
| 2016 Josh Billings Run Aground
Sunday Sept 18, 2016 || Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass
Chip Timing and Results by Plattsys Timing (plattsys.com)
27 mile bike, 5 mile canoe, kayak or paddleboard, 6 mile run
| | | 2016 Josh Billings Run Aground
Sunday Sept 18, 2016 || Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass
Chip Timing and Results by Plattsys Timing (plattsys.com)
27 mile bike, 5 mile canoe, kayak or paddleboard, 6 mile run
| | | | 2016 Josh Billings Run Aground
Sunday Sept 18, 2016 || Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass
Chip Timing and Results by Plattsys Timing (plattsys.com)
27 mile bike, 5 mile canoe, kayak or paddleboard, 6 mile run
RESULTS 2016 (70 degrees - Rain)
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** New Division: 01 ** All Berkshire - 4 Person Team
1 Josh Itch 01 2:32:56 5
B: Brian Rabuse C: Sue Purdy / Kurt Kuehnel R: Stephen Foley
2 Rehab starts Monday 01 2:56:10 65
B: Kevin Mooney C: william farry / Kayla Farry R: Tom Phair
3 Nate and The Greats 01 3:21:51 38
B: Peggy Fallon C: Bob Englehardt / Nate Holesovsky R: Matt Goldman
4 Ethyl Mer-men 01 3:25:24 14
B: Myles Greenough C: Kurt Kusiak / Tom Greenough R: John Murphy
5 FastLane 01 3:30:59 119
B: Brian Lane C: Matt Lane / Ed Lane R: Morgan Lyon
6 Airport Hill 01 3:33:15 57
B: Alex Green C: Davin Beischel / Kent Au R: Cameron Beischel
** New Division: 02 ** Males 39 & Under (4 Person Tea
1 3 PLUS 1 02 2:26:06 6
B: Todd Roberts C: Jeff Defeo / Steve Miller R: Sean Duncan
2 Minkler Insurance I 02 2:29:35 3
B: Chuck Leach C: Tim Minkler / Gary Quadrozzi R: Kevin Quadrozzi
3 The Boss's Maine-ly Mass-ive Men 02 2:31:16 8
B: AJ Piper C: Kevin Boss / David Vandorpe R: Shawn Rumery
4 Hazy Shade of Winter 02 2:33:37 113
B: Ryan Conley C: Mark Winter / Jon Santor R: Matt Gokey
5 Minkler Insurance II 02 2:34:43 4
B: John Baczek C: Andrew Minkler / Tim Allen R: Brandon Williams
6 Dr Al & The pacemakers 02 2:57:24 147
B: Al Bravo C: Wes Denering / Lawrence Bravo R: Kevin Carpenter
** New Division: 03 ** Males 40 & Over (4 Person Team
1 Weezys Easies 03 2:41:01 2
B: Mike Ward C: Denis Guyer / Charlie Zuber R: Art Reilly
2 Irresistible Balding Men 03 2:44:46 87
B: Steve Malin C: Thom Whaley / Tom Ingersoll R: Matthew Cartier
3 Mean Machine 03 2:45:20 62
B: James Sawtelle C: Matthew Sawtelle / Jason Sawtelle R: Sean Stokes
4 Terbo Tri Sports Reunion 03 2:49:53 84
B: Nick Harrison C: William Terbush / Ron McMahon R: Jon Novak
5 Frankenstein's Monster 03 2:53:46 30
B: David Wallace C: Pete Cole / Josh Hasty R: Brett Greenleaf
6 The Warriors 03 3:04:42 75
B: William Dunlop C: Gabriel Kaufman / R: Patrick Russell
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 04 ** All Female (4 Person Team)
1 One Non Blond 04 2:49:21 92
B: Kira Payer C: Karen Febey / Patti Jette R: Katie Boudreau
