OVERALL <- TOTAL EVENT-><- SWIM ->< T1 > <-- BIKE --> < T2 > <--RUN--> PLACE LAST FIRST CITY DIV DIV/PLC TIME PLC SPLIT PLC T1 PLC SPLIT PLC T2 PLC SPLIT BIB 1 Marcus Joshua Bayside NY M1518 1 1:04:49 3 09:33 6 00:34 5 0:34:27 14 00:41 13 0:19:34 241 2 Kessler Scott Cold Spring NY M4044 1 1:05:48 1 09:19 21 00:49 6 0:34:35 24 00:46 27 0:20:19 207 3 De Havenon Adam bryn mawr PA M2529 1 1:07:15 27 11:15 16 00:48 14 0:35:44 26 00:47 2 0:18:41 94 4 Cunningham Kevin Smithtown NY M2529 2 1:07:32 26 11:13 15 00:48 13 0:35:37 29 00:48 7 0:19:06 1 5 Spina, Jr. Robert N. MassapequNY M4044 2 1:07:42 33 11:20 5 00:32 10 0:35:18 27 00:47 17 0:19:45 364 6 SVANBERG LARS WLEMSCOTT NY M4044 3 1:07:58 12 10:35 49 01:00 2 0:34:16 60 00:54 40 0:21:13 445 7 Powers David New York NY M3539 1 1:08:23 2 09:24 13 00:47 23 0:36:14 52 00:53 36 0:21:05 301 8 GARRY WILLIAM MONTAUK NY M4044 4 1:08:52 14 10:39 46 00:58 11 0:35:32 39 00:49 35 0:20:54 449 9 Londino Tommy Seaford NY M3034 1 1:08:52 22 11:02 71 01:08 24 0:36:19 11 00:40 15 0:19:43 229 10 Semkus Michael Sag Harbor NY M1518 2 1:09:08 24 11:10 90 01:17 19 0:35:59 225 01:26 10 0:19:16 345 11 LOVEJOY JOHN MINEOLA NY M4044 5 1:09:21 49 11:45 67 01:07 17 0:35:51 255 01:34 6 0:19:04 231 12 Amato Joseph East Quogue NY M3539 2 1:09:26 143 13:55 66 01:07 3 0:34:24 107 01:03 4 0:18:57 5 13 Bergquist Christopher Brookhaven NY M3034 2 1:09:33 6 09:48 20 00:49 26 0:36:28 79 00:58 49 0:21:30 31 14 Arondeau Olivier Huntington NY M3539 3 1:09:36 9 10:24 11 00:46 48 0:37:33 58 00:54 20 0:19:59 14 15 Harris Justin Wappingers FNY M1924 1 1:09:48 89 12:53 24 00:50 73 0:38:33 88 01:00 1 0:16:32 170 16 Valedon Pablo Brewster NY M4044 6 1:10:12 7 09:55 65 01:06 53 0:37:49 61 00:54 28 0:20:28 387 17 Rey Charlie laurel NY M3034 3 1:10:36 71 12:27 95 01:20 8 0:35:08 96 01:01 30 0:20:40 305 18 Istvan David Bayonne NJ M3539 4 1:10:47 64 12:18 43 00:58 15 0:35:45 53 00:53 34 0:20:53 191 19 Lulla Bruce Amagansett NY M4549 1 1:10:51 15 10:40 54 01:01 4 0:34:26 174 01:15 119 0:23:29 232 20 Cronin-StagnariBarbara Mineola NY F4044 1 1:11:01 17 10:54 1 00:25 44 0:37:26 32 00:48 47 0:21:28 420 21 LaRossa Merrie Bellmore NY F3034 1 1:11:07 39 11:31 69 01:07 52 0:37:46 87 00:59 16 0:19:44 219 22 PARKER LARRY AMITYVILLE NY M4044 7 1:11:16 96 12:59 12 00:46 21 0:36:04 8 00:38 33 0:20:49 451 23 Buzanga John Bellmore NY M4044 8 1:11:29 36 11:28 14 00:47 27 0:36:30 31 00:48 59 0:21:56 53 24 Cuadrado Raymond Queens VillaNY M2529 3 1:11:30 42 11:35 36 00:56 76 0:38:38 84 00:59 12 0:19:22 81 25 Schlott Dylan New York NY M2529 4 1:12:03 86 12:49 85 01:14 7 0:34:51 49 00:52 71 0:22:17 337 26 Bond Don Huntington NY M4549 2 1:12:15 52 11:49 40 00:57 22 0:36:05 65 00:55 78 0:22:29 36 27 Andrews Kristin Atlanta GA F1924 1 1:12:27 144 13:56 116 01:27 38 0:37:08 90 01:00 3 0:18:56 8 28 Barry Kevin East HamptonNY M4044 9 1:12:33 112 13:19 32 00:54 57 0:37:59 97 01:01 11 0:19:20 22 29 Cassell Gerry Babylon NY M4549 3 1:12:40 11 10:35 45 00:58 40 0:37:15 150 01:11 86 0:22:41 64 30 Humphrey Jim mattawan MI M3539 5 1:12:51 41 11:34 34 00:55 29 0:36:45 138 01:10 77 0:22:27 188 31 Stott Richard Southampton NY M5054 1 1:12:52 29 11:16 108 01:25 12 0:35:33 21 00:45 131 0:23:53 372 32 Ricigliano Francis Garden City NY M4044 10 1:12:54 50 11:45 25 00:50 47 0:37:32 54 00:53 57 0:21:54 306 33 Jensen Kurt Stony Brook NY M4549 4 1:12:56 113 13:19 151 01:44 1 0:29:41 349 02:02 221 0:26:10 194 34 Otto Bob Holtsville NY M5054 2 1:12:56 51 11:48 98 01:20 33 0:36:55 99 01:01 56 0:21:52 283 35 Muzzonigro Steve Halesite NY XCLYD 1 1:12:58 75 12:33 28 00:53 20 0:36:04 125 01:07 76 0:22:21 430 36 Rosen Renee New York NY F3539 1 1:13:05 65 12:20 79 01:12 54 0:37:49 257 01:34 25 0:20:10 313 37 Colangelo Jeremy Newark NJ M3034 4 1:13:12 94 12:58 131 01:34 46 0:37:31 147 01:11 19 0:19:58 73 38 Mauro Mario Port WashingNY M4044 11 1:13:13 40 11:33 17 00:48 37 0:37:05 62 00:54 95 0:22:53 431 39 Ross Marty montauk NY M3539 6 1:13:18 56 11:56 42 00:58 25 0:36:26 59 00:54 104 0:23:04 315 40 Melore Stephen northport NY M4044 12 1:13:21 13 10:38 82 01:13 115 0:40:16 176 01:15 21 0:19:59 265 41 Taylor Bernadette Spring Lake NJ F3539 2 1:13:29 48 11:43 70 01:07 72 0:38:32 66 00:55 39 0:21:12 374 42 Stajk Maryellen lane NY F4549 1 1:13:42 61 12:12 39 00:56 31 0:36:51 104 01:02 87 0:22:41 368 43 BOHAN JEAN OYSTER BAY NY F3539 3 1:13:44 119 13:27 59 01:02 61 0:38:07 109 01:03 24 0:20:05 35 44 Cullen Scott Montauk NY M3034 5 1:14:28 76 12:34 52 01:01 89 0:39:05 3 00:34 41 0:21:14 82 45 Tarpinian Stephen Wantagh NY M4044 13 1:14:39 5 09:45 19 00:49 70 0:38:28 37 00:49 159 0:24:48 373 46 Ruhling Blair Sands Point NY M2529 5 1:14:47 108 13:16 62 01:04 64 0:38:21 205 01:21 32 0:20:45 322 47 McGinty Robert Middletown NJ M3539 7 1:15:00 104 13:08 96 01:20 42 0:37:18 239 01:29 54 0:21:45 255 48 McCabe Frank Lindenhurst NY M3034 6 1:15:14 53 11:52 75 01:10 18 0:35:55 189 01:18 166 0:24:59 251 49 Weisbein Robert Roslyn NY M4549 5 1:15:23 154 14:06 155 01:47 16 0:35:46 120 01:06 83 0:22:38 401 50 Wallace Bobby New York NY M4044 14 1:15:38 137 13:49 55 01:01 32 0:36:54 207 01:21 81 0:22:33 397 51 Degirmenci Robis Smithtown NY M3539 8 1:15:40 130 13:42 114 01:27 109 0:40:05 148 01:11 9 0:19:15 97 52 Perlin Brooks Darien CT M3034 7 1:15:43 78 12:35 180 01:56 63 0:38:17 222 01:25 50 0:21:30 292 53 PFUND CHRIS MONTAUK NY M4044 15 1:15:44 110 13:17 47 00:59 34 0:36:57 126 01:07 114 0:23:24 446 54 DeFeo Christopher Mt. Sinai NY M1924 2 1:15:48 28 11:16 77 01:12 116 0:40:20 70 00:56 63 0:22:04 96 55 COUNTRYMAN SUZANNE NEW YORK NY F3034 2 