Platt Systems Official Reporting System CRA Dalton May Races Results Posted to www.plattsys.com || Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Aaron Kincaid || 2. Chris Trager || 3. Paul Gage Overall Female: Michelle Costa || 2. Tami Grady || 3. Karen Howes OVERALL FINAL DIVISION PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ===== 1 Aaron Kincaid 35M M3039 Lenox MA 39:03 6:17 1/6 339 2 Chris Trager 41M M4049 Dalton MA 39:07 6:18 1/13 338 3 Paul Gage 38M M3039 Chesire MA 40:07 6:28 2/6 276 4 Brian Sinico 21M M1929 West Stockbridge MA 40:16 6:29 1/3 311 5 Stephen Roberts 43M M4049 Dalton MA 41:08 6:38 2/13 294 6 Eric Keegan 35M M3039 Pittsfield MA 41:22 6:40 3/6 254 7 Allan Bates 60M M6069 Pittsfield MA 41:41 6:43 1/4 301 8 Blaine Freadman 45M M4049 Richmond MA 41:54 6:45 3/13 334 9 Andrew Klem 18M M0018 Dalton MA 42:07 6:47 1/1 262 10 Ted Collins 38M M3039 Lenox MA 43:26 7:00 4/6 287 11 Dominick Sondrini 28M M1929 Dalton MA 44:47 7:13 2/3 343 12 Michelle Costa 42F F4049 Pittsfield MA 45:14 7:17 1/7 293 13 Ted Kellar 43M M4049 Pittsfield MA 46:01 7:25 4/13 295 14 Tim Drake 49M M4049 Dalton MA 46:17 7:27 5/13 274 15 Kenneth Wilson 47M M4049 Pittsfield MA 46:35 7:30 6/13 265 16 Paul Whitcomb 51M M5059 Stoneham MA 47:00 7:34 1/9 272 17 Tami Grady 36F F3039 Pittsfield MA 47:10 7:36 1/9 255 18 Karen Howes 38F F3039 Cummington MA 47:35 7:40 2/9 277 19 Monique Gasson 34F F3039 Pittsfield MA 48:17 7:47 3/9 345 20 Pete Cole 40M M4049 Pittsfield MA 48:20 7:47 7/13 279 21 Craig Pudlo 38M M3039 Dalton MA 48:31 7:49 5/6 286 22 Malik Farlow 32F F3039 Pittsfield MA 48:44 7:51 4/9 319 23 John Aldrich 50M M5059 Dalton MA 48:48 7:52 2/9 253 24 Ben Kaplan 55M M5059 Pittsfield MA 48:54 7:53 3/9 303 25 Tracy Garneau 29F F1929 Pittsfield MA 48:58 7:53 1/2 292 26 Alan Vint 59M M5059 Middlefield MA 49:11 7:55 4/9 258 27 Michael Nykorchuck 43M M4049 Pittsfield MA 49:25 7:58 8/13 341 28 John Gray 39M M3039 Pittsfield MA 49:25 7:58 6/6 340 29 Tim Quinn 48M M4049 Hinsdale MA 49:41 8:00 9/13 314 30 Steve Stengl 48M M4049 Dalton MA 50:05 8:04 10/13 308 31 John Sevey 50M M5059 Pittsfield MA 50:55 8:12 5/9 312 32 Daniele Brennan 37F F3039 Pittsfield MA 51:14 8:15 5/9 257 33 Lara Denmark 32F F3039 Pittsfield MA 51:46 8:20 6/9 261 34 Bill Tatsapaugh 57M M5059 Lenox MA 52:05 8:24 6/9 282 35 Melanie Bessette 45F F4049 Dalton MA 53:21 8:36 2/7 331 36 Libby Webb 50F F5059 Dalton MA 53:24 8:36 1/1 264 37 Paul Fortini 51M M5059 Dalton MA 53:43 8:39 7/9 330 38 Micahel Cachat Sr 48M M4049 Dalton MA 53:45 8:40 11/13 271 39 Martin Glendon 62M M6069 Windsor MA 53:46 8:40 2/4 270 40 John Keenan 46M M4049 Pittsfield MA 54:20 8:45 12/13 315 41 Jodie Lahey 30F F3039 Savoy MA 54:33 8:47 7/9 259 42 Barb McMahon 46F F4049 Dalton MA 54:42 8:49 3/7 273 43 Heather Benlien 34F F3039 Dalton MA 54:59 8:52 8/9 269 44 Tony Doyle 55M M5059 Pittsfield MA 55:11 8:54 8/9 284 45 Victoria Riello-Ross 40F F4049 Pittsfield MA 55:29 8:56 4/7 281 46 Peter Bell 43M M4049 Dalton MA 56:39 9:08 13/13 285 47 Olivia Oberle 14F F0018 Pittsfield MA 56:45 9:09 1/2 318 48 Matthew Sondrini 25M M1929 Dalton MA 56:53 9:10 3/3 344 49 Elena Domenicali 17F F0018 Pittsfield MA 57:11 9:13 2/2 320 50 Colleen Jacob 35F F3039 Pittsfield MA 57:51 9:19 9/9 260 ================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 1 ================ OVERALL FINAL DIVISION PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ===== 51 Jessica Willis 41F F4049 Pittsfield MA 58:45 9:28 5/7 313 