2007 Guiding Eyes 5K Road Race

  FDR Park - Yorktown Heights, NY | Sunday Oct 7, 2007  | Source: Platt Systems
RESULTS: Overall | Divisions

"                              Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                      Guiding Eyes 5K Road Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com

OVERALL                                                                FINAL        DIVISION GENDER
PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   PACE  PLC/TOT   PLC  BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ============== ===== =====
  1    Robert McGetrick             47M M4049 Merrick NY               19:32  6:18    1/4     1   28   
  2    John Sullivan                44M M4049 Cortlandt Manor NY       21:04  6:47    2/4     2   112  
  3    Jake Feinstein               12M M0114 Sandy Hook NY            21:23  6:53    1/5     3   34   
  4    Denis Sternberg              47M M4049 Cortlandt Manor NY       23:16  7:30    3/4     4   113  
  5    Shannon Sheddon              39F F3039 Monroe NY                23:36  7:36    1/5     1   104  
  6    Roger Niebuhr                33M M3039 Vermon NJ                23:46  7:39    1/1     5   108  
  7    Jeffer Mezzance              27M M1929 Yorktown NY              23:58  7:43    1/1     6   26   
  8    JC Sullivan                  13M M0114 Cortlandt Manor NY       26:22  8:30    2/5     7   110  
  9    Doreen Sullivan              44F F4049 Cortlandt manor NY       26:23  8:30    1/3     2   111  
  10   Katherine Boy                14F F0114 E Rochester NY           27:50  8:58    1/4     3   123  
  11   Ryan Sullivan                11M M0114 Cortlandt Manor NY       28:01  9:02    3/5     8   109  
  12   Maureen Mellett              32F F3039 Patterson NY             28:06  9:03    2/5     4   29   
  13   Mo Shults                    43F F4049 Peekskill NY             28:10  9:05    2/3     5   107  
  14   Laura Hansen                 33F F3039 Elmsford NY              30:09  9:43    3/5     6   23   
  15   Alissa Niad                  14F F0114 Yorktown NY              31:06  10:01    2/4     7   116  
  16   Brian Evans                   9M M0114 Dobbs Ferry NY           36:12  11:40    4/5     9   121  
  17   John Evans                   13M M0114 Dobbs Ferry NY           36:13  11:40    5/5     10  120  
  18   Bob Evans                    46M M4049 Dobbs Ferry NY           36:13  11:40    4/4     11  119  
  19   Kate Schroer-Shepord         26F F1929 Sleepy Hollow NY         37:32  12:06    1/1     8   30   
  20   Alicia Forzano               12F F0114 Yonkers NY               37:35  12:07    3/4     9   114  
  21   Rocio Roche                  32F F3039 Cortlandt Manor NY       38:43  12:29    4/5     10  106  
  22   Ashley McGetrick             13F F0114 Merrick NY               43:42  14:05    4/4     11  105  
  23   Eileen Evans                 47F F4049 Dobbs Ferry NY           45:20  14:37    3/3     12  118  
  24   Michael Forzano              16M M1518 Yonkers NY               45:21  14:37    1/1     12  115  
  25   Kate Evans                   37F F3039 Dobbs Ferry NY           45:22  14:38    5/5     13  122  
  26   Bernie Borow                 62F F6069 W Harrison NY            50:13  16:11    1/1     14  117  
= ======================================================================================"
"                            Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                   Guiding Eyes 5K Road Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com

DIVISI                                                                FINAL         
PLC    Name                         A/S  DIV    CITY                   TIME   PACE   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== =====
New Division: F---- ** Female ** TOP Female FINISHERS ** 
  1  Shannon Sheddon               39F F---- Monroe NY                23:36  7:36 104  
New Division: F0114 ** Female  from 01 to 14 ** 
  1  Katherine Boy                 14F F0114 E Rochester NY           27:50  8:58 123  
  2  Alissa Niad                   14F F0114 Yorktown NY              31:06  10:01 116  
  3  Alicia Forzano                12F F0114 Yonkers NY               37:35  12:07 114  
New Division: F1929 ** Female  from 19 to 29 ** 
  1  Kate Schroer-Shepord          26F F1929 Sleepy Hollow NY         37:32  12:06 30   
New Division: F3039 ** Female  from 30 to 39 ** 
  1  Maureen Mellett               32F F3039 Patterson NY             28:06  9:03 29   
  2  Laura Hansen                  33F F3039 Elmsford NY              30:09  9:43 23   
  3  Rocio Roche                   32F F3039 Cortlandt Manor NY       38:43  12:29 106  
New Division: F4049 ** Female  from 40 to 49 ** 
  1  Doreen Sullivan               44F F4049 Cortlandt manor NY       26:23  8:30 111  
  2  Mo Shults                     43F F4049 Peekskill NY             28:10  9:05 107  
  3  Eileen Evans                  47F F4049 Dobbs Ferry NY           45:20  14:37 118  
New Division: F6069 ** Female  from 60 to 69 ** 
  1  Bernie Borow                  62F F6069 W Harrison NY            50:13  16:11 117  
New Division: M---- ** Male  ** TOP Male  FINISHERS ** 
  1  Robert McGetrick              47M M---- Merrick NY               19:32  6:18 28   
New Division: M0114 ** Male   from 01 to 14 ** 
  1  Jake Feinstein                12M M0114 Sandy Hook NY            21:23  6:53 34   
  2  JC Sullivan                   13M M0114 Cortlandt Manor NY       26:22  8:30 110  
  3  Ryan Sullivan                 11M M0114 Cortlandt Manor NY       28:01  9:02 109  
New Division: M1518 ** Male   from 15 to 18 ** 
  1  Michael Forzano               16M M1518 Yonkers NY               45:21  14:37 115  
New Division: M1929 ** Male   from 19 to 29 ** 
  1  Jeffer Mezzance               27M M1929 Yorktown NY              23:58  7:43 26   
New Division: M3039 ** Male   from 30 to 39 ** 
  1  Roger Niebuhr                 33M M3039 Vermon NJ                23:46  7:39 108  
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== =====
New Division: M4049 ** Male   from 40 to 49 ** 
  1  John Sullivan                 44M M4049 Cortlandt Manor NY       21:04  6:47 112  
  2  Denis Sternberg               47M M4049 Cortlandt Manor NY       23:16  7:30 113  
  3  Bob Evans                     46M M4049 Dobbs Ferry NY           36:13  11:40 119  

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