1:15:52 117 13:25 76 01:11 39 0:37:09 156 01:12 96 0:22:55 457 56 Haile SHeila Merrick NY F3539 4 1:15:55 16 10:48 88 01:16 91 0:39:08 199 01:19 115 0:23:24 163 57 Ferguson Bill East SetaukeNY M5054 3 1:15:55 54 11:52 38 00:56 69 0:38:27 4 00:36 138 0:24:04 124 58 Wuest Greg Hauppauge NY M5054 4 1:15:56 106 13:13 179 01:55 45 0:37:26 134 01:08 69 0:22:14 414 59 Young Andy West BabylonNY M3034 8 1:15:58 47 11:40 202 02:09 152 0:41:33 71 00:56 14 0:19:40 416 60 Slattery Peter Amityville NY M4549 6 1:16:00 74 12:32 94 01:19 28 0:36:35 198 01:19 147 0:24:15 353 61 Rosen Robert Montauk NY M4549 7 1:16:06 134 13:47 78 01:12 36 0:37:00 140 01:10 98 0:22:57 312 62 LaRossa Ken Bellmore NY M3539 9 1:16:12 34 11:23 60 01:03 84 0:38:58 38 00:49 133 0:23:59 218 63 McLoughlin Todd Rockville CtNY M2529 6 1:16:14 114 13:21 86 01:15 62 0:38:14 190 01:18 65 0:22:06 259 64 Abarno Jeremy Brooklyn NY M2529 7 1:16:26 141 13:54 159 01:49 87 0:39:00 130 01:08 29 0:20:35 2 65 Barrasso Michael Bayport NY XCL++ 1 1:16:37 100 13:04 156 01:48 55 0:37:52 102 01:02 92 0:22:51 21 66 Smith Kevin Smithtown NY M4549 8 1:16:47 23 11:09 74 01:09 119 0:40:29 132 01:08 94 0:22:52 356 67 Campbell Jen farmingdale NY F1924 2 1:16:47 120 13:28 106 01:24 98 0:39:25 105 01:02 48 0:21:28 58 68 Peters Bill New York, NYNY M3539 10 1:17:15 152 14:05 153 01:47 60 0:38:06 80 00:58 73 0:22:19 294 69 Clark Joe Shelter IslaNY M3539 11 1:17:19 122 13:31 140 01:39 112 0:40:14 12 00:40 42 0:21:15 67 70 Florio Tom New York NY M4549 9 1:17:19 63 12:17 111 01:26 43 0:37:26 206 01:21 161 0:24:49 128 71 Heller Sidney Commack NY M4044 16 1:17:21 182 14:28 123 01:30 80 0:38:47 141 01:10 46 0:21:26 174 72 Reagan Ed Levittown NY M4549 10 1:17:22 164 14:14 184 01:57 108 0:39:55 208 01:21 18 0:19:55 304 73 Demeo Craig Glen Cove NY M4549 11 1:17:22 169 14:18 22 00:49 59 0:38:04 166 01:14 99 0:22:57 98 74 FARNHAM DAN MONTAUK NY M4549 12 1:17:24 326 16:57 63 01:05 9 0:35:10 121 01:06 106 0:23:06 441 75 Genkin Michael Saddle BrookNJ M4044 17 1:17:29 46 11:40 100 01:21 66 0:38:22 413 04:03 62 0:22:03 149 76 Van Nostrand William Poquott NY M4549 13 1:18:08 102 13:06 132 01:34 74 0:38:33 212 01:23 121 0:23:32 389 77 Tikkanen Keith montauk NY M3539 12 1:18:12 289 16:12 48 01:00 35 0:36:58 191 01:18 91 0:22:44 379 78 Gatz Jennifer Riverhead NY F3034 3 1:18:19 135 13:48 37 00:56 67 0:38:22 152 01:11 136 0:24:02 147 79 Schoenfeld Claudia Edgewater NJ F3034 4 1:18:22 236 15:15 27 00:51 41 0:37:15 91 01:00 135 0:24:01 339 80 Buscemi Anthony New York NY M3539 13 1:18:23 66 12:21 23 00:50 100 0:39:38 196 01:19 146 0:24:15 52 81 Newland III Raymond Lindenhurst NY M4549 14 1:18:26 166 14:16 129 01:33 30 0:36:50 6 00:37 174 0:25:10 279 82 Perkins Edie New York NY F3034 5 1:18:43 210 14:55 235 02:19 104 0:39:50 272 01:37 22 0:20:02 291 83 Valencia Luis Bay Shore NY M3034 9 1:18:45 192 14:39 187 02:01 78 0:38:43 322 01:52 51 0:21:30 388 84 O'Donnell William East HamptonNY XCL++ 2 1:18:47 80 12:38 204 02:09 97 0:39:24 249 01:32 105 0:23:04 282 85 Winslow Christopher Medford NY M3034 10 1:19:01 77 12:34 10 00:44 92 0:39:11 41 00:50 194 0:25:42 410 86 Matthews Will New york NY M3539 14 1:19:04 68 12:26 282 02:38 88 0:39:04 283 01:41 109 0:23:15 248 87 Eicher Mark Fort SalongaNY M4549 15 1:19:14 178 14:26 141 01:39 49 0:37:34 204 01:20 148 0:24:15 114 88 Dooley Ronald New York NY XCLYD 2 1:19:14 67 12:25 163 01:50 113 0:40:15 164 01:14 120 0:23:30 107 89 Perzeszty Lynn Huntington NY F4044 2 1:19:17 21 11:01 68 01:07 118 0:40:28 142 01:10 188 0:25:31 293 90 Smith Brian Kings park NY M4549 16 1:19:21 45 11:38 137 01:36 83 0:38:57 227 01:26 202 0:25:44 357 91 Carbone Sandy Westhampton NY M4044 18 1:19:24 171 14:20 217 02:15 99 0:39:30 338 01:57 44 0:21:22 61 92 Breakey Stewart Wilton CT M4044 19 1:19:27 161 14:13 164 01:50 51 0:37:41 15 00:42 167 0:25:01 39 93 Rocco Steve New York NY M3539 15 1:19:27 35 11:27 117 01:28 131 0:40:54 313 01:50 128 0:23:48 309 94 MCGUIRE EDDIE IRVINGTON NY M3539 16 1:19:39 276 16:00 176 01:53 68 0:38:26 265 01:36 53 0:21:44 493 95 Valedon Laura Brewster NY F4044 3 1:19:43 20 11:00 33 00:54 134 0:40:58 379 02:18 151 0:24:33 386 96 Meadows Michael Commack NY M4044 20 1:19:48 248 15:31 119 01:29 93 0:39:13 108 01:03 80 0:22:32 262 97 Brown Richard Commack NY M3539 17 1:19:55 162 14:14 29 00:53 90 0:39:08 85 00:59 155 0:24:41 46 98 Pike Brian Farmingdale NY M2529 8 1:20:02 197 14:43 110 01:26 129 0:40:46 197 01:19 55 0:21:48 297 99 CAMPIFORMO SAMUEL NEW YORK NY M2529 9 1:20:04 126 13:39 178 01:55 149 0:41:18 1 00:30 89 0:22:42 439 100 York Adam New York NY M3034 11 1:20:09 43 11:36 72 01:09 205 0:43:42 149 01:11 79 0:22:31 415 101 MAY AMY BROOKLYN NY F3034 6 1:20:14 256 15:41 146 01:41 146 0:41:13 228 01:26 26 0:20:13 456 102 WILLIAMS JAMES GLEN HEAD NY M4044 21 1:20:23 93 12:58 149 01:43 77 0:38:38 291 01:43 181 0:25:21 409 103 Gluf Laura Bethpage NY F3539 5 1:20:24 70 12:26 89 01:16 193 0:43:05 223 01:25 68 0:22:12 152 104 Prinz Sean Wantagh NY M1924 3 1:20:29 286 16:10 136 01:36 192 0:43:01 2 00:32 8 0:19:10 302 105 Maino Pamela FarmingvilleNY F4044 4 1:20:35 142 13:54 84 01:13 167 0:42:10 219 01:24 58 0:21:54 237 106 Pisciotta Robert Westhampton NY M4044 22 1:20:38 83 12:46 144 01:40 136 0:41:01 103 01:02 141 0:24:09 299 107 Vlassis Dax New York NY M3034 12 1:20:56 157 14:08 128 01:33 154 0:41:36 86 00:59 85 0:22:40 392 108 Dupree Craig hampton baysNY M2529 10 1:21:01 253 15:39 221 02:16 75 0:38:35 241 01:30 103 0:23:01 111 109 Garcia Cristian Holbrook NY M3034 13 1:21:11 245 15:27 143 01:40 103 0:39:49 266 01:36 84 