2 Meant to be 04 3:06:30 68
B: Marcia Parnell C: Susan Casey / Sally Vincent R: Kaylene Lemme
3 Team Smutty 04 3:14:07 83
B: Nancy Sowalsky C: Doreen Donovan / Carol Nixon R: Laura Najimy
4 Just Some More Miracles 04 3:19:54 12
B: Sue Stack C: Marjorie Cohan / Marie Raftery R: Jackie Nardin
5 Rowe Nexgen 04 3:34:26 121
B: Jen Rowe C: Emily Rowe / Victoria Rowe R: Allie Rowe
6 Third times a charm 04 4:04:56 40
B: Cameron Hastie C: Tammie Jervas / Kim Lopez R: Loretta Tenuta
** New Division: 05 ** Masters 50 & Over (4 Person Te
1 Maine-iacs 05 2:33:43 36
B: Jeff Fisher C: John Mathieu / John Casale R: Ricardo Chalmers
2 SEKS 05 2:41:24 102
B: Stephen Meisl C: Ed Paquette / SCott Dias R: Matthew Kinnaman
3 Clarks Gamble 05 2:52:54 20
B: Craig Robertson C: Clark T. Gamble / Chris Gamble R: Jim Parette
4 arnie's army 05 3:00:22 85
B: david martin C: kevin loehr / michele loehr R: Bob Archey
5 Wharf Rats 05 3:17:03 126
B: Steve Winckler C: Diz (Jay) Dizacomo / Jim Donoghue R: Don Ciampa
6 Rowe Reunion Team Old Guys 05 3:20:25 130
B: Matt Rowe C: Rich Rowe / Phil Rowe R: Vance Rowe
** New Division: 06 ** Grand Masters (60 & Over) [4 P
1 Hawaii 60 06 2:54:31 19
B: Peter Greer C: Tom Warner / Peter Heed R: Bob Dion
2 Still Going 06 3:06:25 100
B: Peter Wick C: Jack lareau / Jay Gallery R: Jim Frutkin
3 Retro Rockets 06 3:28:23 66
B: John Farrell C: Jeffrey Neumann / William Farrell R: Stephen Bobala
4 Just Joshin 17 06 3:30:06 17
B: Dennis Pollock C: Doug Munson / Teddy Munson R: Nelson Furlan
5 Elderly Geeks 06 3:31:01 28
B: Lee St. John C: Ed Roman / Lou Desi R: Doc Miller
6 Four For Fun 06 3:36:40 70
B: Don Briggs C: Stephen Dudziak / Stanley Dudziak R: Larry Lane
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 07 ** Mixed 39 & Under (3-4 Person T
1 Potluck 07 2:33:08 101
B: Matt Giardina C: Pam Fitzgerald / Brian Fitzgerald R: Nick Curelop
2 Maxine 07 2:36:57 160
B: William Caligari C: Susan Korte / Kathy Korte R: David Dodge
3 cooley 07 2:41:46 82
B: daniel castro C: glen robert cooley / Mike Codey R: Michael Cooley
4 Manual Override 07 2:41:48 165
B: Jonathan Monk C: Kenneth Ostrowski / Jon Kazierczyk R: Nicole Gambrini
5 Fast N Furious 07 2:45:38 9
B: Luke Barbour C: Kristen Warner / Dennis Carey R: Kevin Sullivan
6 Snakes In The Wood Pile 07 2:47:39 144
B: Shams Helminski C: Dominic Cimini / Matthew Cimini R: Michelle Kroboth
** New Division: 08 ** Mixed 40 & Over (3-4 Person Te
1 Bikes + Life 08 2:47:18 153
B: John Piscitelli C: Jerry Madore / Eric Jones R: Laura Stephen
2 Robert-s Roofing 08 2:51:08 139
B: Jason Schmidt C: James Roberts / Dianna Dugas R: Robert Chasen
3 50 is the new 40 08 2:57:30 93
B: Kevin Motts C: Joyce Amuso / Laura Naughton R: Nate Backer
4 Foireann Kevin Ar 08 3:07:58 89
B: Chris Steger C: Chris Holmes / Tom Toomey R: Carmel Steger
