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2015 Mari Hall Miles of Smiles 5K/10K Road races
Sat Sept 26, 2015 - Norton School - Cheshire, CT
Plattsys Timing @ - 65 degrees - Clear
Timing & Results by Plattsys Timing @
                          2015 Mari Hall Miles of Smiles 5K/10K Road races
                          Sat Sept 26, 2015 - Norton School - Cheshire, CT
                        Plattsys Timing @ - 65 degrees - Clear
                          Timing & Results by Plattsys Timing @

                        Overall Male : Steven Block    Overall Female: Nicole Demers
                                       DIVISION 5k RESULTS


PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ======

                        FEMALE RESULTS:   12 and under ** 

  1  Lucy Bergin                   10F F0012  Glastonbury CT          23:30    305
  2  Riley McPhee                  11F F0012  Cheshire CT             31:05    346
  3  Molly Lanz                     9F F0012  Cheshire CT             31:11    271
  4  Katie Hall                     9F F0012                          31:13    327

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    13 to 19  

  1  Doris Hall                    14F F1319  Cheshire CT             54:10    329

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    20 to 29  

  1  Shannon Harvey                28F F2029  Plainville CT           25:08    332
  2  Lindsay Mensher               24F F2029  Tolland CT              25:31    282
  3  Laura Zailac                  28F F2029  New York NY             26:54    378
  4  Megan Beavis                  25F F2029  Northford CT            28:36    304

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    30 to 39  

  1  Nicole Demers                 38F F3039  Cheshire CT             22:03    318
  2  Courtney Northrop             39F F3039  Middlebury CT           24:04    353
  3  Emily Lau                     31F F3039  Boston MA               25:14    340
  4  Marc Lennon                   30F F3039  Southington CT          28:38    342

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    40 to 49  

  1  Deborah Schwager              48F F4049  Simsbury CT             27:39    358
  2  Annmarie Bishop               48F F4049  Cheshire CT             27:54    306
  3  Jennifer Wilson               41F F4049  Wallingford CT          28:58    377
  4  Sam Ugrin                     44F F4049  Cheshire CT             29:56    366

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    50 to 59  

  1  Suzanne Remington             53F F5059  Cheshire CT             25:17    262
  2  Colleen Mrowka                51F F5059  Cheshire CT             31:22    279
  3  Ann Diana                     54F F5059  Hamden CT               33:46    319
  4  Karie Welling                 53F F5059  Old Saybrook CT         34:48    374

                        FEMALE RESULTS:    60 to 69  

  1  Laurie Vicario                60F F6069  Hamden CT               30:47    370
  2  Cynthia Vibert                67F F6069  Cheshire CT             41:29    369

                          2015 Mari Hall Miles of Smiles 5K/10K Road races
                          Sat Sept 26, 2015 - Norton School - Cheshire, CT
                        Plattsys Timing @ - 65 degrees - Clear
                          Timing & Results by Plattsys Timing @

                        Overall Male : Steven Block    Overall Female: Nicole Demers

PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ======

                          MALE RESULTS:   12 and under ** 

  1  Ryan Mellitt                  12M M0012  Cheshire CT             21:58    349
  2  Riley Lanz                    11M M0012  Cheshire CT             24:22    270
  3  Connor Dainiak                10M M0012  West Hartford CT        26:06    267
  4  Jack Heseltine                10M M0012  Cheshire CT             28:13    275

                          MALE RESULTS:    13 to 19  

  1  Brendan Mellitt               13M M1319  Cheshire CT             20:08    348
  2  Scott Heseltine               13M M1319  Cheshire CT             28:27    276
  3  Matthew Kaplita               14M M1319  Cheshire CT             33:05    336
  4  Uthman Jung                   14M M1319  Cheshire CT             33:05    334

                          MALE RESULTS:    20 to 29  

  1  Daniel Clements               29M M2029  Manchester CT           21:27    287
  2  Juan Carlos Tapia             25M M2029  Bronx NY                29:22    280
  3  Hunter Blake                  27M M2029  Hamden CT               35:40    307

                          MALE RESULTS:    30 to 39  

  1  Steven Block                  31M M3039  Cheshire CT             19:55    310
  2  Richard Uluslei               31M M3039  Cheshire CT             23:57    261
  3  John Markarian                38M M3039  Cheshire CT             24:53    263
  4  Mike Berthiaome               36M M3039  West Spingfield CT      30:39    257

                          MALE RESULTS:    40 to 49  

  1  Jason Vianese                 45M M4049  Cheshire CT             21:32    252
  2  Frank Balisciano              46M M4049  Wallingford CT          24:03    303
  3  Mike O'Donnell                49M M4049  Cheshire CT             26:59    355
  4  Mark Lanz                     45M M4049  Cheshire CT             27:22    269

                          MALE RESULTS:    50 to 59  

  1  Stephen Mirabella             59M M5059  North Haven CT          27:23    352
  2  Tony Carvalho                 59M M5059  Cheshire CT             28:41    313
  3  Michael Schrier               51M M5059  Hamden CT               30:31    258
  4  Ben Schwartz                  54M M5059  New Haven CT            31:52    359

                          MALE RESULTS:    60 to 69  

  1  Edward McCarver               65M M6069  Wallingford CT          27:15    253
  2  Richard Sr. Uluski            60M M6069  Cheshire CT             27:43    259
  3  Robert Kallinich              60M M6069  Meriden CT              28:17    335
  4  Kevin Hurley                  62M M6069  Wallingford CT          32:47    251

PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ======

                          MALE RESULTS:    70 to 79  

  1  Bob Ward                      70M M7079  Vernon CT               24:00    372
  2  Guy Pulino                    70M M7079  Moodus CT               27:01    256

                                      PLATTSYS RESULTS
