Platt Systems Official Reporting System CRA Dalton May 5K Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Kevin Stengl || 2. Zachery Morris || 3. Jason Klem Overall Female: Maeve Rich || 2. Tammy Charbonneau || 3. Sharon Codey OVERALL FINAL DIVISION PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ===== 1 Kevin Stengl 16M M0018 Dalton MA 20:13 6:31 1/5 278 2 Zachery Morris 16M M0018 Dalton MA 20:22 6:34 2/5 268 3 Jason Klem 15M M0018 Dalton MA 20:31 6:37 3/5 263 4 Randy Brewer 55M M5059 Dalton MA 22:02 7:06 1/4 291 5 Kevin Gage 42M M4049 Pittsfield MA 22:40 7:18 1/8 300 6 Alex Lenski 19M M1929 Dalton MA 22:41 7:19 1/4 203 7 Matt Massaro 30M M3039 Dalton MA 22:54 7:23 1/7 310 8 Chris Unsworth 38M M3039 Pittsfield MA 22:56 7:23 2/7 298 9 Mike Whitehouse 40M M4049 Pittsfield MA 23:22 7:32 2/8 209 10 Bruce Ryan 46M M4049 Hinsdale MA 23:36 7:36 3/8 243 11 Andrew Garcia 41M M4049 Dalton MA 23:50 7:41 4/8 215 12 Maeve Rich 27F F1929 Avon MA 24:24 7:52 1/5 205 13 Tammy Charbonneau 45F F4049 Peru MA 24:35 7:55 1/14 231 14 Sharon Codey 34F F3039 Pittsfield MA 24:39 7:57 1/17 317 15 Jen Roccabruna 36F F3039 Pittsfield MA 24:42 7:58 2/17 299 16 Dawn Graham 29F F1929 Washington MA 24:44 7:58 2/5 316 17 Amanda Klay 18F F0018 Great Barrington MA 24:45 7:59 1/14 332 18 Sarah Perenick 32F F3039 Dalton MA 24:45 7:59 3/17 214 19 Hanah Zarvis 35F F3039 Pittsfield MA 25:00 8:03 4/17 342 20 David Charbonneau 53M M5059 Peur MA 25:23 8:11 2/4 216 21 Rebecca Ramondetta 21F F1929 Lenoxdale MA 25:29 8:13 3/5 307 22 Sam Clayton 10M M0018 Datlon MA 25:35 8:15 4/5 309 23 Jonathon Denmark 31M M3039 Pittsfield MA 26:02 8:23 3/7 212 24 Jeanna Brown 22F F1929 Pittsfield MA 26:06 8:25 4/5 235 25 Richard Theriault 38M M3039 Pittsfield MA 26:09 8:26 4/7 244 26 John Baker 58M M5059 Lanesboro MA 26:13 8:27 3/4 247 27 Stacey Carver 36F F3039 Pittsfield MA 26:19 8:29 5/17 252 28 Kyrsten Thibodeau 12F F0018 Dalton MA 26:32 8:33 2/14 296 29 John Thibodeau 42M M4049 Dalton MA 26:32 8:33 5/8 297 30 Kellie Carnevale 43F F4049 Pittsfield MA 26:35 8:34 2/14 218 31 April Bertelli 34F F3039 Pittsfield MA 26:41 8:36 6/17 251 32 Anna Peters 16F F0018 Dalton MA 26:47 8:38 3/14 204 33 Carlene Dargi 36F F3039 Peru MA 26:50 8:39 7/17 288 34 Heidi Pero 27F F1929 Lenox MA 26:51 8:39 5/5 210 35 Deanna Scalises 39F F3039 Dalton MA 26:54 8:40 8/17 337 36 Andy Perenick 33M M3039 Dalton MA 26:56 8:41 5/7 213 37 Mark Clatterbaugh 60M M6069 Pittsfield MA 26:59 8:42 1/1 248 38 Annie Ronayne 42F F4049 Dalton MA 27:03 8:43 3/14 237 39 Arielle Sebestyen 14F F0018 Lenox MA 27:12 8:46 4/14 327 40 Rachel Bell 15F F0018 Dalton MA 27:12 8:46 5/14 328 41 Greg Boino 21M M1929 Dalton MA 27:22 8:49 2/4 211 42 Lynne Soldato 41F F4049 New Lebanon NY 27:27 8:51 4/14 207 43 Phillip Hollingworth 50M M5059 Pittsfield