0:22:39 145 110 Rousell Eric Montauk NY M1518 3 1:21:12 129 13:40 248 02:25 165 0:42:09 13 00:40 72 0:22:18 318 111 DeWitt Amy Mastic NY F1924 3 1:21:15 18 10:55 107 01:25 170 0:42:21 17 00:43 205 0:25:51 181 112 Tighe Jayne New York NY F3034 7 1:21:16 145 13:58 157 01:48 143 0:41:10 117 01:05 110 0:23:15 378 113 Quirk Steve Commack NY M4549 17 1:21:17 149 14:03 229 02:18 181 0:42:39 122 01:06 38 0:21:11 303 114 Jalajas David Port Jeff StNY M4549 18 1:21:32 150 14:04 171 01:52 151 0:41:31 115 01:05 101 0:23:00 192 115 BRENNAN KEVIN E Q NY M3034 14 1:21:32 82 12:46 389 04:07 157 0:41:49 285 01:42 37 0:21:08 461 116 Sloane Charlene Great Neck NY F5054 1 1:21:33 90 12:57 91 01:17 105 0:39:50 127 01:07 234 0:26:22 354 117 Aneser Ken Garden City NY M3539 18 1:21:37 44 11:37 124 01:31 168 0:42:20 226 01:26 158 0:24:43 9 118 Schiffman Julie New York NY XCFYF 1 1:21:48 85 12:48 97 01:20 127 0:40:41 168 01:14 203 0:25:45 332 119 Macaluso Eric Melville NY M3034 15 1:21:52 138 13:52 53 01:01 110 0:40:07 131 01:08 199 0:25:44 235 120 Schiffman Joshua New York NY XCLYD 3 1:21:52 84 12:47 182 01:57 148 0:41:17 183 01:17 152 0:24:34 333 121 Serko Tracey Old BrookviNY F3539 6 1:22:01 125 13:37 31 00:53 107 0:39:54 215 01:23 225 0:26:14 346 122 Kritis George Garden City NY M4044 23 1:22:02 347 17:36 120 01:29 96 0:39:24 218 01:24 66 0:22:09 432 123 BENEDETTO DAVID HUNTINGTON BNY M4044 24 1:22:06 62 12:13 330 03:03 101 0:39:46 364 02:10 163 0:24:54 28 124 Egan Christian New York NY M2529 11 1:22:20 219 15:02 103 01:23 132 0:40:55 175 01:15 127 0:23:45 113 125 Scagnelli Melissa New York NY F2529 1 1:22:34 88 12:52 272 02:33 218 0:44:03 78 00:57 67 0:22:09 328 126 Stafford John Katonah NY M4044 25 1:22:35 201 14:47 247 02:24 86 0:38:59 160 01:13 176 0:25:12 367 127 Moore Dennis New York NY M2529 12 1:22:41 32 11:19 232 02:19 239 0:44:52 40 00:49 113 0:23:22 271 128 Velasquez Adrian Islip terracNY M1924 4 1:22:46 123 13:36 44 00:58 199 0:43:26 242 01:30 111 0:23:16 421 129 Meier Renee' new york NY F4549 2 1:22:50 290 16:15 99 01:20 150 0:41:24 251 01:32 74 0:22:19 264 130 Farrell Karen Huntington BNY F3539 7 1:22:50 124 13:36 83 01:13 163 0:41:59 169 01:14 160 0:24:48 122 131 Carberry Robert Deer Park NY M4549 19 1:22:52 190 14:36 101 01:21 164 0:42:05 167 01:14 124 0:23:36 429 132 Konop Philip Montauk NY M4044 26 1:22:55 31 11:17 222 02:16 95 0:39:19 98 01:01 326 0:29:02 212 133 Walton Timothy New York NY M3034 16 1:23:10 272 15:56 154 01:47 50 0:37:38 354 02:05 200 0:25:44 398 134 Juckett Stacy New York NY F3034 8 1:23:13 287 16:10 205 02:09 130 0:40:51 357 02:06 60 0:21:57 197 135 Kristel Steven Syosset NY M5054 5 1:23:16 79 12:36 126 01:32 114 0:40:15 220 01:24 280 0:27:29 214 136 Paradise Michael Greenlawn NY M3034 17 1:23:17 140 13:53 167 01:51 155 0:41:38 89 01:00 164 0:24:55 287 137 Silversmith Ian Huntington NY M2529 13 1:23:19 73 12:29 264 02:31 159 0:41:54 289 01:43 156 0:24:42 349 138 Marino Steve Merrick NY M4044 27 1:23:20 193 14:40 30 00:53 126 0:40:35 155 01:12 212 0:26:00 419 139 Briody Michael Locust ValleNY M3539 19 1:23:25 277 16:01 73 01:09 65 0:38:21 30 00:48 266 0:27:06 44 140 Burton Debby West Islip NY F3539 8 1:23:30 172 14:20 152 01:45 138 0:41:04 387 02:27 132 0:23:54 51 141 White Gayle New York NY F2529 2 1:23:33 209 14:55 225 02:17 217 0:44:02 376 02:17 23 0:20:02 405 142 Hobbes John bayshore NY M3539 20 1:23:36 128 13:40 170 01:52 209 0:43:54 165 01:14 97 0:22:56 182 143 Longobardi Craig Brentwood NY M2529 14 1:23:38 136 13:49 147 01:42 141 0:41:10 159 01:13 201 0:25:44 427 144 Wagner Benjamin New York NY M3034 18 1:23:39 59 12:04 311 02:52 230 0:44:38 5 00:37 118 0:23:28 395 145 OHARA CHRISTIE MONTAUK NY F1518 1 1:24:00 191 14:37 41 00:57 201 0:43:30 64 00:54 137 0:24:02 447 146 Sperber Marc Dix Hills NY M4549 20 1:24:03 212 14:56 92 01:18 142 0:41:10 179 01:16 183 0:25:23 361 147 Farrell Ray Huntington BNY M4044 28 1:24:04 8 10:24 57 01:02 214 0:44:01 133 01:08 279 0:27:29 121 148 Gordon Gregg Upper SaddleNJ M3034 19 1:24:24 217 14:59 102 01:22 102 0:39:49 139 01:10 261 0:27:04 158 149 Barylski John BridgehamptoNY M4549 21 1:24:26 168 14:17 223 02:16 117 0:40:23 267 01:36 206 0:25:54 23 150 Cash Christopher Port JeffersNY M3539 21 1:24:27 111 13:18 138 01:37 184 0:42:41 192 01:18 189 0:25:33 63 151 Welsh Tom Huntington NY M3539 22 1:24:27 278 16:01 118 01:29 206 0:43:43 151 01:11 61 0:22:03 403 152 Massoud Victoria New York NY F2529 3 1:24:29 81 12:45 112 01:26 128 0:40:45 240 01:29 297 0:28:04 247 153 Gustafson Chris West SayvillNY M3539 23 1:24:37 87 12:50 295 02:43 187 0:42:47 263 01:35 157 0:24:42 161 154 Monahan Brian east hamptonNY M4549 22 1:24:46 91 12:57 246 02:23 140 0:41:08 331 01:55 235 0:26:23 269 155 PITCHES DAVID MONTAUK NY M5559 1 1:24:54 198 14:45 214 02:13 190 0:42:55 230 01:26 123 0:23:35 442 156 Arabian Carlo Orlando FL M3539 24 1:25:08 303 16:35 351 03:14 166 0:42:09 323 01:52 43 0:21:18 12 157 WETZEL PATRICK MONTAUK NY XCL++ 3 1:25:18 99 13:04 115 01:27 133 0:40:58 213 01:23 312 0:28:26 434 158 Kristel Lisa Syosset NY F4044 5 1:25:22 159 14:11 165 01:50 153 0:41:33 269 01:36 223 0:26:12 213 159 Einsidler Jon Tenafly NJ M5054 6 1:25:37 25 11:13 323 03:00 224 0:44:17 135 01:08 210 0:25:59 115 160 Atlee Bruce Orlando FL XCL++ 4 1:25:37 199 14:46 172 01:52 144 0:41:12 200 01:19 237 0:26:28 17 161 Curtin Ted Wayne NJ M3539 25 1:25:41 221 15:03 279 02:36 208 0:43:53 77 00:57 108 0:23:12 84 162 Fromm Kenny Amagansett NY M1518 4 1:25:51 220 15:02 319 02:57 262 0:45:35 16 00:43 52 0:21:34 141 163 CORELLI SCOTT MONTAUK NY M3034 20 1:25:52 