OVERALL AGE PLACE LAST FIRST CITY ST TEAM BIB SEX TIME DIVISION = 10K Female AGE 10 to 12 7 WHITE ELIZABETH 907 12F 0:22:44 4 Holland Kay Eastern Bloc Cy CT CUB J 901 11F 0:22:45 DIVISION = 20K Female AGE 15 to 16 19 White Stephanie Dansko/Wheelwor NH JUNIO 938 15F 0:36:30 DIVISION = Female AGE 17 to 18 56 Strasser Jennifer NECSA/Cuevas/AC NH JUNIO 601 17F 1:12:49 69 Dombroski Amy VT JUNIO 602 17F 1:16:58 DIVISION = Female AGE 30 to 39 213 Goodwin Diane CRCA MASTE 812 30F 1:22:21 DIVISION = Female AGE 40 to 49 196 White Cassie NEBC/Cycleloft NH MASTE 810 40F 1:06:24 197 McVarish Caitlin unattatched CT MASTE 808 44F 1:07:12 201 MacLean Susan Gear Works/Spin NH MASTE 807 46F 1:08:45 199 Franzen Karen Capital Velo Cl CT MASTE 805 44F 1:09:08 206 Quinlan Marilyn Eastern Bloc CT MASTE 803 44F 1:13:02 208 Klau Jennifer Unattached CT MASTE 804 40F 1:13:22 DIVISION = Female AGE 50 to 59 190 DeRosa Marie CRCA MASTE 802 50F 1:04:05 211 Calder Jennifer CT MASTE 801 58F 1:18:03 32 Smith Karen Team 'No Limits CT HANDC 947 52F 1:31:19 DIVISION = Female AGE OP to EN 195 DAVIS KATRINA Independent Fab MA OPEN 821 32F 1:01:47 198 Georgetti Mary MYSTIC VELO RI OPEN 822 39F 1:01:56 193 Owers Zoe New Hampshire C NH OPEN 818 24F 1:02:26 203 Milkowski Anna RONA NY OPEN 823 29F 1:03:24 194 Lawrence Amanda OH OPEN 817 28F 1:03:43 209 Smith Michele Independent Fab MA OPEN 819 27F 1:08:31 210 Summers Laura Hudson Valley V CT OPEN 820 32F 1:08:45 DIVISION = Female AGE SR to -- 207 Vander Veer Daria Exposition Whee CT SR3/4 816 38F 1:08:42 205 Jensen Laura Benidorm/Easter CT SR3/4 814 38F 1:09:14 212 Moore Kerri C. Berlin Bike CT SR3/4 815 34F 1:18:05 DIVISION = 10K Male AGE 10 to 12 Lehmann Joshua NHCC/Team NH NH CUB J 904 12M 0:18:49 Lynch Paul CT CUB J 905 11M 0:19:20 Kelley Patrick NH CUB J 903 12M 0:20:22 McFarland Ian Mystic Velo Clu CT CUB J 906 11M 0:20:42 Barba Cody CCB/Volkswagen CT CUB J 902 10M 0:22:21 DIVISION = 20K Male AGE 13 to 14 8 Bares Alessio New Hampshire C NH JUNIO 932 14M 0:31:44 10 Thornton Christopher HNECC/Peerless NH JUNIO 937 14M 0:31:51 11 Cropley Alexander NECSA/Cuevas/AC CT JUNIO 933 14M 0:34:11 28 FOLEY KYLE 956 14M 0:35:36 18 Lang Graham Bethel Cycle CT JUNIO 935 14M 0:37:54 17 Abelow Samuel ACT/ NECSA CT JUNIO 931 13M 0:39:51 23 McFarland Reed Mystic Velo Clu CT JUNIO 936 14M 0:40:50 31 Holland Alex Eastern Bloc Cy CT JUNIO 934 13M 0:50:10 DIVISION = Male AGE 15 