MA 27:30 8:52 4/4 306 44 Debra Wechter 34F F3039 Dalton MA 27:33 8:53 9/17 219 45 Daniel Kochapski 29M M1929 Dalton MA 27:40 8:55 3/4 224 46 Amy Dunn 44F F4049 Pittsfield MA 28:03 9:02 5/14 217 47 Steven Ackerman 40M M4049 Pittsfield MA 28:25 9:09 6/8 335 48 Donna Sheldon 46F F4049 Dalton MA 28:28 9:10 6/14 290 49 Amal Rawling 34F F3039 Pittsfield MA 28:33 9:12 10/17 241 50 Marianne Neveu 46F F4049 Goshen MA 28:35 9:13 7/14 226 ================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 1 ================ Platt Systems Official Reporting System CRA Dalton May 5K Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Kevin Stengl || 2. Zachery Morris || 3. Jason Klem Overall Female: Maeve Rich || 2. Tammy Charbonneau || 3. Sharon Codey OVERALL FINAL DIVISION PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ===== 51 Christine Alberti 42F F4049 Dalton MA 28:41 9:15 8/14 230 52 Patrick Smelko 38M M3039 Dalton MA 29:06 9:23 6/7 223 53 Jim Lenski 47M M4049 Dalton MA 29:06 9:23 7/8 202 54 Netse Lytle 27M M1929 Dalton MA 29:24 9:29 4/4 201 55 Rebecca Morris 7F F0018 Dalton MA 29:35 9:32 6/14 222 56 Autumn Pharmer 10F F0018 Peru MA 29:46 9:36 7/14 250 57 Valerie Hollingworth 48F F4049 Pittsfield MA 29:54 9:38 9/14 289 58 Lisa Kohler 34F F3039 Lanesboro MA 30:32 9:50 11/17 336 59 Amy Pharmer 40F F4049 Peru MA 30:53 9:57 10/14 249 60 Kristina McKnight 36F F3039 Peru MA 30:56 9:58 12/17 333 61 Julie Gardner 37F F3039 Lanesboro MA 31:06 10:01 13/17 234 62 Matt Cripps 34M M3039 Dalton MA 31:11 10:03 7/7 208 63 Yu Haiyue 15F F0018 Pittsfield MA 31:47 10:15 8/14 322 64 Kate Trancynyer 17F F0018 Lenox MA 32:52 10:36 9/14 329 65 Christine Parker 41F F4049 Hinsdale MA 33:43 10:52 11/14 236 66 Heidi Ferren 47F F4049 Lenox MA 33:53 10:55 12/14 302 67 Beryl Li 18F F0018 Pittsfield MA 34:10 11:01 10/14 321 68 Timmy Huang 18F F0018 Pittsfield MA 35:31 11:27 11/14 324 69 Paul Newman 41M M4049 Pittsfield MA 36:00 11:36 8/8 238 70 June Roy-Martin 46F F4049 Pittsfield MA 36:17 11:42 13/14 221 71 Monica Neveu 36F F3039 Goshen MA 37:00 11:56 14/17 227 72 Jacob Wendling 11M M0018 Dalton MA 40:21 13:00 5/5 228 73 Hope Wendling 32F F3039 Dalton MA 40:34 13:05 15/17 229 74 Chris Carmel 62F F6069 Dalton MA 40:37 13:06 1/1 225 75 Vivien Wang 15F F0018 Pittsfield MA 41:44 13:27 12/14 325 76 Kristine Rose 45F F4049 Pittsfield MA 41:52 13:30 14/14 304 77 Ayesha Khan 17F F0018 Pittsfield MA 42:46 13:47 13/14 326 78 Shah Giull 16F F0018 Pittsfield MA 42:46 13:47 14/14 323 79 Amy Aldrich 31F F3039 Dalton MA 45:43 14:44 16/17 232 80 Sarah Powell 32F F3039 Waltham MA 46:22 14:57 17/17 233 =============================================================================================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System CRA Dalton May 5K Race