267 15:47 258 02:29 207 0:43:46 264 01:35 70 0:22:15 460 164 Asher Craig Northport NY M3539 26 1:25:56 321 16:53 284 02:39 122 0:40:31 232 01:27 150 0:24:26 16 165 DRUCKER DAVID NY M4549 23 1:25:56 260 15:42 281 02:37 94 0:39:15 277 01:39 248 0:26:43 450 166 Hecht Joshua New York NY M2529 15 1:25:58 292 16:15 148 01:42 161 0:41:55 334 01:56 142 0:24:10 172 167 Ireland Patricia ny NY XCFYF 2 1:26:06 118 13:26 58 01:02 185 0:42:44 292 01:43 272 0:27:11 189 168 Royer Michael huntington NY M3539 27 1:26:11 177 14:25 304 02:46 85 0:38:59 345 02:01 295 0:28:00 319 169 COOKE JENNIFER E HAMPTON NY F4044 6 1:26:12 116 13:25 150 01:43 176 0:42:33 293 01:43 254 0:26:48 471 170 Rakowski Julie Floral Pk NY F2529 4 1:26:12 163 14:14 367 03:34 220 0:44:07 44 00:50 117 0:23:27 428 171 Rossman Jeff Levittown NY M4549 24 1:26:21 216 14:59 215 02:14 179 0:42:37 209 01:21 175 0:25:10 317 172 Diglio Maria Garden City NY F3539 9 1:26:23 153 14:05 173 01:52 172 0:42:22 210 01:21 249 0:26:43 105 173 Mcauley Sean lloyd harborNY M3539 28 1:26:43 214 14:57 324 03:01 137 0:41:03 363 02:09 190 0:25:33 250 174 Frediani Paul new york NY XCL++ 5 1:26:47 207 14:50 35 00:55 183 0:42:40 372 02:15 217 0:26:07 138 175 Titan Steven Great Neck NY M4549 25 1:26:48 251 15:33 298 02:44 139 0:41:06 368 02:13 177 0:25:12 380 176 Morrill Donn Modena NY M3539 29 1:27:01 265 15:45 104 01:23 189 0:42:49 314 01:50 178 0:25:14 266 177 Clarke Tracy Mount Sinai NY F1924 4 1:27:01 55 11:53 315 02:54 197 0:43:17 297 01:46 273 0:27:11 70 178 Salzberg Mark New York NY M3034 21 1:27:15 58 12:01 340 03:09 191 0:42:56 391 02:33 241 0:26:36 324 179 Dabe Darrell patchogue NY XCL++ 6 1:27:16 183 14:28 313 02:53 178 0:42:36 347 02:01 180 0:25:18 86 180 Brown Scott Wantagh NY M3539 30 1:27:17 257 15:41 81 01:13 160 0:41:55 184 01:17 271 0:27:11 45 181 Phildius Craig brooklyn NY M3034 22 1:27:18 165 14:14 266 02:31 256 0:45:17 233 01:27 129 0:23:49 295 182 Whitley Kathleen Eastport NY F4549 3 1:27:19 314 16:48 188 02:02 169 0:42:20 34 00:48 182 0:25:21 406 183 Dobbins Dave Amity HarborNY M1924 5 1:27:24 10 10:30 139 01:39 267 0:45:56 256 01:34 285 0:27:45 106 184 Papa Gregory New York NY M2529 16 1:27:25 121 13:29 206 02:10 195 0:43:12 303 01:47 253 0:26:47 285 185 Stevens Andrew Port WashingNY M3539 31 1:27:30 148 14:03 239 02:20 198 0:43:22 243 01:30 226 0:26:15 371 186 Davis Judianne Poquott NY F4044 7 1:27:35 139 13:52 275 02:34 213 0:44:00 246 01:31 192 0:25:38 92 187 McLoughlin Jennifer Blue Point NY XCFYF 3 1:27:38 310 16:43 80 01:12 125 0:40:33 216 01:23 287 0:27:47 258 188 Grisack Scott cherry hill NJ XCLYD 4 1:27:39 101 13:04 134 01:35 177 0:42:35 409 03:48 243 0:26:37 160 189 Soldo Steven East HamptonNY M3539 32 1:27:41 105 13:10 265 02:31 210 0:43:55 290 01:43 233 0:26:22 359 190 Cahill Dan locust valleNY M4044 29 1:27:45 107 13:15 392 04:08 123 0:40:31 258 01:34 309 0:28:17 54 191 Seltzer Paul Dix Hills NY M5054 7 1:27:57 228 15:07 175 01:52 234 0:44:42 178 01:15 169 0:25:01 344 192 Desimone RodrigDawn greenlawn NY F3539 10 1:28:00 103 13:07 142 01:39 162 0:41:55 268 01:36 344 0:29:43 101 193 Flynn Margaret New York NY F3539 11 1:28:02 341 17:26 276 02:34 221 0:44:09 186 01:17 82 0:22:36 130 194 Franco Shari New York NY F3539 12 1:28:06 333 17:10 158 01:48 223 0:44:12 217 01:23 122 0:23:33 133 195 Vecchio-FerriolBeth East MoricheNY F5054 2 1:28:09 208 14:52 61 01:03 180 0:42:38 308 01:48 289 0:27:48 390 196 Gordon Bob Great Neck NY M5054 8 1:28:13 223 15:04 224 02:16 156 0:41:44 162 01:13 292 0:27:56 157 197 Garcia-Newland Maria Lindenhurst NY F4044 8 1:28:15 382 19:05 135 01:35 212 0:43:57 9 00:38 102 0:23:00 146 198 LeLiever Jamie Sanford NC M1924 6 1:28:18 57 12:00 105 01:24 324 0:48:18 55 00:53 196 0:25:43 224 199 Mulryan Joseph Northport NY M5559 2 1:28:30 69 12:26 341 03:10 244 0:45:03 252 01:32 230 0:26:19 273 200 MacNiven Annette Wainscott NY F4549 4 1:28:35 202 14:47 64 01:05 227 0:44:25 170 01:14 262 0:27:04 236 201 Florio Cynthia Babylon NY F3034 9 1:28:38 179 14:27 177 01:53 303 0:47:16 45 00:50 144 0:24:12 127 202 McManus Tim Amityville NY XCLYD 5 1:28:39 410 22:02 190 02:03 58 0:38:01 330 01:55 153 0:24:38 260 203 Hardy Derek Warrenton VA XCLYD 6 1:28:46 131 13:43 348 03:13 124 0:40:33 351 02:03 331 0:29:14 169 204 Levorchick Bruce stony brook NY M4549 26 1:29:05 222 15:03 191 02:03 226 0:44:24 234 01:27 218 0:26:08 227 205 Hirschfeld Elie New York NY M5054 9 1:29:05 268 15:49 185 01:57 147 0:41:16 123 01:06 324 0:28:57 180 206 Morgo Jennifer bellport NY F3539 13 1:29:13 322 16:54 166 01:50 269 0:46:00 275 01:38 93 0:22:51 272 207 Anderson Bridget Brooklyn NY F3034 10 1:29:14 316 16:49 300 02:44 171 0:42:21 328 01:53 186 0:25:27 6 208 KRAUSHAAR SHEILA WADING RIVERNY F5054 3 1:29:15 72 12:28 219 02:15 287 0:46:50 274 01:38 215 0:26:04 470 209 Bippert Jeff Silver SprinMD M3034 23 1:29:21 255 15:40 310 02:50 240 0:44:56 42 00:50 171 0:25:05 33 210 Whittaker Kerry Sayville NY F4044 9 1:29:22 280 16:02 213 02:13 182 0:42:39 201 01:19 268 0:27:09 407 211 UNKNOWN ENTRANT CT M3034 24 1:29:31 0 ---- 00:00 0 419 06:32 100 0:22:59 BC22 212 Nigro Bobbi Bellerose MaNY F4044 10 1:29:34 181 14:27 253 02:26 216 0:44:02 382 02:20 229 0:26:19 280 213 Goettelmann Tim Garden City NY M2529 17 1:29:45 132 13:45 346 03:12 271 0:46:13 56 00:53 195 0:25:42 150 214 Navazio Mike huntington sNY M5054 10 1:29:58 400 20:32 127 01:32 174 0:42:30 171 01:14 143 0:24:10 276 215 Schaffer Lyle sayville NY M4044 30 1:30:06 271 15:54 195 02:04 106 0:39:51 346 02:01 356 0:30:16 330 216 Aloe Paul Port WashingNY M4549 27 1:30:07 346 