5 First Place Mugs 08 3:17:08 47
B: Bruce Duquette C: Kerry Klein / Brenda Logoidice R: Amanda Rossolimo
6 Badfish 08 3:29:50 104
B: Brian Harper C: Richard Hldt / George Pfeiffer R: Alaina Harper
** New Division: 09 ** 2 Person Male
1 Wood Chuckers 09 2:48:37 151
B: Jamie Lynch C: Doug Howard R: ---
2 Pencil Choose Its 09 2:58:10 157
B: Chris Uthgenannt C: Jeff Rominger R: ---
3 The Burkeshire with a Trout 09 3:05:09 161
B: Bruce Armentrout C: Bruce Armentrout / Joseph Burke R: Joseph Burke
4 Brothers Grimm 09 3:07:49 24
B: Ken Geremia C: --- R: Jeremy Greflam
5 Berkshire Backcountry 09 3:13:29 133
B: Richard Adamczyk C: Richard Adamczyk R: Chris Bernier
6 Here For The Beer 09 3:17:23 33
B: Jason Pettit C: Brian Seaback R: Brian Seaback
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 10 ** 2 Person Female
1 We had fun 10 3:18:09 125
B: Sandy Superchi C: --- R: Kristine Dorsey
2 Wheres Tenley 10 3:47:17 21
B: Katherine Myers C: Katherine Myers / Stephanie Boyd R: Stephanie Boyd
3 Busted Stuff 10 4:23:36 25
B: Julie Marcoulier C: --- R: Linda Pitney
** New Division: 11 ** 2 Person Mixed
1 The Love Machine 11 3:30:24 15
B: Deter Love C: Deter Love / Susan Love R: Susan Love
2 Perfect Honeymoon 11 3:45:09 131
B: Heather Boyko C: --- R: ---
3 L.L. Team 11 3:46:42 164
B: Lucas Mancari C: Lindsey Hunt R: Lindsey Hunt
4 Hot Mess from Texas 11 4:16:41 181
B: Charlie Agar C: Kaye House R: Kaye House
** New Division: 12 ** Recreational (4 Person Team -
1 No Screw Ups This Time 12 2:57:28 134
B: Anthony Bradfield C: John Keenan / Tony DeMartino R: James Davis
2 Spare the Paddle, Spoil the Child 12 3:03:26 118
B: Stephen Alsdorf C: Andreas Schmid / Jim Harwood R: Mark Elliot
3 The Rythm of Champions 12 3:09:44 149
B: Paul Azubalis C: Gus Madore / Chaley Brackett R: Alfonso Champion
4 Lenox Fit 12 3:11:11 175
B: Brett Laemon C: Jeff Minkler / Chris Calvert R: Ben Winther
5 Breakdown Lane 12 3:14:39 156
B: Dylan Jordan C: Abigail Lemanski / Andrew Lane R: Alexandra Young
6 Strength for Serridge 12 3:16:33 137
B: Cameron Geller C: Kevin O-Brien / Jacob Rand R: Jacob Ryan
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 13 ** Ironman
1 Iron Stern 13 2:45:53 238
B: Matthew Palmer C: --- R: ---
2 Krazy Kyle Konoes Kinda Krooked 13 2:56:09 248
B: Kyle Breier C: --- R: ---
3 David Lee 13 3:21:14 240
B: David Lee C: --- R: ---
4 Huggy J 13 3:32:58 243
B: Michael Huggins C: Michael Huggins R: Michael Huggins
** New Division: 14 ** Ironperson (40 & Over)
1 Tom Fraser 14 3:15:20 246
B: Tom Fraser C: --- R: ---
** New Division: 15 ** Ironperson (50 & Over)
1 JackHighlander 15 2:52:25 483
B: Jack Morse C: --- R: ---
2 no flat tires this year 15 3:06:00 213
B: David Wilson C: David Wilson R: David Wilson
3 Braffett 15 4:18:03 221
B: Miles Braffett C: --- R: ---
