2009 East Hartford Cross Country Challenge  

 Thursday August 13, 2009 | East Hartford, CT  | Source: Platt Systems
Timing by: Platt Systems :  RESULTS: Team | Overall | Division

                                    Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                            E Hartford Alumni Cross Country Challenge Results Posted to www.plattsys.com 

                                   ===== Team Champion ====
    1            WINDHAM  HS                                    1:02:03  ( 5)
           0      Nick Noheimer              WIndham HS               19:34  6:18
           0      Anthony Mendes             WIndham HS               19:54  6:25
           0      Larry Mooney               Windham HS               22:35  7:17
                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                     E Hartford Alumni Cross Country Challenge Results Posted to www.plattsys.com 
                          Overall Male : Nick Noheimer ||  2. Anthony Mendes ||  3. Mike LeMay
                            Overall Female: Keron Smith || 2. Sue Leslie || 3. Joan Munroe

OVERALL                             GRAD                               FINAL                DIVISION 
PLC    Name                          YR  DIV    HIGH SCHOOL            TIME   PACE   TEAM   PLC/TOT  BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ====== ======== =====
  1    Nick Noheimer              2005M M0012 WIndham HS CT            19:34 6:18   WINH     1/2     15   
  2    Anthony Mendes             2005M M0012 WIndham HS CT            19:54 6:25   WINH     2/2     16   
  3    Mike LeMay                 1985M M8089 Agawam HS CT             21:09 6:49            1/2     13   
  4    Joshua Seals               1999M M9099 Fitch HS Groton CT       22:29 7:15   FITC     1/3     10   
  5    Larry Mooney               1978M M7079 Windham HS CT            22:35 7:17   WINH     1/4     18   
  6    Steven Lamoureux           1993M M9099 Windham HS CT            22:53 7:22   WINH     2/3     12   
  7    William Seals              1997M M9099 Firch HS GRoton CT       23:01 7:25   FITC     3/3     9    
  8    Rick Jr Urban              1972M M7079 Windham HS CT            23:05 7:26   WINH     2/4     3    
  9    Will Barrios               1971M M7079 Manchester HS CT         23:46 7:39   MANC     3/4     7    
  10   Keron Smith                1993F F9099 Loomis Chaffee CT        24:29 7:53   LC       1/1     8    
  11   Thomas Peruccio            1985M M8089 Penney HS - EH CT        24:35 7:55   PENN     2/2     6    
  12   Carlos Amaral              1975M M7079 Portugal CT              26:32 8:33            4/4     14   
  13   Sue Leslie                 1967F F6069 Manchester HS CT         28:48 9:17   MANC     1/3     17   
  14   Joan Munroe                1972F F7079 St Marys New Haven CT    29:09 9:24            1/1     11   
  15   Jill Ramos                 1984F F8089 EHHS CT                  30:28 9:49   EHHS     1/1     5    
  16   Janit Romayko              1963F F6069 EHHS CT                  33:19 10:44  EHHS     2/3     2    
  17   Jane Jarrow                1968F F6069 Penney HS CT             37:21 12:02  PENN     3/3     4    
  18   James Hodges               1957M M5059 Mcburney School CT       45:25 14:39           1/1     1    
                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                   E Hartford Alumni Cross Country DIvision Results Posted to www.plattsys.com                            

DIVISI                                                                FINAL                
PLC    Name                         YR  DIV    HIGH SCHOOL             TIME   PACE   BIB 
====  ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== =====

New Division: F6069 ** Female  GRADUATION YR from 1960 to 1969 ** 

  1  Sue Leslie                    67F F6069 Manchester HS CT         28:48  9:17 17   
  2  Janit Romayko                 63F F6069 EHHS CT                  33:19  10:44 2    
  3  Jane Jarrow                   68F F6069 Penney HS CT             37:21  12:02 4    

New Division: F7079 ** Female  GRADUATION YR from 1970 to 79 ** 

  1  Joan Munroe                   72F F7079 St Marys New Haven CT    29:09  9:24 11   

New Division: F8089 ** Female  GRADUATION YR from 1980 to 89 ** 

  1  Jill Ramos                    84F F8089 EHHS CT                  30:28  9:49 5    

New Division: F9099 ** Female  GRADUATION YR from 1990 to 1999 ** 

  1  Keron Smith                   93F F9099 Loomis Chaffee CT        24:29  7:53 8    

New Division: M0012 ** Male  YR GRAD 2000 to 2012  

  1  Nick Noheimer                2005M M0012 WIndham HS CT            19:34  6:18 15   
  2  Anthony Mendes               2005M M0012 WIndham HS CT            19:54  6:25 16   

New Division: M5059 ** Male   GRADUATION YR from 1950 to 59 ** 

  1  James Hodges                  57M M5059 Mcburney School CT       45:25  14:39 1    

New Division: M7079 ** Male   GRADUATION YR from 1970 to 79 ** 

  1  Larry Mooney                  78M M7079 Windham HS CT            22:35  7:17 18   
  2  Rick Jr Urban                 72M M7079 Windham HS CT            23:05  7:26 3    
  3  Will Barrios                  71M M7079 Manchester HS CT         23:46  7:39 7    

New Division: M8089 ** Male   GRADUATION YR from 1980 to 1989 ** 

  1  Mike LeMay                    85M M8089 Agawam HS CT             21:09  6:49 13   
  2  Thomas Peruccio               85M M8089 Penney HS - EH CT        24:35  7:55 6    

New Division: M9099 ** Male   GRADUATION YR from 1990 to 1999 ** 

  1  Joshua Seals                  99M M9099 Fitch HS Groton CT       22:29  7:15 10   
  2  Steven Lamoureux              93M M9099 Windham HS CT            22:53  7:22 12   
  3  William Seals                 97M M9099 Firch HS GRoton CT       23:01  7:25 9    

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