platt1.jpg (19740 bytes)99 Peoples State Forest Run

Hartford Track Club Winter Series

Sunday Jan 17, 1999

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99 Peoples Forest Race - January 17, 1999 (Results - Thanks Bill Thramann)

The conditions were sunny with temperature in the forties. The roads were covered with hard packed ice which loosened to slush for the two loopers. Peter Hawley and Dave Reik's assistance appreciated. A special thanks to Cindy Kozak and Tom Buckley for hosting the post race party. They served a delicious meal.

Happy Trails, Leonora, Bill, and Michael.

     8.55 Miles
1.  Bill Thramann           52:56     Avon             38
2.  Tom Buckley             54:57     Avon             39
3.  Roman BaraBash          56:30     Pleasant Valley  17
4.  Dean Bolt               58:29     W. Hartford      45
5.  Joe Vacca               59:48     Canton           27
6.  Craig Zettergrew      1:01:48     Wallingford      34
7.  Sue Day               1:06:40     New Britain      43
8.  Bill Shortell         1:09        W. Hartford      52
9.  Nicky Schmidt         1:08        Winsted          28
10. Doug Pinsky           1:10        Farmington       37
11. Cathi Koehler         1:10:58     Manchester       41
12. Namche (Dog)          1:10:58     Manchester       7 months
13. Michael Cass          1:11:30     W. Hartford      43
14. Robert Najarian       1:12:51     Meriden          54
15. Tom Finan             1:12:58     Burlington       51
16. Keith Middlesworth    1:12:33     Wallingford      47
17. Donna Ericksen        1:23:17     Burlington       48
18. Doris Beland          1:25:38     Meriden          69
19. Julian Nichols+Toffee 1:28:55     Winsted          51
20. Roman Dzierlatka      1:37        Southington      42
    17.1 Miles
1.  George Kominos         1:43:41     Southington    42
2.  Ed Kostak              1:50:30     New Hartford   30
3.  Ken Naide              1:56:03     Hartford       26
4.  Scott Freeman          1:56:50     Manchester     38
5.  Doug Day               1:57:05     New Britain    41
6.  Bob Bonadies           1:57:25     Vernon         41
7.  Ken Livingston         1:57:57     W. Hartford     27
8.  Fergus Cullen          1:57:57     W. Hartford     26
9.  Jeff Molson            2:02:30     Avon            36
10. Will Graustein         2:10:40     Harwinton       37
11. Bob Tumiski            2:11:40     Wallingford     43
12. Walter Rochefort III   2:12:27     Farmington      43
13. Pete Palmer            2:14:26     Collinsville    46
14. Ken Owen               2:14:28     Collinsville    46
15. Kate Petricone         2:16:37     Colebrook       36
16. Megan Goldstein        2:16:37     Avon            49
17. Pam Morrow             2:16:37     Farmington      35
18. Pat Rickart            2:22:50     Southington     44
19. Peter Hawley           2:22:56     New Hartford    48
20. Tom Baker              2:24:30     Simsbury        37
21. Jennifer Schiller      2:24:54     New Britain     36
22. Curt Pandiscio         2:24:54     Simsbury        36
23. David Reik             2:37:12     W. Hartford     44

98 Peoples Results -  Light Snow, Temperature in the twenties.

January 18, 1998

8.55 Miles

 1    Bill Thramann       51:56
 2    Rich Tullock        54:23
 3    Jon Somstroem     1:03:28
 4    Julian Nichols    1:05:51 
 5    Dean Bolt         1:06:55
 6    Paul Rabenold     1:07:15
 7    Kevin Tranberg    1:08:01
 8    Ed Gorecki        1:09:04
 9    Cathi Koehler     1:10:56
 10   Bob Emerson       1:14:40 
 11   Robert Najarian   1:16:35
 12   Tom FInan         1:16:36 
 13   Jennifer Schiller 1:18:49 
 14   Judith Lohman     1:18:51
 15   Mike Cass         1:18:52 
 16   Donna Ericksen    1:20:49
 17   Jane Jarrow       1:32:13 
 18   Ed Gammon         1:39:11 

17.1 Miles

 1    Tom Buckley       1:52:51
 2    George Kominos    1:54:15
 3    Craig Zettergren  2:03:51
 4    Tim Devries       2:04:34
 5    Scott Hayes       2:08:50
 6    David Reik        2:09:56
 7    Peter Madden      2:10:02
 8    Bob Tumiski       2:10:15
 9    Brigitte Boltz    2:15:04
 10   Larry Rubin       2:15:06
 11   Peter Hawley      2:15:24
 12   Patricia Rickart  2:21:35
 13   Steve Schiller    2:31:15
 14   Kate Petricone    2:38:24
 15   Will Graustein    2:38:25