4 In Memory of Tony Colucci & Guy Boo 15 4:18:53 412
B: john colucci C: --- R: ---
5 Bartini 15 4:45:10 218
B: Leonard Bartini C: --- R: ---
6 The Old Guy 15 5:07:36 225
B: Steven Ozer C: --- R: ---
** New Division: 16 ** Ironwoman
1 Kearnage 16 3:27:28 233
B: Emma Kearney C: --- R: ---
2 Iron Woman, Hear Me Roar 16 4:45:08 220
B: Jenny Gitlitz C: --- R: ---
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 17 ** Veterans (70 & Over 4 Person T
1 Jayne's Guys 17 3:28:40 60
B: Kurt HOLTER C: dave klausmeyer / Jock Burbank R: Jayne Zinke
2 NALAW 17 3:29:34 95
B: Fred Thompson C: Terry Coyne R: Greg Tooker
3 Old Guys Rule 17 3:43:09 51
B: Neil Barrocas C: Alex Davis / Roger Henry R: Michael Rosenbaum
4 Old Men Walking 17 3:46:27 71
B: Laurence D. Cohen C: Jim Dami R: Eric White
5 Hilltown Two 17 3:57:14 108
B: Martin Goldstein C: Gerald james Fawcett R: George Gilder
** New Division: 18 ** 20 and under
1 SABBYACK 18 3:48:06 109
B: Sam Schroeder C: Abigail Wade R: Jackson SMith
2 Three Lost Cousins 18 4:02:00 155
B: Xavier Powell C: Liam Feeley R: Zabion Powell
3 Marshaway 18 4:09:31 69
B: Jaclyn Hathaway C: Miles Marshall R: Miles Marshall
** New Division: 19 ** Family (4 Person Team)
1 Here Combes The Jassens 19 2:49:34 78
B: Alex Combes C: Matt Jassen / Kerry Jassen R: Erik Jassen
2 Sawyers and Porters 19 2:52:04 174
B: Philip Porter C: Charles Sawyer / Jonathan Sawyer R: Lizbie sawyer
3 Robbins Shred Fest 19 2:53:20 128
B: Jay Robbins C: Chris Robbins / Shawn Robbins R: Todd Robbins
4 Stefan and his elders 19 2:57:40 112
B: Stefan Ogle C: Wade Fiegel / Christine Reis Fiegel R: Nancy Ogle
5 Quattro Orsi 19 2:58:41 64
B: Steve Facchetti C: Tony Facchetti / Cosmo LaViola R: Greta Facchetti
6 HunTessa 19 3:00:52 34
B: Scott LeBeau C: Noah Snyder R: Erika Snyder
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 20 ** Corporate
1 Team Pfizer 20 2:42:54 48
B: Zane Wenzel C: Dennis Girard / Robert Smith R: Donald Tyszkiewicz
2 377 Builders 20 2:43:14 91
B: Brian Ketchen C: Jason Cross R: Evan Hardcastle
3 Rotary Club of Pittsfield 20 3:04:06 52
B: Don Kuczarski C: John O-Brien / John Murphy R: David Hall
4 Berkshire Engineering 20 3:04:48 186
B: Mike Kulig C: Jason Kulig R: Simone Natale
5 Orchard Hill Breadworks 20 3:13:17 43
B: Noah Elbers C: Clare Sabatini R: ---
6 B77 20 3:27:34 90
B: Misha Greene C: Andy Brazie R: Jesse Carter
** New Division: 21 ** 3 Female & 1 Male
1 3 C's and a B 21 3:10:55 10
B: Chris Galib C: Bob Rapant / Carinna Peritore R: Chris Arace
2 Canyon Ranch & Outdoor Sports 21 3:23:12 136
B: Dan Brinton C: Jeanne Snackenburg / Ginny Akabane R: Monica Saunders
3 2 Fast 2 Furious 21 3:54:01 166
B: Amy Murray C: James Siket / Sarah Siket R: Kim Ketchen
4 3 Ladies and a Baby 21 4:18:00 145
B: Ben Strauss C: Kate Hocker / Amy Harbison R: Jessica Fried
** New Division: 22 ** Ironman (60 & Over)
1 Tim's Dream 22 3:37:26 245
