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2000 Wesleyan Smith Invitational Track Meet

Saturday April 8, 2000 | Middletown, CT | Source: Platt Systems

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5 Mile

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 WOMEN'S SCORES: 1. Brandeis, 154; 2. Wesleyan 127.5 3. Conn College, 125.5
 4. Bryant, 53; 5. ECSU, 52; 6. Mass-Boston, 47; 7. Regis, 14; 8. Quinnipiac,
 10; 9. CCNY, 6; 10. Farmingdale - SUNY, 4.  
 MEN'S SCORES: 1. Bryant, 170; 2. Conn College, 137; 3. Brandeis, 94; 4. 
 ECSU, 86; 5. Wesleyan, 79; 6. Quinnipiac, 30; 7. Farmingdale - SUNY, 27; 8.
 Mass-Boston, 10; 9. CCNY, 1.             
                      Women's 100 Meter Dash  Preliminary Results 
   1 Barthelemy, Janelle          ECSU                      14.55  2
   2 Smith, Keyanna               Mass-Boston               14.65  1
   3 Geraci, Marissa              ECSU                      14.68  2
   4 Guilame-Joseph, Gina         Mass-Boston               14.82  1
   5 Burton, Tamika               Mass-Boston               14.94  2
   6 Hinman, Meg                  Conn College              15.02  1
   7 Ogine-Noel, Sally            Regis                     15.12  2
   8 Bushey, Erica                Conn College              15.20  2
   9 Lewis, Kamica                Wesleyan                  15.36  1
                 Finals Results  
        1 Geraci, Marissa              ECSU                      13.53  10 
        2 Barthelemy, Janelle          ECSU                      13.97   8 
        3 Smith, Keyanna               Mass-Boston               14.10   6 
        4 Burton, Tamika               Mass-Boston               14.21   4 
        5 Wilson, Dana                 Mass-Boston               14.34   2 
        6 Bushey, Erica                Conn College              14.57   1 
        7 Ogine-Noel, Sally            Regis                     14.67   
        8 Hinman, Meg                  Conn College              15.30   
                      Women's 200 Meter Dash  
       1 Horne, Austin                Wesleyan                  26.67  3 10
       2 Wesh, Wilnie                 Regis                     28.06  3  8
       3 Geraci, Marissa              ECSU                      28.20  3  6
       4 Matta, Kathleen              Bryant                    28.64  3  4
       5 Barthelemy, Janelle          ECSU                      29.31  3  2
       6 Wilson, Dana                 Mass-Boston               29.85  2  1
       7 Smith, Keyanna               Mass-Boston               30.04  2 
       8 Ogine-Noel, Sally            Regis                     30.21  2 
       9 Carleton, Meg                Conn College              30.71  2 
      10 Lewis, Kamica                Wesleyan                  30.92  1 
      11 Hoffman, Jessica             Brandeis                  33.05  2 
      12 Beane, Sheree                Mass-Boston               38.21  1 
                      Women's 400 Meter Dash  
      1 Horne, Austin                Wesleyan                  1:00.96  2 10   
      2 Kubick, Danica               Conn College              1:03.55  2  8   
      3 Alexander, Janelle           CCNY                      1:03.85  2  6   
      4 Wilson, Dana                 Mass-Boston               1:05.55  1  4   
      5 Carleton, Meg                Conn College              1:05.92  1  2   
      6 Matta, Kathleen              Bryant                    1:06.59  2  1   
      7 Eddy, Stephanie              Wesleyan                  1:08.98  1
      8 M'Cleod, Hirut               Wesleyan                  1:09.68  1
      9 Leslie, Teah                 Farmingdale - SUNY        1:11.17  1
     10 Hoffman, Jessica             Brandeis                  1:12.87  2
     11 Kelly, Meg                   Conn College              1:15.18  1
                      Women's 800 Meter Run   
      1 Curlew, Jessica              Brandeis                  2:25.82  2 10   
      2 Avery, jen                   Brandeis                  2:28.42  2  8   