97 Peoples Forest Race

January 19, 1997

8.55 Miles
 1  Bill Thramann        50:59
 2  Steve Morse          53:56 
 3  Kurt Ogden           54:08 
 4  Ed Gorecki           57:50 
 5  Tom Buckley        1:01:34 
 6  Bob Tumiski        1:01:42 
 7  Oscar Botz         1:03:10
 8  Tom Baker          1:03:21 
 9  Cathi Koehler-Cote 1:03:58 
 10 Tilly Botz         1:03:58 
 11 Janet Roome        1:04:31
 12 Dave Loiselle      1:09:13  
 13 Cindi Kozak        1:09:22
 14 K Middlesworth     1:10:56
 15 Bob Najarian       1:13:10
 16 Bob King           1:13:54
 17 Valerie Winn       1:14:08
 18 Jim Laban          1:14:14
 19 Steve Thramann     1:16:07
 20 Judith Lohman      1:16:22
 21 Francince Yonkunas 1:16:42
 22 George Brown       1:22:23
 23 Maggie Blackmore   1:26:51
 24 Donna Erikson      1:26:51
 25 Pat Riera          1:44:17   
17.1 Miles
 1  Todd Brown        1:48:19
 2  Ed Kostak         1:57:59
 3  Paul Vinci        2:01:18 
 4  Steve Shiller     2:01:48 
 5  Bill Bradshaw     2:04:32 
 6  David Reik        2:06:27 
 7  Ken Owen          2:06:27 
 8  Gail Case         2:07:59 
 9  Pete Palmer       2:08:07
 10 Peter Hawley      2:17:10 
 11 Will Graustein    2:17:10 
 12 Rich Tullock      2:18:51
 13 Curt Pandiscio    2:20:34 
 14 Jenn Girouard     2:22:59
 15 Matt Lefevre      2:23:43
 16 Tom Finan         2:28:26
 17 Craig Saxer       2:29:43
 18 Julian Nichols    2:32:40
 19 Jim Foley         2:33:50
 20 Judy Vinci        2:42:16 


Hartford Track Club Winter Series
     96 Peoples State Forest
       January 21, 1996
          8.55 Miles
 1   51:35 Bill Thramann     m35
 2   54:28 Stan Moraski      m35
 3   56:17 Pete Pazik        m31
 4   56:17 Dan Feder         m32
 5   57:59 Ed Gorecki        m42
 6   58:59 Manny Astiasaran  m
 7 1:00:13 Frank Hoher       m50
 8 1:00:29 Michael Tirrell   m
 9 1:03:04 Joe Damon         m
10 1:03:04 Paul Rabenold     m43
11 1:04:14 Julian Nichols    m48
12 1:08:55 Cynthia Kozak     f36
13 1:10:01 Robert Najarian   m51
14 1:10:36 Judith Argazzi    f50
15 1:10:52 Barbara Kream     f47
16 1:12:40 Kristin Wilcox    f
17 1:13:42 Francine Yonkunas f37
18 1:13:42 Judi Kochman      f38
19 1:15:04 Peter Arnold      m49
20 1:23:37 Tom Fanning       m57
21 1:25:23 Maggie Blackmore  f43
22 1:26:17 Michael Gingold   m38
23 1:26:17 Howard Wagner     m35
24 1:36:23 Vicki Pandiscio   f36
25 1:45:14 Paul Argazzi      m50
26 1:45:19 Pat Riera         m69
       17.1 Miles
 1 1:45:28 Kevin Pigeon      m28
 2 1:50:08 Thomas Buckley    m36
 3 1:50:44 Todd Brown        m31
 4 1:51:06 Steve Schiller    m39
 5 1:52:23 Mark Paparella    m31
 6 1:52:43 Paul Vinci        m
 7 1:53:54 Ed Kostak         m27
 8 1:55:50 Peter Madden      m56
 9 1:56:55 Scott Freeman     m
10 1:58:55 Scott Hayes       m40
11 1:59:05 Brian Stewart     m33
12 1:59:10 Christopher Reese m34
13 1:59:10 Mike Halasinski   m32
14 2:00:09 David Reik        m41
15 2:00:19 Bob Tumiski       m40
16 2:01:44 Fred Galli        m38
17 2:02:22 Steven Morse      m43
18 2:05:15 Gail Case         f38
19 2:05:22 Steven Dauch      m41
20 2:05:39 Edward Alibozek   m
21 2:06:45 Tom Baker         m34
22 2:07:45 Ken Owen          m43
23 2:09:30 Peter Hawley      m45
24 2:12:20 Leslie Brown      f38
25 2:13:19 Curt Pandiscio    m34
26 2:15:11 Jennifer Girouard f33
27 2:15:12 Carole Payne      f26
28 2:20:04 Craig Saxer       m45
29 2:20:06 Janet Roome       f36
30 2:21:06 Bill Schwarz      m
31 2:21:17 Deanna Stern      f29
32 2:23:32 Tom Finan         m48
33 2:34:43 Jim Foley         m
34 2:34:43 Judy Vinci        f
35 2:36:31 Bob Hedderman     m46
36 2:52:50 Georgie Hendricks f

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