17:36 130 01:33 200 0:43:30 286 01:42 204 0:25:46 3 217 Labiner Nancy New York NY F3539 14 1:30:12 343 17:29 267 02:31 247 0:45:07 305 01:47 112 0:23:18 216 218 Lawson Blaine Stony Brook NY M6064 1 1:30:13 315 16:49 186 01:59 282 0:46:45 36 00:48 130 0:23:52 221 219 Kasselman Tracy Sands Point NY F2529 5 1:30:17 196 14:43 218 02:15 275 0:46:24 74 00:56 211 0:25:59 203 220 Fargnoli Laurene West Islip NY F4549 5 1:30:23 318 16:49 268 02:31 211 0:43:56 111 01:03 216 0:26:04 120 221 Roman Jose westbury NY XCLYD 7 1:30:26 240 15:20 404 04:30 121 0:40:30 326 01:53 306 0:28:13 310 222 Mulryan Kevin Northport NY M1924 7 1:30:29 266 15:46 243 02:21 289 0:46:57 296 01:46 125 0:23:39 274 223 Czarkowski Chris Port WashingNY XCLYD 8 1:30:43 147 14:02 189 02:03 229 0:44:36 315 01:50 304 0:28:12 85 224 Clark Kimberly Shelter IslaNY F3539 15 1:30:50 281 16:04 192 02:03 268 0:45:57 319 01:51 165 0:24:55 68 225 Day Matthew New York NY M4044 31 1:31:02 203 14:48 378 03:49 222 0:44:12 371 02:14 209 0:25:59 93 226 Schlott Ramsey New York NY F2529 6 1:31:08 242 15:20 145 01:41 276 0:46:32 339 01:57 193 0:25:38 336 227 Bauer Kara New York NY F3034 11 1:31:10 184 14:29 286 02:40 301 0:47:13 118 01:05 197 0:25:43 24 228 Elefante Amy New York NY F3034 12 1:31:14 328 17:00 377 03:47 188 0:42:47 386 02:24 179 0:25:16 116 229 Lefkowitz Joshua New York NY M2529 18 1:31:15 109 13:17 238 02:20 293 0:47:01 304 01:47 255 0:26:50 223 230 Samuels Laurita Shoreham NY F5054 4 1:31:16 188 14:34 113 01:26 288 0:46:56 284 01:41 246 0:26:39 325 231 Clark Sue Anne W. Babylon NY F3034 13 1:31:18 360 18:09 334 03:05 225 0:44:17 10 00:38 173 0:25:09 69 232 Arron Jeffrey New York NY M4044 32 1:31:27 332 17:10 372 03:42 228 0:44:32 144 01:10 162 0:24:53 15 233 Zappulla James Laurel NY XCLYD 9 1:31:30 133 13:46 220 02:16 248 0:45:08 193 01:18 327 0:29:02 417 234 Corelli Craig PhiladelphiaNJ XCL++ 7 1:31:40 229 15:10 370 03:37 120 0:40:29 356 02:06 357 0:30:18 77 235 LIFRIERI BRUCE NEW YORK NY M5054 11 1:31:40 274 15:58 193 02:03 196 0:43:14 287 01:42 319 0:28:43 437 236 CALABRESE ROSE MONTAUK NY F1518 2 1:31:45 308 16:41 278 02:35 328 0:48:35 35 00:48 107 0:23:06 454 237 Bock Eric Sag Harbor NY M3539 33 1:31:45 300 16:21 210 02:13 302 0:47:16 50 00:52 170 0:25:03 34 238 Daly Tim Fort SalongaNY XCL++ 8 1:32:00 215 14:58 280 02:37 261 0:45:32 211 01:22 282 0:27:31 87 239 KELLERMAN TED NEW YORK NY M3539 34 1:32:01 238 15:17 242 02:21 311 0:47:28 244 01:30 185 0:25:25 490 240 Andrade Mary Bay Shore NY F4044 11 1:32:07 283 16:07 174 01:52 204 0:43:40 161 01:13 333 0:29:15 7 241 Smith Chad New York NY M3034 25 1:32:07 151 14:04 364 03:31 363 0:50:54 73 00:56 90 0:22:42 355 242 Mark Shari Massapequa PNY F2529 7 1:32:09 350 17:55 199 02:07 348 0:50:11 181 01:16 31 0:20:40 244 243 Langella Tom manasquan NJ M3034 26 1:32:10 167 14:16 363 03:30 202 0:43:32 414 04:50 214 0:26:02 217 244 PROVIDENTI DAVID MTK NY F3539 16 1:32:11 224 15:05 196 02:05 277 0:46:33 311 01:49 245 0:26:39 467 245 Mains Robert Saratoga SprNY M4549 28 1:32:17 241 15:20 312 02:52 145 0:41:13 369 02:13 361 0:30:39 238 246 Falvey Kerry Long Beach NY F3034 14 1:32:27 195 14:41 251 02:25 317 0:47:42 374 02:16 184 0:25:23 118 247 Pennino Lana new york NY F4044 12 1:32:28 339 17:20 125 01:31 173 0:42:22 237 01:28 345 0:29:47 290 248 Levinson Nancy Great Neck NY F4044 13 1:32:29 234 15:14 168 01:51 296 0:47:04 136 01:08 274 0:27:12 226 249 Mangalo Carino Renee New York NY F3539 17 1:32:34 357 18:01 226 02:17 281 0:46:42 238 01:28 140 0:24:06 240 250 Leff Mark Massapequa NY XCL++ 9 1:32:41 230 15:11 256 02:28 237 0:44:47 348 02:01 307 0:28:14 222 251 ANGELI STEPHEN MONTAUK NY M5054 12 1:32:41 247 15:30 339 03:08 327 0:48:29 172 01:14 149 0:24:20 472 252 Vogelmann Andy Miller PlaceNY M4044 33 1:32:51 226 15:06 277 02:35 246 0:45:05 336 01:56 301 0:28:09 394 253 JONES SCOTT MONTAUK NY M3034 27 1:32:56 186 14:33 249 02:25 284 0:46:47 307 01:48 277 0:27:23 473 254 Jones Rosemary Bethpage NY F4044 14 1:33:02 269 15:50 287 02:40 236 0:44:43 316 01:50 294 0:27:59 196 255 Burton Richard W Islip NY XCLYD 10 1:33:09 356 18:01 211 02:13 232 0:44:41 273 01:38 242 0:26:36 50 256 Wittich Hannah NYC NY F4044 15 1:33:10 373 18:40 209 02:11 135 0:41:00 298 01:46 339 0:29:33 411 257 DUNLEAVY DREW SETAUKET NY XCL++ 10 1:33:11 232 15:13 289 02:40 294 0:47:01 194 01:18 260 0:26:59 435 258 Conroy Matthew Rockville CtNY M3539 35 1:33:18 324 16:56 259 02:29 272 0:46:13 406 03:26 145 0:24:14 425 259 Wittman Charles Amityville NY M5559 3 1:33:28 60 12:09 241 02:20 219 0:44:05 324 01:52 386 0:33:02 412 260 DONNELLAN KEVIN SHOREHAM NY M2529 19 1:33:33 244 15:26 160 01:49 379 0:51:50 114 01:04 116 0:23:24 491 261 Frieder Jayme New York NY F3034 15 1:33:36 243 15:21 412 04:59 245 0:45:03 380 02:18 207 0:25:55 139 262 RUDERMAN RICHARD MONTAUK NY M4044 34 1:33:36 246 15:29 342 03:11 203 0:43:34 361 02:08 332 0:29:14 455 263 Marx Michele New York NY F2529 8 1:33:48 313 16:47 369 03:36 231 0:44:39 392 02:38 219 0:26:08 246 264 Lustenring Thomas Bellmore NY M4044 35 1:33:51 264 15:45 371 03:41 265 0:45:54 229 01:26 263 0:27:05 233 265 Ullman Leo Sands Point NY M6569 1 1:34:04 235 15:15 237 02:19 241 0:44:59 279 01:39 346 0:29:52 384 266 Frank Leah New York NY F2529 9 1:34:05 259 15:41 326 03:01 280 0:46:41 355 02:05 244 0:26:37 135 267 Musachio Mike New York NY M4044 36 1:34:09 175 14:24 271 02:32 355 0:50:31 259 01:34 172 0:25:08 275 268 Drutman Evan New York NY M4044 37 1:34:11 30 11:16 183 01:57 81 0:38:49 417 19:50 75 0:22:19 110 269 Jenkins CArey Blaise New York NY M3539 36 1:34:16 