      3 Thomas, Emily                Conn College              2:28.67  2  6   
      4 Navarroli, Amanda            Conn College              2:29.89  2  4   
      5 Goldstein, Ruth              Wesleyan                  2:31.28  2  2   
      6 Tansey-Holbrook, Mariko      Brandeis                  2:32.37  2  1   
      7 Clyde, Katie                 Wesleyan                  2:34.37  2
      8 Steward, Angela              Wesleyan                  2:34.75  2
      9 Molloy, Caitlin              Brandeis                  2:38.81  2
     10 Campbell, Angela             Conn College              2:39.00  1
     11 Ranger, Rachael              Conn College              2:40.00  1
     12 Ferrara, Kim                 Bryant                    2:43.30  1
     13 Alexander, Janelle           CCNY                      2:45.30  1
     14 Partelow, Lisette            Conn College              2:52.75  1
     15 Grigg, Sage                  Conn College              2:54.75  1      
                     Women's 1,500 Meter Run  
      1 Converse, Catlin             Wesleyan                  5:06.05  2 10   
      2 Davidson, Heather            Brandeis                  5:07.01  2  8   
      3 Flaherty, Erin               Wesleyan                  5:07.34  2  6   
      4 Tansey-Holbrook, Mariko      Brandeis                  5:07.61  2  4   
      5 Kelly, Sara                  Conn College              5:13.39  2  2   
      6 Buehner, Morgen              Brandeis                  5:16.66  2  1   
      7 Walworth, Erin               Conn College              5:21.40  2
      8 Patrick, Erica               Brandeis                  5:24.45  2
      9 Anderson, Becky              Conn College              5:28.61  2
     10 Young, Alexandra             Wesleyan                  5:28.64  1
     11 Allen, Suzanne               Quinnipiac                5:30.21  1
     12 Lemay, Erika                 Bryant                    5:33.46  1
     13 Kelly, Meghan                Wesleyan                  5:34.13  2
     14 Ehlert, Elizabeth            Brandeis                  5:36.46  2
     15 Partelow, Lisette            Conn College              5:37.61  1
     16 Meola, Chritina              Mass-Boston               5:41.95  1
     17 Breger, Melissa              Mass-Boston               5:42.36  1
     18 Stremlau, Nicole             Wesleyan                  5:43.68  1
     19 Grigg, Sage                  Conn College              5:48.24  1
     20 Restic-Metcalf, Chelsie      Regis                     6:01.33  2
     21 Godin, Danielle              ECSU                      6:09.00  1
     22 Woolston, Sophie             Wesleyan                  6:10.40  1
     23 O'Connor, Katie              Regis                     6:54.47  1
     24 Cuff, Liz                    Regis                     6:55.14  1
                     Women's 3,000 Meter Run  
       1 Danahy, Maura                Conn College              10:54.64  10   
       2 Avery, jen                   Brandeis                  10:57.21   8   
       3 Keyes, Amanda                Brandeis                  10:59.20   6   
       4 Reddy, Veena                 Wesleyan                  11:09.57   4   
       5 McMurray, Maureen            Wesleyan                  11:19.42   2   
       6 Miller, Michelle             Conn College              11:31.10   1   
       7 Kempner, Samantha            Wesleyan                  11:37.24 
       8 Tracy, Tara                  Wesleyan                  11:40.82 
       9 Bergstresser, Laura          Conn College              11:48.52 
      10 Moroski, Catherine           Mass-Boston               11:49.59 
      11 Boddy, Colleen               Regis                     11:51.94 
      12 Holt, Julie                  Wesleyan                  12:10.32 
      13 Sklarsky, Katie              Conn College              12:24.99 
      14 Wilson, Nicole               Conn College              12:45.68 
      15 Kudo, Seiko                  Mass-Boston               13:10.92       