B: John Snell C: John Snell R: John Snell
2 Artie Morenz 22 3:49:00 235
B: Artie Morenz C: Artie Morenz R: Artie Morenz
3 ED LAUSIER 22 3:59:22 403
B: ED LAUSIER C: --- R: ---
4 Still Cooking 22 4:02:55 54
B: Pete Westover C: Pete Westover R: Pete Westover
5 Phlegmington 22 4:13:47 210
B: Jon M Mattis C: Jon M Mattis R: Jon M Mattis
6 Barry XNZ 22 4:29:16 212
B: Barry Glading C: Barry Glading R: Barry Glading
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 23 ** Ironwoman (60 & Over)
1 Carol Morenz 23 3:59:49 236
B: Carol Morenz C: Carol Morenz R: Carol Morenz
2 Bud's Girl 23 4:29:04 438
B: Pam Cooper-Vince C: Pam Cooper-Vince R: Pam Cooper-Vince
** New Division: 24 ** All Berkshire - (3-4 Person Te
1 PB and J and i PAs 24 2:41:49 309
B: Jason Candee C: Paul Monachina R: Brian Gibbon
2 Flying Pigs 2 24 2:46:08 389
B: Joe Coleman C: Zbigniew Aszyjczyk R: Michael Spitzer
3 The Greylock Wildlanders 24 2:47:01 317
B: Brian Spagneletti C: Jason Harrington R: Ryan Smith
4 Delivering Justice 24 2:56:36 349
B: Tom Kolodziejczck C: Bonnie Fachini R: Tim Morey
5 Team Long Pig 24 3:03:49 178
B: Edward Carman C: kevin Marsh R: Jonathan Igoe
6 Something Cleverer 24 3:04:26 312
B: Matthew Riechers C: Steven Terrill R: Pat Roney
** New Division: 25 ** Double Kayak Over 16 foot in L
1 Allen Heights Veterinary 25 2:17:21 1
B: Josh Lipka C: Tom Keefe / Ben Pigot R: Steve Monsulick
2 Spin Splash Sprint 25 2:32:52 276
B: Santiago Helman C: Stephen Kurczy / Steve Fagin R: Philip Warner
3 Keystones 25 2:42:50 296
B: Elias Bennett C: Jason Webster / George Berne R: Dereck Powell
4 Mike & The Brody Bunch 25 3:38:50 63
B: Michael Cheung C: Matt Rock / Laura Borrelli R: Rachel Rock
5 Four Methodists Skipping Church 25 3:52:17 304
B: Alan Honig C: Steve Smith / Jim Bronson R: James Hunt
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 26 ** Males 39 & Under (3-4 Person T
1 MapShoLee 26 2:45:21 394
B: David Trager C: Jim Barrese R: Dan Cabiles
2 Better Late then never 26 2:50:20 187
B: William devries C: Tim Hudyncia R: Tim Sundberg
3 Poppy's Attic 26 3:04:11 310
B: Tim Pitkin C: Brian Wilcox R: Joel Pekosz
4 Dick, Bob and Jim 26 3:07:13 324
B: Ben Palmer C: John Palmer R: Warren Palmer
5 Jimbo & Jocks 26 3:20:38 356
B: Jim McMahon C: Tim Litz R: Aaron Udel
6 Doug is Fat 26 3:23:47 188
B: Seth Prabatch C: Doug Brecher R: Jason Zagami
** New Division: 27 ** Males 40 & Over (3-4 Person Te
1 Brother in Laws 27 2:37:20 326
B: David Devine C: Brad Williams R: William Kittler
2 CoToBri 27 3:03:56 264
B: conor nagle C: Tony Dunne R: Brian Sowers
3 The good, the bad, & the ugly 27 3:12:48 392
B: James Cooney C: Bill Tatro R: Jake Eberwein
4 Powered by beer (was 388) 27 3:13:37 184
B: Mark Gamache C: Tom Lanigan R: Kevin Crosier
5 Bumble Bees 27 3:14:28 302