DIVISIONAL Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Kevin Stengl || 2. Zachery Morris || 3. Jason Klem Overall Female: Maeve Rich || 2. Tammy Charbonneau || 3. Sharon Codey DIVISI FINAL PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: F---- ** Female ** TOP Female FINISHERS ** 1 Maeve Rich 27F F---- Avon MA 24:24 7:52 205 2 Tammy Charbonneau 45F F---- Peru MA 24:35 7:55 231 3 Sharon Codey 34F F---- Pittsfield MA 24:39 7:57 317 New Division: F0018 ** Female 18 and under ** 1 Amanda Klay 18F F0018 Great Barrington MA 24:45 7:59 332 2 Kyrsten Thibodeau 12F F0018 Dalton MA 26:32 8:33 296 3 Anna Peters 16F F0018 Dalton MA 26:47 8:38 204 New Division: F1929 ** Female from 19 to 29 ** 1 Dawn Graham 29F F1929 Washington MA 24:44 7:58 316 2 Rebecca Ramondetta 21F F1929 Lenoxdale MA 25:29 8:13 307 3 Jeanna Brown 22F F1929 Pittsfield MA 26:06 8:25 235 New Division: F3039 ** Female from 30 to 39 ** 1 Jen Roccabruna 36F F3039 Pittsfield MA 24:42 7:58 299 2 Sarah Perenick 32F F3039 Dalton MA 24:45 7:59 214 3 Hanah Zarvis 35F F3039 Pittsfield MA 25:00 8:03 342 New Division: F4049 ** Female from 40 to 49 ** 1 Kellie Carnevale 43F F4049 Pittsfield MA 26:35 8:34 218 2 Annie Ronayne 42F F4049 Dalton MA 27:03 8:43 237 3 Lynne Soldato 41F F4049 New Lebanon NY 27:27 8:51 207 New Division: F6069 ** Female from 60 to 69 ** 1 Chris Carmel 62F F6069 Dalton MA 40:37 13:06 225 New Division: M---- ** Male ** TOP Male FINISHERS ** 1 Kevin Stengl 16M M---- Dalton MA 20:13 6:31 278 2 Zachery Morris 16M M---- Dalton MA 20:22 6:34 268 3 Jason Klem 15M M---- Dalton MA 20:31 6:37 263 New Division: M0018 ** Male 18 and under ** 1 Sam Clayton 10M M0018 Datlon MA 25:35 8:15 309 2 Jacob Wendling 11M M0018 Dalton MA 40:21 13:00 228 New Division: M1929 ** Male from 19 to 29 ** 1 Alex Lenski 19M M1929 Dalton MA 22:41 7:19 203 2 Greg Boino 21M M1929 Dalton MA 27:22 8:49 211 3 Daniel Kochapski 29M M1929 Dalton MA 27:40 8:55 224 ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: M3039 ** Male from 30 to 39 ** 1 Matt Massaro 30M M3039 Dalton MA 22:54 7:23 310 2 Chris Unsworth 38M M3039 Pittsfield MA 22:56 7:23 298 3 Jonathon Denmark 31M M3039 Pittsfield MA 26:02 8:23 212 New Division: M4049 ** Male from 40 to 49 ** 1 Kevin Gage 42M M4049 Pittsfield MA 22:40 7:18 300 2 Mike Whitehouse 40M M4049 Pittsfield MA 23:22 7:32 209 3 Bruce Ryan 46M M4049 Hinsdale MA 23:36 7:36 243 New Division: M5059 ** Male from 50 to 59 ** 1 Randy Brewer 55M M5059 Dalton MA 22:02 7:06 291 2 David Charbonneau 53M M5059 Peur MA 25:23 8:11 216 3 John Baker 58M M5059 Lanesboro MA 26:13 8:27 247 New Division: M6069 ** Male from 60 to 69 ** 1 Mark Clatterbaugh 60M M6069 Pittsfield MA 26:59 8:42 248 ===================================================================================
Enterprise Timing Service |