      16 Garceau, carrie              ECSU                      13:46.23 
                     Women's 10,000 Meter Run 
       1 Robin, Carolyn               Quinnipiac                41:34.12  10   
       2 Ceolinski, Jennifer          Bryant                    43:12.57   8   
       3 Klepadio, Paula              Bryant                    43:41.40   6   
       4 Kolpa, Heather               Conn College              44:09.65   4   
                  Women's 100 Meter High Hurdles  
        1 Eckhoff, Lena                Conn College              16.67  10 
        2 Hinman, Meg                  Conn College              17.43   8 
        3 Davis, Stephanie             Brandeis                  17.86   6 
        4 Purswell, Melissa            Brandeis                  17.89   4 
        5 McGrath, Mary                Brandeis                  18.35   2 
        6 Waltrous, Amy                ECSU                      18.36   1 
        7 Collins, Lauren              ECSU                      19.13   
                  Women's 400 Meter Int Hurdles   
       1 Barrett, Meredith            Wesleyan                  1:07.39  10
       2 Purswell, Melissa            Brandeis                  1:08.39   8
       3 Eckhoff, Lena                Conn College              1:11.99   6
       4 Callahan-Higgin, Shannon     Regis                     1:16.87   4
       5 McGrath, Mary                Brandeis                  1:17.51   2
       6 Godin, Danielle              ECSU                      1:21.77   1    
                    Women's 4x100 Meter Relay 
          1  BOST      Mass-Boston               53.42  10
          2  BRAN      Brandeis                  53.55   8
          3  CONN      Conn College              56.49   6
                    Women's 4x400 Meter Relay 
         1  WESL      Wesleyan                  4:18.33  10   
         2  BRAN      Brandeis                  4:21.37   8   
         3  CONN      Conn College              4:25.57   6   
         4  BRYA      Bryant                    4:49.85   4   
         5  REGI      Regis                     4:50.63   2   
         6  BOST      Mass-Boston               4:59.52   1   
                    Women's 4x800 Meter Relay 
         -  WESL "B"  Wesleyan                  11:38.87  
         1  WESL      Wesleyan                  10:28.25  10  
         2  CONN      Conn College              10:42.11   8 
                 Women's 1,600 Mtr Sprint Medley  
         1  ECSU      ECSU                      5:05.26  10   
                        Women's High Jump 
   1    Clyde, Katie           Wesleyan           5'00.00"     1.52m 10.0
   2    Zaitlin, Hannah        Brandeis           5'00.00"     1.52m  8.0
   3    Kubick, Danica         Conn College       5'00.00"     1.52m  6.0
   4    Nelson, Dael           Wesleyan           4'10.00"     1.47m  4.0
   5    Barrett, Meredith      Wesleyan           4'08.00"     1.42m  1.5
   5    Harris, Erin           Conn College       4'08.00"     1.42m  1.5
   7    Larochelle, Karen      Conn College       4'08.00"     1.42m     
   8    Riccio, Julie          Conn College       4'04.00"     1.32m     
   -    Ceolinski, Jennifer    Bryant                  SCR               
                        Women's Pole Vault
        1 Purswell, Melissa          Brandeis            8'06.00" 2.59m 10 
        2 Molloy, Caitlin            Brandeis            8'06.00" 2.59m  8 
        3 Davis, Stephanie           Brandeis            8'00.00" 2.44m  6 
                        Women's Long Jump 
       1 Horne, Austin              Wesleyan            15'11.50" 4.86m 10 
       2 Larochelle, Karen          Conn College        15'03.50" 4.66m  8 
       3 Davis, Stephanie           Brandeis            13'10.50" 4.23m  6 
       4 Leslie, Teah               Farmingdale - SUNY  13'10.50" 4.23m  4 
       5 Zaitlin, Hannah            Brandeis            13'10.00" 4.22m  2 
       6 Bushey, Erica              Conn College        13'05.00" 4.09m  1 
       - Schulman, Nancy            Farmingdale - SUNY       FOUL
                       Women's Triple Jump