to 16 9 Gordon Ian Team ARC-EN-CIE RI JUNIO 940 16M 0:29:32 12 Miller Barry ACT/Fraysse NY JUNIO 942 16M 0:29:50 14 Rice Zachary Cox Communicati RI JUNIO 944 16M 0:31:41 15 Orum Andrew CUEVAS/NECSA/MI CT JUNIO 943 15M 0:32:19 13 Barlow Ryan NECSA NH JUNIO 939 15M 0:32:44 22 Guerette Steven Cog Wild CT JUNIO 941 16M 0:36:54 29 COX WILL 955 15M 0:36:57 30 FITZPATRICK JOHN 957 15M 0:38:26 DIVISION = Male AGE 17 to 18 36 Lipka Joshua BCA/Tosk MA JUNIO 606 17M 0:58:06 37 Knipe Wentworth MA JUNIO 603 18M 1:00:42 47 Liebowitz Daniel Eastern Bloc Cy CT JUNIO 605 17M 1:04:13 50 Wiles Mike NECSA CT JUNIO 608 18M 1:05:08 58 Wilcox Doug NH JUNIO 607 18M 1:05:17 54 Leigh Nick Team CW-X Compe MA JUNIO 604 17M 1:09:50 DIVISION = Male AGE 19 to 29 200 LEZON STAN CT 825 28M 1:01:11 DIVISION = Male AGE 30 to 39 74 Ceccolini Ed CRCA Axis NJ MASTE 652 32M 0:56:14 76 Antonelli Alan Team Casterama RI MASTE 648 39M 0:58:27 90 Walsh James Cox Communicati RI MASTE 667 37M 0:59:07 87 Summers Wade Benidorm / Crea CT MASTE 666 35M 0:59:13 83 Paggioli Mark Capital Velo Cl CT MASTE 661 37M 0:59:34 85 Pace Anthony Eastern Bloc Cy CT MASTE 660 38M 1:00:48 88 Rusnak David Gearworks NH MASTE 663 39M 1:00:55 91 Spangenberg Mike bca/tosk VT MASTE 665 37M 1:00:58 84 Kramer Robert Bicycle Link/MB MA MASTE 658 37M 1:01:22 89 Pellegrino Greg MA MASTE 662 39M 1:01:27 92 Soderberg Brent EBCC/Benidorm B CT MASTE 664 37M 1:01:37 79 Butler Dan Boston Road Clu MA MASTE 651 33M 1:02:01 202 MUNHALL JOHN CT 824 32M 1:02:48 81 Barba Chris CCB/Volkswagen CT MASTE 649 39M 1:03:27 82 Brown Joel Cox Communicati RI MASTE 650 38M 1:03:36 99 Bradford Kipp Providence Velo RI MASTE 669 31M 1:04:07 96 Reid Forest Essex County Ve VT MASTE 670 31M 1:04:34 80 Darias Juan Union Velo MA MASTE 647 39M 1:04:47 189 DURHAM JON 780 30M 1:05:01 86 Ceppetelli Joe NCC / BikeReg.c CT MASTE 653 39M 1:05:11 95 Meyerle John Titus Cycles CT MASTE 659 35M 1:07:53 33 Lavoie Jeffrey Team 'No Limits CT HANDC 946 39M 1:38:51 DIVISION = Male AGE 40 to 49 113 Morse Sam Bicycle Link/MB MA MASTE 709 41M 0:56:26 119 Rano Joseph Gearworks MA MASTE 712 44M 0:56:32 118 Petrella Gene Gearworks/Spin MA MASTE 711 46M 0:56:48 127 Wolf Brian Bethel Cycle CT MASTE 718 47M 0:57:04 123 Stonebarger John MBRC/Bicycle Li MA MASTE 714 40M 0:57:10 130 O'Connor Colman NEBC/Cycle Loft MA MASTE 710 43M 0:57:36 114 Macleod John Arc en ciel Rac RI MASTE 705 48M 0:58:03 93 