:01   61   52:17  10   :27   44   20:03  1   45   
  58   Christina Nocito           33F F3039  1:30:25    8/10     60   12:58   66  5:57   57   49:22  42   :55   53   21:13  2   59   
  59   Clare Strickland           46F F4049  1:30:27    4/4      64   15:34   61  3:27   55   47:51  63  1:25   55   22:10  2   81   
  60   Tammy Stred                31F F3039  1:32:48    9/10     59   11:42   30  1:52   63   55:20  46   :58   57   22:56  2   80   
  61   Tonya Laymon               35F F3039  1:33:53   10/10     37    7:52   24  1:30   64   59:23  59  1:18   60   23:50  2   48   
  62   Jocelyn Rogers             17F F0019  1:34:10    3/3      53    9:33   62  3:31   59   51:59  53  1:08   63   27:59  2   66   
  63   Gerry Taylor               55M M5059  1:43:42    2/2      61   13:21   64  4:02   62   53:25  43   :56   64   31:58  1   84   
  64   Serena Cochran             20F F2029  1:45:45    5/5      26    7:22   23  1:29   66 1:13:08  12   :28   59   23:18  2   15   
       Elizabeth LaRose ***DNF    60F F60++  DNF                 65   15:38   59  3:15   56   48:21  64  1:46               2   46   
       Marc Denno *1BL*           48M M4049  1 BIKE LOOP          5    6:02    1   :26        23:43  11   :28        12:27  1   20   

                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
      2012 US SubBase Sprint Triathlon  Division Results Posted to
             Chip Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 (8/11/2012)

DIVISION                                       WAVE  WA  
PLC    Name                       A/S  DIV     TIME  VE BIB 
====  ========================== ==== =====  ======= == =====

  1    Kathryn Siedsma            27F F----  1:01:32  2 76   
  2    Stephanie Carper           23F F----  1:02:09  2 10   
  3    Johanna Lovendale          35F F----  1:04:05  2 53   

                **  MALE RESULTS:  ** TOP MALE RESULTS:  FINISHERS ** 
  1    Clayton Otter              16M M----    54:53  1 61   
  2    Joel Curry                 33M M----    55:49  1 19   
  3    Robert Buckles             34M M----    58:23  1 8    

                **  FEMALE RESULTS: 19 and under ** 
  1    Olivia Otter               15F F0019  1:10:32  2 62   
  2    Clare Doyle                17F F0019  1:15:57  2 22   
  3    Jocelyn Rogers             17F F0019  1:34:10  2 66   

                **  FEMALE RESULTS:  20 - 29 ** 
  1    Amanda Tavis               26F F2029  1:10:56  2 83   
  2    Kaitlin DuRoss             25F F2029  1:18:51  2 25   
  3    Serena Cochran             20F F2029  1:45:45  2 15   

                **  FEMALE RESULTS:  30 - 39 ** 
  1    Jennifer Ceccarelli        39F F3039  1:07:39  2 12   
  2    Shawn Schlieper            34F F3039  1:10:12  2 74   
  3    MaryAnn Ruud               38F F3039  1:12:29  2 70   

                **  FEMALE RESULTS:  40 - 49 ** 
  1    Jeanne Gilbert             49F F4049  1:09:44  2 31   
  2    Tammy Duffy                43F F4049  1:12:49  2 23   
  3    Judith Nioso               46F F4049  1:30:20  2 58   

                **  MALE RESULTS:  19 and under ** 
  1    Wesley Koshoffer           16M M0019  1:00:31  1 44   
  2    Nicholas Lauer             16M M0019  1:03:35  1 47   
  3    Andrew Clark               17M M0019  1:06:34  1 14   

                **  MALE RESULTS:   20 - 29 ** 
  1    Justin Stewart             26M M2029    58:46  1 79   
  2    James Russell              22M M2029  1:00:57  1 69   
  3    Scott Linaburg, Jr         24M M2029  1:01:34  1 51   

                **  MALE RESULTS:   30 - 39 ** 
  1    Roy Johnston               34M M3039    59:01  1 36   
  2    Nathan Hall                37M M3039    59:51  1 32   
  3    Benjamin Keffer            32M M3039  1:00:19  1 37   

                **  MALE RESULTS:   40 - 49 ** 
  1    Edgardo Comulada           40M M4049  1:00:06  1 17   
  2    Aaron Thieme               41M M4049  1:01:39  1 85   
  3    Robert Boyd                42M M4049  1:02:39  1 6    

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                         2012 US SubBase Sprint Triathlon  Results Posted to
                            Chip Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 (8/11/2012)

DIVISION                                       WAVE  WA  
PLC    Name                       A/S  DIV     TIME  VE BIB 
====  ========================== ==== =====  ======= == =====

                **  MALE RESULTS:   50 - 59 ** 
  1    Norm Diggs                 50M M5059  1:17:04  1 21   
  2    Gerry Taylor               55M M5059  1:43:42  1 84   

  1    Heather RELAY Koshoffer    99R R----  1:08:06  2 42   

                                   PLATTSYS.COM RESULTS