204 14:49 390 04:07 252 0:45:12 384 02:22 286 0:27:46 193 270 BURKE RYAN MONTAUK NY M1518 5 1:34:16 317 16:49 362 03:28 314 0:47:36 408 03:42 88 0:22:41 440 271 FELLNER SUSAN NEW YORK NY F3034 16 1:34:27 331 17:09 308 02:48 263 0:45:38 381 02:19 240 0:26:33 452 272 Schulman Eileen farmingdale NY F1924 5 1:34:27 146 14:02 208 02:10 326 0:48:24 110 01:03 321 0:28:48 341 273 Paternoster Scott Laurel HolloNY M3539 37 1:34:32 250 15:32 197 02:05 186 0:42:45 271 01:37 380 0:32:33 288 274 Schwartz Jennifer Wantagh NY F3034 17 1:34:39 187 14:33 162 01:49 238 0:44:50 318 01:51 374 0:31:36 342 275 MORRISON GREGORY MONTAUK NY M2529 20 1:34:40 155 14:07 245 02:23 339 0:49:43 143 01:10 275 0:27:17 492 276 Liles Wendy New York NY F3539 18 1:35:04 291 16:15 347 03:12 273 0:46:15 128 01:07 308 0:28:15 228 277 Fulkerson Jennifer New York NY F2529 10 1:35:04 252 15:33 299 02:44 306 0:47:23 373 02:15 269 0:27:09 142 278 Paradise Sonja Greenlawn NY F3034 18 1:35:04 213 14:56 240 02:20 307 0:47:25 202 01:19 328 0:29:04 286 279 Thompson Evelina NancyEast HamptonNY F4044 16 1:35:14 319 16:50 401 04:21 264 0:45:43 359 02:07 224 0:26:13 376 280 HEAVEY MATTHEW HB NY M5054 13 1:35:16 239 15:19 306 02:47 250 0:45:11 299 01:46 354 0:30:13 436 281 Nestor Jeanine Centerport NY F4044 17 1:35:18 205 14:49 354 03:19 318 0:47:50 365 02:10 270 0:27:10 278 282 Bonner Karin New York NY XCFYF 4 1:35:22 288 16:12 356 03:21 215 0:44:01 385 02:24 334 0:29:24 37 283 Santomauro Anthony Huntington NY M3539 38 1:35:26 389 19:42 292 02:41 255 0:45:16 43 00:50 259 0:26:57 327 284 Guttman Josh New York NY M2529 21 1:35:31 376 18:47 329 03:03 254 0:45:13 366 02:11 227 0:26:17 162 285 Kollock Paige New York NY F2529 11 1:35:32 273 15:57 260 02:29 344 0:50:05 92 01:00 213 0:26:01 211 286 Londino Jennifer Seaford NY F2529 12 1:35:42 298 16:20 236 02:19 297 0:47:06 154 01:11 320 0:28:46 230 287 Julich Herbert Rockville CeNY XCL++ 11 1:35:43 352 17:56 207 02:10 253 0:45:12 340 01:59 314 0:28:26 198 288 Goettelmann George New York NY M3034 28 1:35:47 302 16:25 321 02:58 305 0:47:23 81 00:58 296 0:28:03 153 289 Fast Betsy New York NY F3034 19 1:35:48 200 14:47 273 02:33 235 0:44:43 400 02:59 362 0:30:46 123 290 KING PAUL BROOKLYN NY M4044 38 1:36:00 0 ---- 00:00 0 0 00:00 420 1:36:00 469 291 Ronan Nancy Brooklyn NY F3539 19 1:36:00 275 15:59 212 02:13 316 0:47:41 7 00:37 337 0:29:30 311 292 PEZZANO TONY LLOYD HARBORNY M4044 39 1:36:16 337 17:17 343 03:11 320 0:47:51 163 01:13 251 0:26:44 489 293 Hughes William Hampton BaysNY M5054 14 1:36:17 237 15:16 254 02:27 322 0:48:07 325 01:52 316 0:28:35 187 294 Kent Andrea New York NY F4549 6 1:36:19 407 21:02 302 02:44 295 0:47:03 247 01:31 134 0:23:59 206 295 Marino Joseph East RockawaNY M1924 8 1:36:21 311 16:44 234 02:19 347 0:50:11 82 00:58 220 0:26:09 242 296 Goettelmann Christopher W. Palm BeacFL M2529 22 1:36:33 323 16:55 274 02:34 336 0:49:35 22 00:45 250 0:26:44 418 297 Davis Michael Warwick NY M4044 40 1:36:35 92 12:58 402 04:27 343 0:50:05 153 01:11 291 0:27:54 91 298 Baldini Daniel New York NY M4044 41 1:36:37 173 14:21 380 03:50 283 0:46:46 362 02:08 338 0:29:32 20 299 Fung Coleman East WillistNY M4044 42 1:36:38 369 18:32 394 04:09 286 0:46:49 253 01:32 191 0:25:36 143 300 Meese Rick New York NY M3539 39 1:36:42 270 15:51 410 04:50 308 0:47:26 18 00:43 290 0:27:52 263 301 Maturo Joseph East NorthpoNY M6064 2 1:36:49 297 16:19 169 01:51 158 0:41:51 358 02:07 396 0:34:41 249 302 O'Donnell Diane East HamptonNY F5054 5 1:36:51 338 17:19 335 03:06 310 0:47:27 329 01:54 264 0:27:05 281 303 PFUND BRIAN MONTAUK NY M0014 1 1:36:54 218 15:00 198 02:06 332 0:48:51 236 01:28 336 0:29:29 448 304 Thoma Ted New York NY XCLYD 11 1:37:06 261 15:43 327 03:02 352 0:50:25 248 01:32 236 0:26:24 375 305 Mistretta Francesca New York NY XCFYF 5 1:37:10 295 16:18 366 03:32 292 0:47:00 300 01:46 315 0:28:34 268 306 Martin Bob West Islip NY M5054 15 1:37:18 378 18:53 387 04:02 279 0:46:39 106 01:02 247 0:26:42 245 307 Walker Christina Brooklyn NY F4044 18 1:37:23 381 18:56 227 02:17 299 0:47:12 317 01:50 267 0:27:08 396 308 McDonough Brian Yonkers NM XCLYD 12 1:37:25 342 17:28 285 02:39 233 0:44:42 312 01:49 364 0:30:47 254 309 Sperber Helene Dix Hills NY F1924 6 1:37:40 263 15:44 307 02:48 349 0:50:19 180 01:16 283 0:27:33 363 310 Schmanski Eric East NorthpoNY M3034 29 1:37:47 384 19:12 349 03:13 291 0:47:00 63 00:54 278 0:27:28 338 311 McKeon Mike Melville NY XCLYD 13 1:37:47 366 18:21 388 04:03 270 0:46:01 116 01:05 310 0:28:17 257 312 Goldberg Michelle Bronx NY F4044 19 1:37:51 367 18:29 290 02:40 251 0:45:11 276 01:38 347 0:29:53 156 313 Carbone Susan Westhampton NY F4044 20 1:37:57 409 21:52 368 03:35 290 0:46:59 306 01:47 126 0:23:44 60 314 Stavoler Julia Montauk NY F4044 21 1:38:04 262 15:43 375 03:45 274 0:46:16 343 02:00 359 0:30:20 369 315 Williams Deborah Branford CT F3539 20 1:38:10 387 19:23 121 01:29 312 0:47:32 260 01:34 305 0:28:12 408 316 Schloss Steve Muttontown NY M6569 2 1:38:19 194 14:40 201 02:08 329 0:48:35 320 01:51 368 0:31:05 335 317 Friedman Michael New York NY M3539 40 1:38:30 306 16:39 270 02:32 300 0:47:13 327 01:53 353 0:30:13 140 318 Juzefovic Arnold Locust ValleNY M6569 3 1:38:37 336 17:16 87 01:15 331 0:48:47 93 01:00 358 0:30:19 199 319 Simuni Ilya New York NY XCL++ 12 1:38:47 320 16:51 305 02:47 194 0:43:05 332 01:55 390 0:34:09 351 320 Hillel Liza East HamptonNY F2529 13 1:38:50 284 16:09 379 03:49 367 0:51:07 51 00:52 256 0:26:53 178 321 Belford John woodland dr NY M3539 41 1:38:58 294 16:17 228 02:18 278 0:46:38 394 02:41 367 0:31:04 26 322 