       1 Larochelle, Karen          Conn College        32'06.50" 9.92m 10 
       2 Kubick, Danica             Conn College        32'05.00" 9.88m  8 
       3 Harris, Erin               Conn College        29'08.50" 9.06m  6 
                         Women's Shot Put 
       1 Butler, Melanie            Bryant              35'01.00" 10.69m 10
       2 Gates, Jamila              Mass-Boston         32'09.00" 9.98m  8  
       3 Burton, Tamika             Mass-Boston         32'06.00" 9.91m  6 
       4 Wilson, Michele            Brandeis            31'04.00" 9.55m  4 
       5 Strauss, Becca             Conn College        31'02.00" 9.50m  2 
       6 Thomas, Kerry Ann          Mass-Boston         31'00.00" 9.45m  1 
       7 Snow, Stacy                Brandeis            30'03.00" 9.22m  
       8 Snow, Caitlin              Wesleyan            30'02.00" 9.19m  
       9 Barnard, Lindsay           Conn College        28'03.00" 8.61m  
      10 Person, Jennifer           ECSU                27'11.00" 8.51m  
      11 Deojay, Roxanne            ECSU                26'08.00" 8.13m  
      12 Barrett, Meredith          Wesleyan            26'03.00" 8.00m  
      13 Levin, Kazia               Brandeis            25'00.00" 7.62m  
      14 Ehrlich, debbi             Brandeis            21'06.00" 6.55m  
                       Women's Discus Throw   
       1 Perrault, Esther           Wesleyan            32.88m 107'10.00 10
       2 Butler, Melanie            Bryant              31.66m 103'10.00  8
       3 Snow, Stacy                Brandeis            30.78m 101'00.00  6
       4 Wilson, Michele            Brandeis            29.96m 98'03.00  4 
       5 Thomas, Kerry Ann          Mass-Boston         29.04m 95'03.00  2 
       6 Lewis, Kamica              Wesleyan            28.40m 93'02.00  1 
       7 Barnard, Lindsay           Conn College        27.70m 90'10.00  
       8 Snow, Caitlin              Wesleyan            26.60m 87'03.00  
       9 Strauss, Becca             Conn College        26.42m 86'08.00  
      10 Dickman, Kathryn           ECSU                25.10m 82'04.00  
      11 Benson, Erin               Regis               24.02m 78'10.00  
      12 Ehrlich, debbi             Brandeis            23.60m 77'05.00  
      13 Person, Jennifer           ECSU                22.08m 72'05.00  
      14 Deojay, Roxanne            ECSU                20.50m 67'03.00  
      15 Levin, Kazia               Brandeis            17.90m 58'09.00  
                       Women's Hammer Throw   
       1 Snow, Caitlin              Wesleyan            37.04m 121'06.00 10
       2 Butler, Melanie            Bryant              35.38m 116'01.00  8
       3 Snow, Stacy                Brandeis            34.92m 114'07.00  6
       4 Dickman, Kathryn           ECSU                34.26m 112'05.00  4
       5 Wilson, Michele            Brandeis            34.20m 112'02.00  2    
       6 Strauss, Becca             Conn College        33.02m 108'04.00  1
       7 Cannon, Beth               Regis               32.32m 106'00.00 
       8 Schmidt, Catherine         ECSU                27.64m 90'08.00  
       9 Ehrlich, debbi             Brandeis            24.86m 81'07.00  
      10 Munson, Anna               Regis               24.20m 79'05.00  
      11 Person, Jennifer           ECSU                23.00m 75'05.00  
      12 Chan, Mei-Mei              Wesleyan            22.74m 74'07.00  
      13 Deojay, Roxanne            ECSU                18.38m 60'04.00  
      14 Barnard, Lindsay           Conn College        15.66m 51'04.00  
      15 Levin, Kazia               Brandeis            14.56m 47'09.00  
                      Women's Javelin Throw   
       1 Person, Jennifer           ECSU                33.61m 110'03.00 10
       2 Snow, Stacy                Brandeis            33.00m 108'03.00  8
       3 Perrault, Esther           Wesleyan            29.73m 97'06.00  6 
       4 Butler, Melanie            Bryant              28.74m 94'03.00  4 
       5 Burton, Tamika             Mass-Boston         27.83m 91'04.00  2 