Burke Christopher Providence Velo RI MASTE 675 44M 0:58:11 106 Haitz James Cox Communicati RI MASTE 696 40M 0:58:31 97 Bonadio Steven Arc-en-Ciel Rac MA MASTE 679 40M 0:59:47 94 Kirk Randy Eastern Bloc CT MASTE 673 42M 1:00:21 101 Dutka Mark Mystic Velo CT MASTE 688 46M 1:00:51 107 Garneau Gene mercy fitness c MA MASTE 692 42M 1:00:58 132 Vosburgh Steve CCB/Volkswagen NH MASTE 717 41M 1:02:15 125 Luster Thomas MBRC/Bicycle Li MA MASTE 704 42M 1:02:25 105 Deitz Doug Bicycle Link/Ma MA MASTE 685 48M 1:02:26 98 Allaire Michael Cafeteros Cycli CT MASTE 674 45M 1:02:32 122 Heubner Philip Eastern Bloc CT MASTE 700 46M 1:02:46 103 Cruickshank Stephen Boston Road Clu MA MASTE 684 40M 1:02:48 128 Mallery Kevin CT MASTE 707 46M 1:03:01 100 Boudreau Fran Gate City Velo HI MASTE 681 45M 1:03:09 133 Sullivan Geoff Benidorm/Easter CT MASTE 715 47M 1:03:32 112 Escobar Jim Honeywell Cycli CT MASTE 690 41M 1:03:36 124 Hebner George Chesapeake Whee CT MASTE 699 43M 1:03:44 111 Eberly Rex Cox Cycling RI MASTE 689 42M 1:04:36 104 Margius Tom Laurel Bike Clu MASTE 677 40M 1:05:21 115 Froh Richard Mystic Velo Clu CT MASTE 691 49M 1:05:39 121 Green Zachary CT MASTE 695 44M 1:05:53 131 Marti David Connecticut Yan CT MASTE 708 48M 1:06:03 129 Hartman John Quaker City Whe PA MASTE 698 48M 1:06:45 136 Tully Dan MA MASTE 716 44M 1:06:46 117 Drouin Mark cyclonauts MA MASTE 687 47M 1:07:55 109 CONSHAW DICK CYBC Richard Sa CT MASTE 676 40M 1:08:11 102 Roohr Damien Competitive Edg CT MASTE 671 45M 1:08:38 126 Gladstone David CT MASTE 693 43M 1:08:49 120 Comshaw Rick Capital Velo Cl CT MASTE 683 40M 1:10:16 110 Winter Chris CYBC Richard Sa CT MASTE 672 40M 1:11:00 146 Singleton David Pfizer Cyclists CT MASTE 713 43M 1:12:44 134 Goulet Richard CT MASTE 694 43M 1:13:36 DIVISION = Male AGE 50 to 59 156 Black William R. Arc En Ciel ME MASTE 753 52M 0:57:57 164 Hutchinson Jack New Hampshire C NH MASTE 761 56M 0:58:57 170 Tinston Steven Westwood Velo NY MASTE 769 50M 0:59:09 108 Hall Greg cvc CT MASTE 697 50M 0:59:35 165 Johnson Peter Zephyr Cycling CT MASTE 762 57M 1:00:05 159 Bates Peter Arc-En-Ciel RI MASTE 752 54M 1:00:19 173 Themig James Mystic Velo Clu CT MASTE 768 55M 1:00:22 179 Townend Bruce Berkshire Cycli MA MASTE 770 51M 1:02:24 161 Bates Allan BCA/Tosk MA MASTE 751 56M 1:02:25 167 Fitzpatrick John NCC / BikeReg.c MA MASTE 758 50M 1:03:01 184 Officer Tom Richard Sachs/C CT MASTE 774 52M 1:03:34 