Hanley Rebecca New York NY F3034 20 1:39:11 227 15:06 337 03:07 337 0:49:36 309 01:48 341 0:29:34 167 323 Isaacs Sheila Shoreham NY F6569 1 1:39:30 351 17:55 200 02:07 266 0:45:55 367 02:12 373 0:31:21 190 324 Falkenbach Diana New YOrk NY F3034 21 1:39:43 349 17:43 320 02:57 350 0:50:22 295 01:45 257 0:26:56 117 325 McKee Kelly AMagansett NY M5054 16 1:39:55 185 14:32 406 04:38 378 0:51:41 187 01:17 288 0:27:47 256 326 Sperber Alex Dix Hills NY M1518 6 1:39:59 211 14:56 353 03:18 345 0:50:08 278 01:39 348 0:29:58 362 327 Dietsche Nicole Bay SHore NY F1518 3 1:40:03 293 16:17 411 04:51 391 0:53:55 76 00:56 139 0:24:04 220 328 Schellbach Jackie New York NY F3539 21 1:40:03 285 16:10 413 05:03 371 0:51:17 157 01:12 232 0:26:21 331 329 BOUCHER HEATHER MONTAUK NY F3034 22 1:40:25 365 18:19 283 02:38 321 0:47:52 261 01:34 350 0:30:02 468 330 Walton Jenifer New York NY F3034 23 1:40:35 325 16:56 244 02:22 394 0:54:23 221 01:24 187 0:25:30 399 331 WELLING LYNNE YORKTOWN HGTNY F4044 22 1:40:36 249 15:31 263 02:30 259 0:45:26 352 02:03 401 0:35:06 465 332 Stepner Meyer W.hempstead NY M4044 43 1:40:43 334 17:12 338 03:08 333 0:48:59 370 02:13 330 0:29:11 370 333 Robison David New York NY M3034 30 1:40:47 282 16:05 269 02:32 304 0:47:23 335 01:56 384 0:32:51 308 334 HUGHES COLLEEN MONTAUK NY F3539 22 1:40:55 176 14:24 250 02:25 390 0:53:38 67 00:55 340 0:29:33 464 335 Healy William Centerport NY M3539 42 1:40:57 160 14:13 203 02:09 330 0:48:38 72 00:56 400 0:35:01 171 336 Dwyer Alexandra New York NY F2529 14 1:41:16 358 18:05 400 04:19 377 0:51:37 75 00:56 231 0:26:19 112 337 Bruno Chris Jersey City NJ M2529 23 1:41:29 364 18:17 325 03:01 361 0:50:47 83 00:58 313 0:28:26 48 338 Shannon Meaghan Bellport NM F1924 7 1:41:41 363 18:11 252 02:25 383 0:52:45 46 00:50 281 0:27:30 347 339 Holmes Nathan east atlantiNY M3034 31 1:41:53 361 18:10 409 04:46 353 0:50:25 353 02:04 238 0:26:28 184 340 Argondizza Candy New York NY F4549 7 1:41:57 345 17:32 181 01:56 323 0:48:17 403 03:03 370 0:31:09 13 341 Brierley Kimberly East HamptonNY F3539 23 1:42:01 418 23:51 407 04:40 298 0:47:11 280 01:39 154 0:24:40 42 342 Gibbon Marian new york NY F3539 24 1:42:04 375 18:46 352 03:16 325 0:48:21 395 02:47 322 0:28:54 151 343 Velasquez Fernando Islip terracNY M5559 4 1:42:11 417 23:44 133 01:34 257 0:45:17 390 02:31 329 0:29:05 391 344 ANGLE Leslie New York NY F4044 23 1:42:24 386 19:22 301 02:44 351 0:50:23 301 01:46 302 0:28:09 10 345 Davidson Mindy Seaford NY F4044 24 1:42:33 396 20:12 122 01:29 368 0:51:10 195 01:18 311 0:28:24 89 346 Welling Donald Yorktown HtsNY M4044 44 1:42:41 115 13:24 322 03:00 249 0:45:08 350 02:02 414 0:39:07 402 347 Kennedy Brian Kings Park NY M4044 45 1:42:43 398 20:24 344 03:11 334 0:49:04 344 02:00 298 0:28:04 205 348 Cohen Hunter Water Mill NY XCL++ 13 1:42:43 359 18:09 230 02:18 242 0:45:00 398 02:56 392 0:34:20 72 349 Beck Nancy Brooklyn NY F3034 24 1:42:50 344 17:31 393 04:08 366 0:51:04 342 01:59 300 0:28:08 25 350 Badeer Robert New York NY XCLYD 14 1:42:55 348 17:40 328 03:03 359 0:50:40 245 01:30 349 0:30:02 18 351 Franklin Sheri New York NY F3539 25 1:43:08 377 18:50 350 03:13 364 0:50:54 254 01:32 318 0:28:39 137 352 Mark Stacy New York NY F3034 25 1:43:16 254 15:39 403 04:27 385 0:53:08 112 01:03 325 0:28:59 243 353 Holmes Victoria New York NY XCFYF 6 1:43:35 180 14:27 296 02:43 315 0:47:39 294 01:45 409 0:37:01 185 354 Conner John East HamptonNY M6569 4 1:43:49 412 22:12 194 02:03 369 0:51:14 321 01:51 239 0:26:29 75 355 Santasier Anita Amityville NY F4044 25 1:43:55 372 18:36 365 03:31 335 0:49:34 396 02:50 335 0:29:24 326 356 Jordan Robert Garden City NY M4549 29 1:44:47 397 20:24 419 05:21 260 0:45:26 389 02:29 369 0:31:07 423 357 Kampf Mary Wainscott NY F4044 26 1:45:12 327 16:58 398 04:19 309 0:47:26 410 03:51 381 0:32:38 200 358 Schiliro Ken Centerport NY M2529 24 1:45:53 353 17:57 361 03:25 362 0:50:47 185 01:17 379 0:32:27 334 359 Higgins Julie Sag Harbor NY F2529 15 1:45:57 370 18:32 93 01:18 381 0:52:16 281 01:40 376 0:32:11 177 360 Cochran Bob New York NY M5054 17 1:46:05 383 19:06 381 03:55 356 0:50:34 0 46:25 421 1:46:05 71 361 McDevitt Hilary New York NY F2529 16 1:46:12 354 17:58 358 03:23 389 0:53:37 101 01:01 355 0:30:13 252 362 Hessler Kaylin Montauk NY F1518 4 1:46:21 170 14:19 161 01:49 396 0:54:50 48 00:51 395 0:34:32 176 363 Deckoff Hilary New York NY F3034 26 1:46:55 258 15:41 408 04:44 373 0:51:19 341 01:59 388 0:33:12 95 364 Mcdevitt Tim cold spring NY M3539 43 1:47:04 404 20:56 385 04:00 341 0:49:54 393 02:39 342 0:29:35 253 365 Millman Michael ny NY M3034 32 1:47:11 231 15:12 405 04:31 384 0:53:06 250 01:32 383 0:32:50 267 366 TURCAT Christel New York NY F3539 26 1:47:43 355 17:59 382 03:57 400 0:55:36 188 01:17 323 0:28:54 381 367 Kolen Kerri New York NY F1924 8 1:48:27 309 16:43 374 03:44 405 0:57:04 173 01:14 343 0:29:42 210 368 SMYTH HEATHER J MONTAUK NY M2529 25 1:48:43 301 16:24 314 02:53 370 0:51:15 94 01:00 411 0:37:11 466 369 Montlack Leonard Commack NY M5054 18 1:48:56 371 18:34 359 03:24 386 0:53:16 399 02:56 363 0:30:46 270 370 G BEN L MONTAUK NY M6064 3 1:49:31 388 19:30 422 07:49 313 0:47:34 412 04:00 360 0:30:38 462 371 Wenk Michelle Modena NY F3539 27 1:49:33 307 16:39 261 02:29 395 0:54:35 68 00:55 399 0:34:55 404 372 Goettelmann Gunnar Manhasset NY M1924 9 1:49:47 189 14:36 297 02:44 399 0:55:24 47 00:51 403 0:36:12 155 373 Spring Jennifer New York NY F2529 17 1:50:04 279 16:02 421 06:02 375 0:51:23 310 01:48 398 0:34:49 366 374 FONTANEZ NOEL MANORVILLE NY M3034 33 1:50:05 413 22:22 262 02:30 376 0:51:33 