March 28, 2025        Platt Systems Results Board


Platt Systems Official Reporting System
2013 Berkshire Pittsfield Y Triathlon Results Posted to
Lake Onota - Pittsfield, MA (Clear skies 79 degrees)

Platt Systems Official Reporting System
2013 Berkshire Pittsfield Y Triathlon Results Posted to
Lake Onota - Pittsfield, MA (Clear skies 79 degrees)

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                      2013 Berkshire Pittsfield Y Triathlon Results Posted to
                                Lake Onota -  Pittsfield, MA (Clear skies 79 degrees)

                                            RELAY RESULTS

RELAY                                                         WAVE   |--- SWIM--| |---T1  --||-- BIKE --||---T2  --||--- RUN  --|  
PLC    RELAY Name                                             TIME    RANK  SPLIT RANK SPLIT RANK  SPLIT RANK SPLIT RANK  SPLIT   BIB 
====  =========================== === =====================  =======   ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  ===== =====
  1    Connors, Katie | Ogle, Stefan  | Ogle, Nancy          1:25:30    14   17:22    2   :42    8   43:00   8   :36   11   23:50  4    
       Killin Me Smalls
  2    Hickey, Marilyn | tibbetts, karen | Bravo, Al         1:29:25    38   20:21    4   :45    4   42:20   6   :33   17   25:26  7
       Dr Al and The Two Sister
  3    Krok, Joe | Wilbur, Nick | Smith, Craig               1:29:26     2   12:58    3   :44   35   51:42   1   :30    8   23:32  8    
       Dalton's Studs
  4    Haley, James | Zarvis, Nick    | Shaw, Ann Marie      1:46:05    47   21:54   20  1:08   47   55:02  11   :39   27   27:22  5    
       Baba's Brazen Bunch 
  5    kasselman, Lora |Ruhling, Blair | Kasselman,Victoria  1:46:37    54   23:18    8   :53   39   52:26  13   :40   38   29:20  6    
       Beat Tracy
  6    Moore, John  |  Campbell, Minerva | Moore, John       1:47:53    46   21:43    6   :51   60 1:01:16  14   :40    7   23:23  9    
       General Dynamics
  7    Flicker, Deirdre | Mattis, Jon | Thompson, Kevin      1:55:36    62   27:07   13   :57   58   59:43  15   :40   24   27:09  2    
       Fiftyish Ferderation
  8    Witruk, Christin | Sherman, Damian | Seddon, Erika    1:58:44    63   27:15    1   :37   25   48:47   3   :32   61   41:33  3    
       Carallero Plastics       


                **  RELAY RESULTS:  RELAY  CORPORATE ** 
  1    Haley, James|Zarvis, Nick|Shaw, Ann Marie ( Baba's Brazen Bunch)   1:46:05   5 
  2    Moore, John --- Moore, John ++  ( General Dynamics)                1:47:53   9    
  3    Witruk, Christin -  -- Seddon, Erika (Carallero Plastics ) --      1:58:44   3    
               **  RELAY RESULTS:  RELAY ALL MALE UNDER 40 ** 
  1    Krok, Joe | Wilbur, Nick | Smith, Craig ( Dalton's Studs)          1:29:26   8 
       Dalton's Studs 

                **  RELAY RESULTS:  RELAY MIXED UNDER 40 ** 
  1    Connors, Katie | Ogle, Stefan  | Ogle, Nancy (Killin Me Smalls)    1:25:30   4  
  2    kasselman, Lora |Ruhling, Blair |Kasselman,Victoria ( Beat Tracy)  1:46:37   6  

                **   ** RELAY MIXED TEAM  OVER 40** 
  1    Hickey, Marilyn   -- Bravo, Al (Dr Al and The Two Sister)          1:29:25   7 
  2    Flicker,Deirdre| Mattis,Jon|Thompson,Kevin (Fiftyish Ferderation)  1:55:36   2    

                               VISIT MUSCLE MAKERS IN FAIRFIELD