       6 Chan, Mei-Mei              Wesleyan            20.05m 65'09.00  1 
       7 Barrett, Meredith          Wesleyan            18.21m 59'09.00  
       - Barnard, Lindsay           Conn College          FOUL   
                       Men's 100 Meter Dash  Preliminary Results
   1 Simeone, Michael             Quinnipiac                11.25  2
   2 Silverman, Mark              Bryant                    11.49  1
   3 Edwards, Jason               ECSU                      11.67  3
   4 Symons, Jeff                 Brandeis                  11.65  1
   5 Henson, Chris                Brandeis                  11.88  2
   6 Harris, Dan                  Conn College              11.90  1
   7 Jean-Pierre, Lyonel          Brandeis                  11.91  1
   8 Williams, Terrance           Wesleyan                  11.98  2
   9 Williams, Asa                Bryant                    12.18  3
  10 Romond, Josh                 Brandeis                  12.37  2
  11 Creedon, Andrew              Conn College              12.39  2
  12 Baptiste, Lennox             CCNY                      12.56  3
  13 O'Donnell, John              Conn College              12.59  1
  14 Birk-Haueisan, Toy           Bryant                    12.67  2    
  15 Glover, Kalomo               CCNY                      12.89  1
  16 Saudek, Anthony              Wesleyan                  12.98  1
  17 D'Amico, Matthew             ECSU                      13.01  2
  18 Lerra, Michael               Wesleyan                  13.25  3
  19 Bernandez, Osten             Conn College              13.32  3
  20 Bassaragh, Kemar             ECSU                      14.38  3
   - Greenhalg, Thomas            ECSU                         FS  1
                 Finals Results  
        1 Simeone, Michael             Quinnipiac                11.32  10 
        2 Silverman, Mark              Bryant                    11.36   8 
        3 Edwards, Jason               ECSU                      11.55   6 
        4 Symons, Jeff                 Brandeis                  11.71   4 
        5 Jean-Pierre, Lyonel          Brandeis                  11.95   2 
        6 Harris, Dan                  Conn College              11.99   1 
        7 Williams, Terrance           Wesleyan                  12.12   
                       Men's 200 Meter Dash   
       1 Edwards, Jason               ECSU                      22.01  3 10
       2 Simeone, Michael             Quinnipiac                22.02  3  8
       3 Kelley, Colin                Bryant                    22.22  3  6
       4 Silverman, Mark              Bryant                    22.54  3  4
       5 Symons, Jeff                 Brandeis                  23.05  3  2
       6 Jean-Pierre, Lyonel          Brandeis                  23.34  3  1
       7 Baptiste, Lennox             CCNY                      24.12  2 
       8 Romond, Josh                 Brandeis                  24.31  2 
       9 Creedon, Andrew              Conn College              24.70  2 
      10 Glover, Kalomo               CCNY                      25.30  1 
      11 Carter, Greg                 ECSU                      25.33  1 
      12 Brown, Adam                  Conn College              25.38  1 
      13 Deer, John                   ECSU                      25.76  1 
      14 McCarter, Travis             ECSU                      25.81  2 
      15 D'Amico, Matthew             ECSU                      25.97  1 
      16 Bernandez, Osten             Conn College              26.05  1       
                       Men's 400 Meter Dash   
       1 Williamson, Ryan             Conn College              51.05  3 10
       2 Meyer, Joshua                Farmingdale - SUNY        51.54  3  8
       3 Rafferty, Patrick            Bryant                    52.09  3  6
       4 Kelley, Colin                Bryant                    52.93  3  4
       5 Lightman, Andrew             Brandeis                  53.82  2  2
       6 Romond, Josh                 Brandeis                  53.98  2  1