177 01:15 378 0:32:25 131 375 Philis Elaine New York NY F3539 28 1:50:09 362 18:10 383 03:57 374 0:51:22 377 02:17 393 0:34:23 296 376 Pike Kathy Levittown NY F5559 1 1:50:17 415 23:35 231 02:18 360 0:50:45 333 01:55 375 0:31:44 298 377 Rivera Steven e. patchogueNY XCLYD 15 1:50:35 394 20:09 331 03:04 342 0:49:58 397 02:55 394 0:34:29 307 378 Cummings James East Islip NM M4044 46 1:50:46 330 17:06 373 03:44 397 0:55:03 288 01:42 387 0:33:11 83 379 Spitz Marjorie New York NY F3539 29 1:50:49 340 17:24 399 04:19 403 0:56:30 231 01:26 371 0:31:10 365 380 MCCANN KEVIN E HAMPTON NY M5054 19 1:50:54 391 19:49 397 04:13 409 0:59:02 119 01:05 252 0:26:45 443 381 Condren Jennifer New York NY F2529 18 1:51:26 419 24:25 303 02:44 380 0:52:12 69 00:55 372 0:31:10 74 382 Thompson Cathleen Montauk NY F4549 8 1:51:43 414 22:30 333 03:04 382 0:52:17 95 01:00 385 0:32:52 377 383 Skelton Jacqui Montauk NY F3539 30 1:51:47 385 19:15 257 02:28 365 0:51:01 337 01:56 410 0:37:07 352 384 Fozzard Farel NEW YORK NY F3034 27 1:51:48 206 14:49 317 02:56 418 1:05:24 262 01:34 265 0:27:05 132 385 Wohead Judi Downers GrovIL F4044 27 1:52:22 312 16:45 316 02:54 406 0:57:25 124 01:06 391 0:34:12 413 386 Dietz Tricia Amityville NY F3539 31 1:52:24 379 18:54 345 03:11 338 0:49:37 404 03:11 412 0:37:31 104 387 Danielson Tania Port WashingNY F4044 28 1:52:26 420 24:59 309 02:48 346 0:50:10 407 03:27 365 0:31:02 88 388 Crotty Elizabeth New York NY F3034 28 1:52:27 335 17:13 391 04:07 387 0:53:30 129 01:07 406 0:36:30 80 389 UNKNOWN ENTRANT NY M3034 34 1:52:43 0 ---- 00:00 0 420 25:47 258 0:26:56 DA6 390 MCCANN EILEEN E HAMPTON NY F5054 6 1:52:44 233 15:14 386 04:00 408 0:58:58 302 01:46 382 0:32:46 444 391 Franklin Ron New York NY M3539 44 1:53:52 299 16:21 291 02:41 0 421 26:30 276 0:27:22 136 392 Hammond Brett Scarsdale NY M5054 20 1:55:54 422 26:20 415 05:12 372 0:51:18 401 03:00 351 0:30:04 166 393 MARTIN MEG MONTAUK NY F4044 29 1:56:19 392 19:53 357 03:22 398 0:55:11 282 01:40 404 0:36:13 463 394 Bruno Tammy Jersey City NJ F2529 19 1:56:23 296 16:19 288 02:40 414 1:02:23 235 01:27 389 0:33:34 47 395 Campbell Peter Huntington NY M3539 45 1:56:41 368 18:31 395 04:13 354 0:50:30 388 02:29 415 0:40:58 422 396 Catanese Janet Montauk NY F4549 9 1:56:51 416 23:44 420 05:36 407 0:58:22 113 01:03 299 0:28:06 65 397 Kirkwood Eugene Montauk NY M6569 5 1:57:02 399 20:30 360 03:24 412 0:59:38 137 01:08 377 0:32:22 208 398 Scotti Kathleen west hartforCT F6064 1 1:57:59 395 20:11 294 02:41 404 0:56:33 378 02:17 405 0:36:17 343 399 Mammolito Tracey New York NY F3034 29 1:58:11 390 19:47 418 05:17 402 0:56:15 360 02:07 397 0:34:45 239 400 Hillel Larry Easy HamptonNY M6064 4 1:58:51 403 20:54 416 05:13 340 0:49:44 270 01:36 416 0:41:24 179 401 D DUPLIN Danielle Melrose MA F4044 30 2:01:06 401 20:38 376 03:46 411 0:59:38 146 01:10 402 0:35:54 109 402 Doran Matthew Manhasset NY M1924 10 2:01:59 305 16:39 233 02:19 0 0 00:00 422 2:01:59 108 403 Amato Mary Anne Lido Beach NY F3539 32 2:02:25 406 20:59 216 02:14 413 0:59:54 383 02:20 408 0:36:58 4 404 Goettelmann Dudley Manhasset NY F5559 2 2:04:00 329 17:00 396 04:13 417 1:04:54 158 01:12 407 0:36:41 154 405 Halloran Neil East NorthpoNY M6064 5 2:04:01 405 20:56 332 03:04 393 0:54:20 405 03:11 417 0:42:30 164 406 CORWIN CHRIS E HAMPTON NY XCLYD 16 2:05:14 411 22:10 417 05:15 419 1:08:45 57 00:53 303 0:28:11 438 407 UNKNOWN RUNNER NOAGE 2:05:26 411 417 27:25 419 57 37:03 366 0:31:03 CG76 408 Baker Jenny Montauk NY F3539 33 2:07:02 402 20:51 336 03:06 416 1:04:02 182 01:16 413 0:37:47 19 409 Schafer Mary Bethpage NY XCF++ 1 2:15:22 421 25:24 318 02:56 410 0:59:34 375 02:16 418 0:45:12 329 410 Hamilothoris Spiro West Islip NY M3539 46 2:20:01 408 21:43 423 13:39 388 0:53:35 411 03:55 419 0:47:09 165
dnf Corley Elizabeth Brewster NY F3539 34 423 28:58 414 05:03 415 1:02:40 78 --- Smith Patrick northport NY M4044 47 127 13:39 255 02:28 79 0:38:45 415 06:36 358 --- Mcphilliamy John north babyloNY M4044 48 156 14:08 293 02:41 0 0 00:00 261 --- Rosseland Ronnie East AtlantiNY M3539 47 304 16:38 384 04:00 0 0 00:00 316 --- Descovich Matthew Plainview NY M1518 7 4 09:41 18 00:49 258 0:45:25 416 07:00 99
OVERALL relays <- TOTAL EVENT-><- SWIM -> <-- BIKE --> <--RUN --> PLACE LAST FIRST DIV DIV/PLC TIME plc SPLIT T1 plc SPLIT t2 plc TIME BIB 1 Bing Howell Oz Pearlman/P d The A Team MAL 1 1:14:18 38 11:29 00:29 175 0:42:32 00:48 5 0:19:00 475 2 mARY BENEDETTO DITCH PLAINS MIX 1 1:16:58 174 14:23 01:01 71 0:38:29 01:01 64 0:22:04 27 3 Stan Lawrence Kevin Klynne/W Grunts MAL 2 1:20:16 37 11:29 00:50 82 0:38:56 01:23 284 0:27:38 479 4 Chris Todd sarah/Bridget Todd Family MIX 2 1:20:53 95 12:59 00:42 243 0:45:02 00:45 45 0:21:25 487 5 ROB VICKARD (W1) TEAM HOPS CAROLIN PRULIN MIX 3 1:21:12 98 13:03 00:39 111 0:40:11 01:20 208 0:25:59 459 6 Vincent Coltellino Charles Sprinte Coltringer MAL 3 1:24:05 374 18:42 00:28 56 0:37:52 00:44 228 0:26:19 485 7 Antonio DaSilva Nicole dasilva The Owls MIX 4 1:25:52 19 10:55 00:40 319 0:47:51 01:25 168 0:25:01 482 8 Karen Williams P/J Lamiroult Three By The Sea MIX 5 1:29:35 97 12:59 00:25 285 0:46:48 00:46 317 0:28:37 484 9 gail Connolly Dan /Mike Cabil Ipods MIX 6 1:33:39 225 15:06 01:25 358 0:50:38 00:47 198 0:25:43 476 10 CLAIRE KIRSHY KORINA GOULDEN HOT CAKES FEM 1 1:35:01 158 14:10 01:00 357 0:50:38 03:02 222 0:26:11 453 11 Eugene Kirkwood m Kirkwood Team Kirkwood MAL 4 1:44:25 380 18:55 01:00 401 0:55:49 00:43 293 0:27:58 486 12 Paul Vasaturo Donna Vasaturo Crazy In Love MIX 7 1:49:02 393 20:05 03:20 392 0:54:17 01:10 352 0:30:10 483