52 John McLean 62M M6069 Pittsfield MA 1:00:46 9:48 3/4 283 53 Laura Quinn 47F F4049 Dalton MA 1:01:45 9:57 6/7 256 54 Bill Glendon 63M M6069 Dalton MA 1:02:11 10:01 4/4 266 55 Dennis Turner 59M M5059 Dalton MA 1:03:43 10:16 9/9 275 56 Joanie Roy 46F F4049 Dalton MA 1:05:42 10:35 7/7 305 57 Laurie Cole 28F F1929 Pittsfield MA 1:10:30 11:22 2/2 280 ===============================================================================================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System CRA Dalton May Races DIVISIONAL Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Erin Kincaid || 2. Chris Trager || 3. Paul Gage Overall Female: Michelle Costa || 2. Tami Grady || 3. Karen Howes DIVISI FINAL PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: M---- ** Male ** TOP Male FINISHERS ** 1 Aaron Kincaid 35M M---- Lenox MA 39:03 6:17 339 2 Chris Trager 41M M---- Dalton MA 39:07 6:18 338 3 Paul Gage 38M M---- Chesire MA 40:07 6:28 276 New Division: F---- ** Female ** TOP Female FINISHERS ** 1 Michelle Costa 42F F---- Pittsfield MA 45:14 7:17 293 2 Tami Grady 36F F---- Pittsfield MA 47:10 7:36 255 3 Karen Howes 38F F---- Cummington MA 47:35 7:40 277 New Division: F0018 ** Female 18 and under ** 1 Olivia Oberle 14F F0018 Pittsfield MA 56:45 9:09 318 2 Elena Domenicali 17F F0018 Pittsfield MA 57:11 9:13 320 New Division: F1929 ** Female from 19 to 29 ** 1 Tracy Garneau 29F F1929 Pittsfield MA 48:58 7:53 292 2 Laurie Cole 28F F1929 Pittsfield MA 1:10:30 11:22 280 New Division: F3039 ** Female from 30 to 39 ** 1 Monique Gasson 34F F3039 Pittsfield MA 48:17 7:47 345 2 Malik Farlow 32F F3039 Pittsfield MA 48:44 7:51 319 3 Daniele Brennan 37F F3039 Pittsfield MA 51:14 8:15 257 New Division: F4049 ** Female from 40 to 49 ** 1 Melanie Bessette 45F F4049 Dalton MA 53:21 8:36 331 2 Barb McMahon 46F F4049 Dalton MA 54:42 8:49 273 3 Victoria Riello-Ross 40F F4049 Pittsfield MA 55:29 8:56 281 New Division: F5059 ** Female from 50 to 59 ** 1 Libby Webb 50F F5059 Dalton MA 53:24 8:36 264 New Division: M0018 ** Male 18 and under ** 1 Andrew Klem 18M M0018 Dalton MA 42:07 6:47 262 New Division: M1929 ** Male from 19 to 29 ** 1 Brian Sinico 21M M1929 West Stockbridge MA 40:16 6:29 311 2 Matthew Sondrini 25M M1929 Dalton MA 56:53 9:10 344 New Division: M3039 ** Male from 30 to 39 ** 1 Eric Keegan 35M M3039 Pittsfield MA 41:22 6:40 254 2 Ted Collins 38M M3039 Lenox MA 43:26 7:00 287 3 John Gray 39M M3039 Pittsfield MA 49:25 7:58 340 DIVISI FINAL PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: M4049 ** Male from 40 to 49 ** 1 Stephen Roberts 43M M4049 Dalton MA 41:08 6:38 294 2 Blaine Freadman 45M M4049 Richmond MA 41:54 6:45 334 3 Ted Kellar 43M M4049 Pittsfield MA 46:01 7:25 295 New Division: M5059 ** Male from 50 to 59 ** 1 Paul Whitcomb 51M M5059 Stoneham MA 47:00 7:34 272 2 John Aldrich 50M M5059 Dalton MA 48:48 7:52 253 3 Ben Kaplan 55M M5059 Pittsfield MA 48:54 7:53 303 New Division: M6069 ** Male from 60 to 69 ** 1 Allan Bates 60M M6069 Pittsfield MA 41:41 6:43 301 2 Martin Glendon 62M M6069 Windsor MA 53:46 8:40 270 3 John McLean 62M M6069 Pittsfield MA 1:00:46 9:48 283 New Division: MCLYD ** Male from CLYDESDALE ** 1 Dominick Sondrini 28M MCLYD Dalton MA 44:47 7:13 343 2 Kenneth Wilson 47M MCLYD Pittsfield MA 46:35 7:30 265 3 Craig Pudlo 38M MCLYD Dalton MA 48:31 7:49 286 ===================================================================================
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