       7 Wolfe, Ari                   Wesleyan                  54.56  3 
       8 Henson, Chris                Brandeis                  54.76  3 
       9 Robertson, Manny             ECSU                      55.38  2 
      10 Perkins, Jeff                Conn College              56.27  2 
      11 Jones, Daniel                Wesleyan                  56.63  2 
      12 Greenhalg, Thomas            ECSU                      56.91  1 
      13 Carter, Greg                 ECSU                      57.04  1 
      14 McCarter, Travis             ECSU                      58.65  1 
                       Men's 800 Meter Run
       1 Smith, Mike                  Conn College              2:00.33  10
       2 Wineman, Manny               Brandeis                  2:01.22   8
       3 Smith, Darrin                Bryant                    2:01.39   6
       4 Roetter, Nick                Conn College              2:03.11   4
       5 Kaufman, Brett               Brandeis                  2:03.64   2
       6 Dineen, Colin                Wesleyan                  2:05.60   1
       7 Comings, Andy                Wesleyan                  2:08.12  
       8 Hampton, Trent               Farmingdale - SUNY        2:09.29  
       9 Meehan, Brendan              Conn College              2:11.29  
      10 Fairchild, Scott             Wesleyan                  2:12.59  
      11 Boucher, Bryan               Conn College              2:25.89  
                      Men's 1,500 Meter Run   
      1 Fox-Boyd, Michael            Wesleyan                  4:07.40  2 10   
      2 Wineman, Manny               Brandeis                  4:10.91  2  8   
      3 Peters, Mike                 Brandeis                  4:14.14  2  6   
      4 Clayman, Dave                Conn College              4:16.51  2  4   
      5 Lamb, Jared                  Conn College              4:21.54  2  2   
      6 Haselton, Britt              Conn College              4:29.15  2  1   
      7 Roe, Alex                    Conn College              4:33.41  2      
      8 Narcisi, Eric                Bryant                    4:36.23  2
      9 Chen, Hepa                   Wesleyan                  4:40.37  1
     10 Buccola, Vince               Wesleyan                  4:45.14  1
     11 Lafontaine, Brian            ECSU                      4:46.99  1
     12 Furey, Christian             Quinnipiac                4:47.90  1
     13 Oviedo, Jeff                 Conn College              4:52.49  1
     14 Wald, Sam                    Brandeis                  4:53.67  1
     15 Boucher, Bryan               Conn College              4:54.70  1
     16 O'Reilly, Stephen            ECSU                      5:05.52  1
                      Men's 5,000 Meter Run   
       1 Lazarek, Dan                 Wesleyan                  16:10.50  10   
       2 Farrell, Greg                Brandeis                  16:16.92   8   
       3 Smith, Jason                 ECSU                      16:46.28   6   
       4 Burke, Jeff                  Conn College              17:11.34   4   
       5 Fitzgerald, Adam             Conn College              17:29.14   2   
       6 Booth, Jay                   Brandeis                  17:36.36   1   
       7 Rogers, Chris                Mass-Boston               17:43.38 
       8 Bilheimer, Michael           ECSU                      17:51.54 
       9 Brelsford, Rich              Quinnipiac                18:38.14 
       - Lavallee, Roland             Quinnipiac                     DNF 
       - Berne, Michael               Wesleyan                        DQ 
                      Men's 10,000 Meter Run  
       1 Lynch, Brendan               Mass-Boston               34:25.81  10   
       2 Narcisi, Eric                Bryant                    34:42.12   8   
       3 Host, Tim                    Conn College              34:58.35   6   
       4 Piarulli, Vincent            Bryant                    43:06.63   4   
       5 Lucian, Richard              Bryant                    44:06.59   2   