B: Stephen Passetto C: Sorin Fiscu R: Robert Salinovici
6 Silver Bulleit 27 3:31:41 275
B: Adam Kirby C: Sean Gray R: Michael Lipton
** New Division: 28 ** All Female (3-4 Person Team)
1 Vermont Vixens 28 3:01:01 363
B: Oonagh McHugh-Dillon C: Andrea Vogl R: Kate Kimball
2 It's all about the T-Shirt 28 3:02:04 307
B: Kathy Timpane C: Andrea Goodman R: Mary Sheehan
3 Fractured not Broken 28 3:09:37 390
B: Michall Snyder C: Kimberly Obanhein / Kate McCormick R: Christine Goretti
4 Team Hoppy Feet 28 3:13:14 316
B: Morgan Hendrick C: Paula Schutz R: Vanessa Castro
5 Chasing 144 Snitches 28 3:14:57 331
B: Jamie Potter C: Marissa Potter R: Kelly Gross
6 OURDITAROD 28 3:26:36 293
B: Pat Rosier C: Heather Drake R: Michelle M. Sargis
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 29 ** Mixed 39 & Under (3-4 Person T
1 Ironman with 2 lead weights 29 3:16:02 365
B: Tom Gallant C: Robert Gyurjan R: Jessica Buchinski
2 A holes and the Ducey 29 3:17:18 393
B: Adrienne Rynes C: Danielle Rapkowicz / Brian Ducey R: David Rynes
3 Team Wrecking Ball 29 3:18:05 281
B: Steve Ray C: Garrett Colvin R: Molly Murphy
4 Rock, Doc & Saddle 29 3:18:29 291
B: Sam Bedell C: Lorie Croston R: Chris Franzel
5 Everything Borrowed 29 3:18:59 387
B: Harold Armstrong C: Rachael Baumann R: Jackie Bosworth
6 South County Crew 29 3:23:50 313
B: Matt Pegorari C: Justin Osak R: Jessica Pleu
** New Division: 30 ** Mixed 40 & Over (3-4 Person Te
1 Ageless Optimistic Turtle Fairies 30 3:11:03 258
B: Dave Joyner C: Tina McLaughlin R: Chris Dupuis
2 Not Over THAT Hill Yet! 30 3:31:41 270
B: Lee Palma C: Sharon Palma R: Pam Sandler
3 Dudechickadude 30 3:36:44 399
B: Cliff Rapisarda C: Bob Bertolino R: Cindy Allard
4 2 DUDES AND A DIVA 30 3:37:07 330
B: bill lyon C: jerry lyon R: stacie sherman
5 3 Tenacious turtles 30 3:41:34 355
B: Rosemarie Hewig C: Kevin Cornils R: Stephanie Bressette
6 Nicholina & the moonbeams 30 3:48:18 339
B: Christian Montalbano C: Nicole Shepardson R: Caroline Ollivier
** New Division: 31 ** Masters 50 & Over (3-4 Person
1 Random Greatness 31 2:51:27 336
B: Rich Shade C: Michael Blair R: John Bourgeois
2 KFG 31 2:59:23 360
B: Tony Guarino C: Valerie Fisk R: Loren Kinnaman
3 ALL IN 3D 31 3:04:01 289
B: David Walker C: Don Chaffee Jr R: Darrell Carlson
4 Movin' Groovin' 31 3:11:45 269
B: Bob Geller C: Christopher King R: Ella King
5 Tri-state Titans 31 3:24:13 294
B: Jeffrey Hurwitz C: Michael Krebs R: Derek Hasbrouck
6 Rose-s Boys 31 3:35:33 290
B: Kevin Bedell C: Ken Bedell R: Kim Bedell
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 32 ** Grand Masters (60 & Over)
1 Just Postal 32 2:52:17 297
B: Michael McCusker C: Ed Dvorchak R: Vin Garofoli
2 Win, Place, Show 32 3:06:14 319
B: Jim Mucia C: Joanna Ezinga R: Lenny Collins
3 The 3 Statesmen 32 3:06:33 77
B: Bruce Townend C: Skip Greb R: Vic LaPort