168 Cousin Stephen A Aquidneck Bicyc RI MASTE 756 50M 1:04:08 169 Calder Tom CT MASTE 755 58M 1:05:19 186 Mikkelson Paul CCB CT MASTE 765 50M 1:05:39 174 Dionne Mark MA MASTE 757 54M 1:05:48 180 Juskowiak Edward zephyr cycling CT MASTE 763 58M 1:05:54 181 Grant Ned (Edwin) CT MASTE 760 52M 1:07:40 178 Calabrese Edward MA MASTE 754 58M 1:09:00 188 Schaeffer John Tri State Velo CT MASTE 767 51M 1:13:59 191 Ludecke Bob none CT MASTE 764 59M 1:16:14 192 Goldman Ed Laurel Bicycle CT MASTE 759 50M 1:20:53 DIVISION = Male AGE 60 to 69 20 Kaplan Bob Westwood Velo NY MASTE 950 61M 0:31:10 21 Kane Patrick Strnad Custom B CT MASTE 949 62M 0:32:15 16 Auer John Somerset Wheelm PA MASTE 948 64M 0:33:06 24 Marino Dennis MASTE 954 61M 0:33:33 25 Reed David Mystic Velo Clu CT MASTE 952 65M 0:34:51 26 Leve Bob CT MASTE 951 67M 0:36:58
182 Crowley Art Unattached NJ MASTE 772 64M 1:03:39 DIVISION = Male AGE 70 to ++ 27 Wilson Robert NEBC/Cycle Loft MA MASTE 953 70M 0:36:00 DIVISION = Male NO AGE 214 Reid Scott Unattached MASTE 668 0M 0:58:26 183 Tobin John MASTE 773 0M 1:04:00 116 Reid Mark Minuteman Road MASTE 678 0M 1:10:22 DIVISION = Male OPEN 1/2/3 39 Aspholm Roger Westwoodvelo NJ OPEN 621 36M 0:54:09 49 Hosmer Seth Ibex/FitWerx NH OPEN 629 29M 0:54:14 34 De Wilde Ari Essex County Ve CT OPEN 610 22M 0:55:02 53 Bold Jonny CCCC/Corner Cyc MA OPEN 625 39M 0:55:17 67 Drake Dieter SAAB OF HALFMOO NY OPEN 643 34M 0:55:24 35 Buckley Todd Arc-en-Ciel Rac RI OPEN 609 46M 0:55:49 51 Greenfield Daniel Quad Cycles/Arl CT OPEN 628 24M 0:55:56 40 Freyre Eneas Americas Cyclin CT OPEN 618 28M 0:56:15 45 Verheul John Ideal Tile/Brie NJ OPEN 619 37M 0:56:31 68 Turner Nick Boston Road Clu MA OPEN 642 27M 0:57:26 41 Unkert Timothy Team Nerac.com CT OPEN 617 28M 0:57:31 63 Nordell Alvin NCC/BikeReg.com MA OPEN 637 22M 0:57:37 71 Price Brian Preferred Care/ NY OPEN 645 41M 0:57:42 38 D'Onofrio Ted Benidorm/Create CT OPEN 612 36M 0:57:51 57 Kraus Matt Boston Road Clu MA OPEN 632 32M 0:58:23 42 Legere John Benidorm/ Creat CT OPEN 615 28M 0:58:37 52 Adams Will Powder Ridge Cy CT OPEN 620 21M 0:59.00 64 Wolfe Kyle Essex County Ve MA OPEN 635 33M 0:59:02 59 Themig Ryan Essex County Ve MA OPEN 633 27M 0:59:23 70 Sheehan Brad NHCC/Team NH NH OPEN 641 25M 0:59:26 65 Loftus Matthew NCC / BikeReg.c MA OPEN 634 25M 0:59:36 55 Gow Donovan NY OPEN 627 34M 0:59:42 48 White Matt NCC / BikeReg.c MA OPEN 616 21M 0:59:43 43 