                   Men's 110 Meter High Hurdles   
        1 Hazel, Osborn                Wesleyan                  17.59  10 
        2 O'Donnell, John              Conn College              17.86   8 
        3 Ogunkoya, Wole               Brandeis                  19.30   6 
                   Men's 400 Meter Int Hurdles
       1 Rafferty, Patrick            Bryant                      58.57  10
       2 Georges, Joel                Farmingdale - SUNY          59.02   8
       3 Lewoc, Tom                   Quinnipiac                1:00.08   6
       4 Hamill, Sean                 Conn College              1:00.82   4
       5 Villegas, Oslec              Conn College              1:03.57   2
       6 Umbarger, Mark               Wesleyan                  1:04.55   1
                  Men's 3,000 Meter Steeplechase  
       1 Pfaff, Mike                  Conn College              10:11.56  10   
       2 Chily, Mike                  ECSU                      10:39.14   8   
       3 Lansner, Noah                Wesleyan                  10:53.52   6   
       4 Shrout, Anthony              Quinnipiac                11:04.17   4   
       5 Gabrell, Andrew              Quinnipiac                11:18.02   2   
       6 Williams, Robert             Farmingdale - SUNY        12:00.07   1   
                     Men's 4x100 Meter Relay  
          1  BRYA      Bryant                    43.68  10
          2  BRAN      Brandeis                  44.33   8
          3  ECSU      ECSU                      47.22   6
          -  CONN      Conn College                 DQ                  
                     Men's 4x400 Meter Relay  
         1  CONN      Conn College              3:30.30  10   
         2  BRAN      Brandeis                  3:34.46   8   
         3  BRYA      Bryant                    3:40.52   6   
         4  WESL      Wesleyan                  3:52.81   4   
                  Men's 1,600 Mtr Sprint Medley   
         1  FARM      Farmingdale - SUNY        3:49.58  10   
         2  BRYA      Bryant                    4:03.69   8   
         3  ECSU      ECSU                      4:04.48   6   
                      Men's Distance Medley   
         1  CONN      Conn College              11:16.81  10  
         2  WESL      Wesleyan                  11:34.63   8  
         3  BRYA      Bryant                    12:13.45   6  
                         Men's High Jump  
        1 Adekanbi, Tope             Conn College        6'02.00" 1.88m 10 
        2 Ogunkoya, Wole             Brandeis            6'00.00" 1.83m  8 
        3 Portier, Nate              Conn College        5'08.00" 1.73m  6 
        4 Deer, John                 ECSU                5'06.00" 1.68m  4 
        - Rocha, Jess                Bryant                  FAIL
        - Lightman, Andrew           Brandeis                FAIL
                         Men's Pole Vault 
       1 Saudek, Anthony            Wesleyan            12'01.00" 3.68m 10 
       2 Lerra, Michael             Wesleyan            11'06.00" 3.51m  8  
                         Men's Long Jump  
       1 Jean-Pierre, Lyonel        Brandeis            20'08.50" 6.31m 10 
       2 Edwards, Jason             ECSU                19'05.00" 5.92m  8 
       3 Nyaku, Mawuli              Conn College        19'01.50" 5.83m  6 
       4 Backstrom, Jeffrey         Bryant              18'11.00" 5.77m  4 
       5 Birk-Haueisan, Toy         Bryant              18'05.00" 5.61m  2 
       6 Baptiste, Lennox           CCNY                18'01.50" 5.52m  1 
       7 Hazel, Osborn              Wesleyan            18'01.00" 5.51m  
       8 Portier, Nate              Conn College        17'08.00" 5.38m  
       9 Brown, Adam                Conn College        17'07.00" 5.36m  
      10 Villegas, Oslec            Conn College        17'06.00" 5.33m  
      11 Miller, Corey              Wesleyan            17'03.00" 5.26m  
      12 Williams, Asa              Bryant              17'02.50" 5.25m  