4 BMC 32 3:12:26 383
B: Robert Buffis C: William Meuller R: Leigh Curtis
5 Old Enough to KNow Better 32 3:19:57 347
B: David Goehring C: Bill Tatsapaugh R: Mike Pytko
6 215 Speed Merchants 32 3:28:17 398
B: Doug Robbins C: Tom Jones R: Ted Ripout
** New Division: 33 ** Recreational (3-4 Person Team
1 Central Berkshire Schools 33 3:07:11 300
B: Andrew Garcia C: Shawn Therrien R: Jennifer Bell
2 Just Joshin' 267 33 3:08:03 267
B: John Severin C: Larry Johnson R: Nathan Johnson
3 Loose Pickles 33 3:09:12 337
B: Dan Moon C: Rick Penna R: Bill Chapman
4 Storm Trumpers 33 3:14:48 368
B: Andrew Watson C: bob fournier R: gregory fournier
5 The Shire Hill Gang 33 3:15:53 353
B: Jerad King C: Susannah Gale R: Daniel Cleary
6 Last Minute Trio 33 3:24:49 378
B: Shawn Wright C: Sue Joyner R: Colleen Doyle
** New Division: 34 ** 2 Person Male
1 IronMiners 34 3:11:14 265
B: Jeff Pratt C: Dave Pratt R: Jeff Pratt
2 Squirrel Monkeys 34 3:14:03 359
B: Tommy MunksterNeutron C: Robert Pelliciotti R: ---
3 Back At It 34 3:20:30 259
B: Frank Krol C: --- R: Matthew Kerwood
4 Today we can do anything! Tomorrow 34 3:34:39 371
B: TBD C: Brandon Harms R: Aaron Dean
5 Amazing Sylas 34 3:42:53 376
B: Richard Pargament C: Justin Soules R: Justin Soules
6 Green Machine 34 3:56:49 55
B: David Gorgan C: Lisa Grogan-McCulloch / Lewis McCulloch R: Lewis McCulloch
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 35 ** 2 Person Female
1 A Long WAY for a CANDEE 35 4:02:49 171
B: Carol Way C: Erin Candee R: ---
2 Team Tim Ohio 35 4:12:38 334
B: Susan North Patterson C: --- R: Bonnie Meyer
** New Division: 36 ** 2 Person Mixed
1 Just Dooley It 36 2:39:42 350
B: Mike Dooley C: Mike Dooley R: Tara Dooley
2 Team R&R 36 3:19:43 169
B: --- C: Russell Renvyle R: Susan Rets-Renvyle
3 dynamic duo destroyers 36 3:21:21 375
B: peter merwin C: peter merwin / Shenna Burke R: Shenna Burke
4 The Hamburglars 36 3:23:36 321
B: Timothy Allard C: Darylle Sheehan R: Timothy Allard
5 Going Round in Circles 36 3:30:01 351
B: Gareth Coco C: Gareth Coco / Lara Denmark R: Lara Denmark
6 Team Hinds Runs For Senate 36 3:31:25 323
B: Adam Hinds C: Adam Hinds / Hillery Hinds Maxymillian R: Hillery Hinds Maxymillian
** New Division: 37 ** Ironman
1 Blandford Banana 37 2:32:44 400
B: Kent Lemme C: --- R: ---
2 Stellar 2 37 2:42:43 480
B: Josh Flanagan C: --- R: ---
3 Wall-E 37 3:02:49 474
B: Christopher Wall C: --- R: ---
4 William Cha 37 3:04:23 409
B: William Cha C: --- R: ---
5 Rustyman 37 3:04:52 449
B: Dan Michaud C: --- R: ---
6 Drew HasBrouck 37 3:05:06 446
B: Drew HasBrouck C: --- R: ---
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 38 ** Ironperson 40 & Over
1 Ed Hofmeister 38 2:56:57 416
B: Ed Hofmeister C: --- R: ---
2 QVVelo 38 3:01:08 467
B: Andre Bessette C: --- R: ---
3 Bernie Landa 38 3:01:51 465
B: Bernard Landa C: --- R: ---