Hackler Kurt IBEX/Fitwerx MA OPEN 613 27M 0:59:43 46 Kuehnel Kurt BCA/Tosk MA OPEN 614 44M 0:59:50 72 San Antonio Geoffrey Big Shark Racin RI OPEN 640 23M 1:00:23 60 Kerrigan Terence NY OPEN 631 36M 1:00:47 44 Brumble Amos CCB/Volkswagen RI OPEN 611 31M 1:00:57 77 Hodson Logan BRC/ATA cycles MA OPEN 644 27M 1:01:00 62 Battaglia Richard Boston Road Clu MA OPEN 624 27M 1:03:28 75 Northcott Douglas WEBCOR/ALTO VEL PA OPEN 638 26M 1:03:50 185 CHAPMAN PETER OPEN 778 0M 1:03:58 73 Mitchell Dave UNH Cycling NH OPEN 636 21M 1:04:01 61 Blanco Alberto 508 Millburn Bi OPEN 622 0M 1:04:26 66 Huth John Hilton Cycling OPEN 623 0M 1:04:44 187 COWIESON DOUG OPEN 777 0M 1:07:04 78 Pope Owen Skirack.com/Pro NH OPEN 639 21M 1:07:16 DIVISION = Male AGE SR to -- 4/5 140 Lobsenz Andrew Bethel Cycle Sp CT SR. M 734 37M 0:59:23 155 Janicek Milos University of C CT SR. M 749 24M 1:00:54 151 Robidoux Charles NEBC MA SR. M 741 29M 1:01:03 152 Rumsey Pete Arc-En-Ciel Rac RI SR. M 743 36M 1:01:30 138 Hanson Mikael Slowtwitch.com NY SR. M 729 37M 1:01:31 149 Pronovost Hunter Gruppo Sportivo CT SR. M 738 26M 1:01:46 160 Kuhn John CRCA/VisitBrita CT SR. M 750 41M 1:01:49 204 MENARD JOHN SR 779 0M 1:01:55 148 O'Brien Shaun MA SR. M 737 25M 1:02:14 142 Lehmann Steven NHCC/Team NH NH SR. M 732 37M 1:02:32 139 Hamel Kenneth AFD/OSVC RI SR. M 728 44M 1:02:46 135 Billard Anthony Capitol Velo Cl CT SR. M 721 35M 1:03:51 154 Reid Thom GS Fiorenzo Mag CT SR. M 740 36M 1:03:52 137 Clancy Brian Eastern Bloc Cy CT SR. M 722 39M 1:03:52 143 Kelley Brad NHCC/TEAMNH NH SR. M 730 35M 1:04:05 141 Ferraris Gregg CT SR. M 724 26M 1:05:05 158 Prusaczyk Jason CT SR. M 739 26M 1:05:11 147 Kirby Edward MA SR. M 731 38M 1:05:22 150 Glenney Scott Team Berlin Bik CT SR. M 725 30M 1:05:24 162 Trezza Anthony 508 Millburn Bi SR. M 747 0M 1:05:36 145 Gould Al Bethel Cycle CT SR. M 726 58M 1:05:56 157 Moore Benjamin Berlin Bike CT SR. M 736 37M 1:06:34 144 Arndt Duane Wheels In Motio CT SR. M 719 40M 1:08:54 172 Torres Jr Miguel Laurel Bicycle CT SR. M 746 43M 1:10:15 177 Youmatz Steven CT SR. M 748 42M 1:10:25 171 Severino Mario Cyclonauts CT SR. M 745 34M 1:10:43 153 Corey Paul CT SR. M 723 40M 1:11:08 163 Leigh Warren Team CW-X Compe MA SR. M 733 44M 1:12:08 175 Rudd Derek Mystic Velo CT SR. M 742 43M 1:12:54 166 McDougal Jim HVVC NY SR. M 735 39M 1:13:32 DIVISION = TANDEM 176 Papineau Jeff Cyclonauts MA TANDE 775 36M 0:57:28