      13 Deer, John                 ECSU                17'01.00" 5.21m  
      14 Verderame, Anthony         ECSU                16'08.50" 5.09m  
      14 Bernandez, Osten           Conn College        16'08.50" 5.09m  
       - Rocha, Jess                Bryant                   FOUL
                        Men's Triple Jump 
       1 Robertson, Manny           ECSU                42'09.50" 13.04m 10
       2 Backstrom, Jeffrey         Bryant              41'00.50" 12.51m  8
       3 Nyaku, Mawuli              Conn College        41'00.00" 12.50m  6
       4 Brown, Adam                Conn College        39'06.50" 12.05m  4
       5 Birk-Haueisan, Toy         Bryant              38'05.00" 11.71m  2
       6 Portier, Nate              Conn College        37'07.50" 11.47m  1
                          Men's Shot Put  
       1 Piscitelli, Jerry          ECSU                42'07.00" 12.98m 10
       2 Brisson, Paul              Bryant              40'00.00" 12.19m  8    
       3 Castanheira, Pedro         Brandeis            37'03.00" 11.35m  6
       4 Cue, Stephen               Bryant              36'08.00" 11.18m  4
       5 Verma, Amit                Brandeis            36'04.50" 11.09m  2
       6 Sienkiewicz, Matt          Wesleyan            36'01.50" 11.01m  1
       7 Wilson, Dexter             CCNY                34'03.00" 10.44m 
       8 Bower, Thomas              Bryant              33'06.00" 10.21m 
       9 Drew, lawrence             ECSU                32'02.00" 9.80m  
      10 Wernham, Thomas            Conn College        32'01.00" 9.78m 
      11 Cole, Seth                 Conn College        30'06.00" 9.30m  
      12 Jerome, Serge              CCNY                26'06.50" 8.09m  
                        Men's Discus Throw
       1 Brisson, Paul              Bryant              37.56m 123'03.00 10
       2 Bower, Thomas              Bryant              36.44m 119'07.00  8
       3 Drew, lawrence             ECSU                30.64m 100'06.00  6
       4 Piscitelli, Jerry          ECSU                30.46m 99'11.00  4 
       5 Cue, Stephen               Bryant              30.30m 99'05.00  2 
       6 Verma, Amit                Brandeis            28.76m 94'04.00  1 
       7 Deer, John                 ECSU                28.36m 93'00.00  
       8 Sienkiewicz, Matt          Wesleyan            24.88m 81'07.00  
       9 Wilson, Dexter             CCNY                22.98m 75'05.00  
      10 Cole, Seth                 Conn College        20.12m 66'00.00  
      11 Wernham, Thomas            Conn College        18.60m 61'00.00  
                        Men's Hammer Throw
       1 Baldwin, Al                Conn College        35.84m 117'07.00 10
       2 Allukian, Myron            Wesleyan            35.46m 116'04.00  8
       3 Cole, Seth                 Conn College        34.66m 113'08.00  6
       4 Brisson, Paul              Bryant              34.20m 112'02.00  4
       5 Piscitelli, Jerry          ECSU                29.34m 96'03.00  2 
       6 Sienkiewicz, Matt          Wesleyan            29.34m 96'03.00  1 
       7 Drew, lawrence             ECSU                27.94m 91'08.00  
       8 Wernham, Thomas            Conn College        27.42m 89'11.00  
       9 Cue, Stephen               Bryant              23.32m 76'06.00  
      10 Bower, Thomas              Bryant              15.70m 51'06.00  
                       Men's Javelin Throw
       1 Carpenter, Matt            Bryant              45.07m 147'10.00 10
       2 Cue, Stephen               Bryant              44.98m 147'07.00  8  
       3 Rocha, Jess                Bryant              44.78m 146'11.00  6
       4 Boyer, James               Bryant              42.32m 138'10.00  4
       5 Birk-Haueisan, Toy         Bryant              41.20m 135'02.00  2
       6 Allukian, Myron            Wesleyan            40.49m 132'10.00  1
       7 Wernham, Thomas            Conn College        32.91m 108'00.00 
       8 Wilson, Dexter             CCNY                28.78m 94'05.00  

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