4 Happy Trails Guiding 38 3:09:17 425
B: odin adolphson C: --- R: ---
5 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 38 3:09:20 433
B: Michael Levesque C: Michael Levesque R: Michael Levesque
6 Craig solo 38 3:21:37 420
B: Craig Plante C: Craig Plante R: Craig Plante
** New Division: 39 ** Ironperson 50 & Over
1 Ned Kennedy 39 2:50:47 473
B: Ned Kennedy C: --- R: ---
2 Kinderhook Tri-Club 39 3:05:47 466
B: Jay Thorn C: --- R: ---
3 Dave Potter 39 3:12:17 457
B: David Potter C: --- R: ---
4 Teletim 39 3:15:39 406
B: Tim Drake C: Tim Drake R: Tim Drake
5 Rich Victor 39 3:15:48 454
B: Rich Victor C: --- R: ---
6 Enter the Dragon 39 3:19:29 453
B: Dave Singer C: --- R: ---
7 Andrew Douglas 39 3:19:35 402
B: Andrew Douglas C: --- R: ---
** New Division: 40 ** Ironwoman
1 Mainely Just Tri-ing 40 3:11:21 435
B: Lindsay Weigel C: Lindsay Weigel R: Lindsay Weigel
2 Carolin Kasch 40 3:21:31 417
B: Carolin Kasch C: --- R: ---
3 No Swim? I'm in! 40 3:22:32 452
B: Teresa Warner Maiuri C: --- R: ---
4 Robin 40 3:29:06 414
B: Robin Frain C: --- R: ---
5 Sarah Marshall 40 3:39:37 440
B: Sarah Marshall C: --- R: ---
6 Alison McGee 40 3:42:56 434
B: Alison McGee C: Alison McGee R: Alison McGee
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Josh Billings RunAground Results Posted to www.plattsys.com
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** New Division: 41 ** Team Paddleboard
1 Movers and Shakers 41 3:04:59 150
B: Frank Contenta C: Gary Miller R: Tonio Palmer
2 Manual Labor 41 3:07:14 132
B: --- C: Robert Benner R: Michael Nancollas
3 Gash Splash and Dash 41 3:22:03 179
B: Garrett Payer C: Walter Boyko R: Nate lacombe
** New Division: 42 ** Mixed Team Paddleboard
1 Yard by Yard 42 2:48:56 96
B: Lew Fisher C: Patty Spector R: Dusty Lopez
2 Last minute 42 3:07:04 159
B: Geoffrey House C: Craig Walton R: Ellen House
3 Berkshire Outfitters 42 3:19:49 110
B: David Childs C: Joshua Chittenden R: Admanda Chilson
4 Two PT's and a Guy 42 4:02:41 146
B: Michael Guy C: Victoria Guy R: Anna Benson
5 Monterey Flyers 42 4:09:37 56
B: Douglas Neu C: Douglas Neu R: Tom Donovan
** New Division: 43 ** Ironman Paddleboard
1 Relentless Forward Progress 43 2:52:24 217
B: Logan Wilson C: --- R: ---
2 Angel of Repose 43 3:13:00 230
B: Nicholas Marshall C: --- R: ---
3 ironicplan 43 3:26:53 242
B: Peter Schoeffer C: --- R: ---
4 Green Tape Crew 43 4:40:33 232
B: Crist Myers C: Crist Myers R: ---
** New Division: 44 ** Ironwoman Paddleboard
1 Tree Hugger 44 3:35:56 215
B: Rebecca Cushing C: --- R: ---
2 Witter 44 4:04:36 234
B: Audrey C. Witter C: Audrey C. Witter R: Audrey C. Witter
3 Wild One 44 4:39:46 214
B: Nadine Atalla C: Nadine Atalla R: Nadine Atalla
** New Division: 45 ** 4 Person Canoe (Exhibition)
1 G Force 45 3:02:24 7
B: George Whalen C: Gloria Wesley / Gary Aprea R: Kim Gero