" Platt Systems Official Reporting System Space And Aviation 5K Road Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Peter McBride || 2. John Pajer || 3. Dennis Barone Overall Female: Keron Smith || 2. Barbara Bosworth || 3. Mary Anne Rogers OVERALL FINAL DIVISION GENDER PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT PLACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ====== ===== 1 Peter McBride 23M M2029 New Haven CT 16:37 5:21 1/3 1 364 2 John Pajer 46M M4049 Leicester MA 17:36 5:40 1/13 2 361 3 Dennis Barone 54M M5059 W Hartford CT 18:17 5:53 1/7 3 303 4 Ken Clark 46M M4049 Somers CT 18:40 6:01 2/13 4 362 5 Tyler Stahl 17M M0019 Southwick CT 19:02 6:08 1/4 5 388 6 Dan Campbell 30M M3039 Oakdale CT 19:22 6:14 1/11 6 358 7 James Nielsen 34M M3039 Newington CT 19:54 6:25 2/11 7 335 8 Ray Wise 54M M5059 Hartford CT 20:06 6:29 2/7 8 352 9 Jonathan Morales 33M M3039 WL CT 20:40 6:39 3/11 9 331 10 Keron Smith 33F F3039 Manchester CT 20:56 6:45 1/11 1 382 11 Mark Laudati 50M M5059 Winsted CT 21:11 6:49 3/7 10 379 12 Christian Nelson 41M M4049 West Hartford CT 21:19 6:52 3/13 11 334 13 Kristofer Traska 27M M2029 Broad Brook CT 21:22 6:53 2/3 12 346 14 Justin Dew 34M M3039 New York NY 21:34 6:57 4/11 13 310 15 David Duke 44M M4049 Ronkankaua NY 21:50 7:02 4/13 14 389 16 Louis Di Sessa 65M M6098 Westfield CT 22:03 7:06 1/6 15 384 17 Fred Hudak 64M M6098 Torrington CT 22:09 7:08 2/6 16 322 18 Barbara Bosworth 47F F4049 Wilbraham MA 22:16 7:10 1/11 2 307 19 Dennis Shaughnessy 45M M4049 Southwick MA 22:30 7:15 5/13 17 344 20 Charlie Yescott 68M M6098 Unionville CT 22:37 7:17 3/6 18 373 21 Kevin Uznanski 38M M3039 Manchester CT 22:40 7:18 5/11 19 348 22 Stoddard Finnie 45M M4049 Somers CT 22:45 7:20 6/13 20 311 23 Mary Anne Rogers 51F F5059 Hartford CT 22:54 7:23 1/5 3 359 24 Wes Rogers 52M M5059 Hartford CT 22:55 7:23 4/7 21 360 25 kelly Mullen 30F F3039 windsor Locks CT 23:01 7:25 2/11 4 332 26 Lani Ralston 38F F3039 Granby CT 23:11 7:28 3/11 5 400 27 Terry Shaughnessy 50F F5059 Southwick MA 23:11 7:28 2/5 6 345 28 Leeann Cerpovicz 46F F4049 W Spfld CT 23:12 7:29 2/11 7 370 29 Thomas Jacius 36M M3039 East Granby CT 23:44 7:39 6/11 22 376 30 keith Poloskey 29M M2029 springfield MA 23:53 7:42 3/3 23 339 31 Jeff York 38M M3039 West Hartford CT 23:58 7:43 7/11 24 353 32 Steve Lobsinger 37M M3039 Windsor CT 24:07 7:46 8/11 25 383 33 Kathleen Furlani 61F F6098 Broad Brook CT 25:02 8:04 1/3 8 314 34 Laura Garlin 40F F4049 Watertown CT 25:23 8:11 3/11 9 378 35 Lisa Hotchkin 46F F4049 Windsor Locks CT 26:04 8:24 4/11 10 321 36 Michael Weissgarber 40M M4049 Niantic CT 26:12 8:27 7/13 26 351 37 Robert Lang 39M M3039 WIndsor Locks CT 26:28 8:32 9/11 27 375 38 John Lacombe 49M M4049 Bloomfield CT 26:30 8:32 8/13 28 365 39 Michael Rood 57M M5059 Suffield CT 26:32 8:33 5/7 29 387 40 Eric Purvis 38M M3039 Enfield CT 26:44 8:37 10/11 30 340 41 Troy Marin 11M M0019 east granby CT 27:04 8:43 2/4 31 357 42 Darryl Johnson 49M M4049 Windsor Locks CT 27:15 8:47 9/13 32 381 43 Steven Maxam (15) 15M M0019 Chicopee MA 27:22 8:49 3/4 33 326 44 Chris Tweeddale 37F F3039 Enfield CT 27:42 8:56 4/11 11 347 45 Doreen Jacius 35F F3039 East Granby CT 27:59 9:01 5/11 12 377 46 Robert Morrell 62M M6098 Windsor Locks CT 28:06 9:03 4/6 34 369 47 Kathryn Berera 47F F4049 Torrington CT 29:01 9:21 5/11 13 304 48 Jason Marin 9M M0019 east granby CT 29:48 9:36 4/4 35 356 49 Michele Neary 34F F3039 Enfield CT 29:50 9:37 6/11 14 372 50 Edward DeMarco 40M M4049 Enfield CT 29:53 9:38 10/13 36 371 ================ WWW.PLATTSYS.COM DATA PAGE 1 ================ Platt Systems Official Reporting System Space And Aviation 5K Road Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Peter McBride || 2. John Pajer || 3. Dennis Barone Overall Female: Keron Smith || 2. Barbara Bosworth || 3. Mary Anne Rogers OVERALL FINAL DIVISION GENDER PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE PLC/TOT PLACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ======== ====== ===== 51 Miranda Jurras 14F F0019 Canton CT 30:03 9:41 1/3 15 367 52 Ron Blinstrubas 58M M5059 Woodbury CT 30:07 9:42 6/7 37 306 53 Troy Lucia 71M M6098 Agwam MA 30:39 9:53 5/6 38 325 54 Craig Kazin 48M M4049 Wilbraham MA 30:44 9:54 11/13 39 323 55 Amber Quagliaroli 31F F3039 Windsor Locks CT 30:52 9:57 7/11 16 385 56 Neci Rief 52F F5059 Florance MA 31:37 10:11 3/5 17 342 57 Cynthia Gesswin 37F F3039 Windsor CT 31:43 10:13 8/11 18 316 58 Elizabeth Mayer 24F F2029 Vernon CT 32:09 10:22 1/5 19 368 59 Trish Nelson 43F F4049 W Hartford CT 32:19 10:25 6/11 20 374 60 Patricia Johnson 46F F4049 Westfield CT 32:46 10:34 7/11 21 380 61 Cathy Lord 54F F5059 Hartford CT 32:58 10:38 4/5 22 324 62 Mrinalini Walton 29F F2029 Windsor Locks CT 33:16 10:43 2/5 23 349 63 Ginger Blinstrubas 60F F6098 Woodbury CT 33:28 10:47 2/3 24 305 64 Sarah Warren 26F F2029 East Hampton MA 33:28 10:47 3/5 25 350 65 Louise Champagne 53F F5059 West Springfield MA 33:31 10:48 5/5 26 308 66 Michelle York 37F F3039 West Hartford CT 33:48 10:54 9/11 27 354 67 Amanda Furey 28F F2029 Enfield CT 35:15 11:22 4/5 28 312 68 Mike Furey 34M M3039 Enfield CT 35:16 11:22 11/11 40 313 69 Melissa Pierce 12F F0019 Springfield MA 35:37 11:29 2/3 29 338 70 Jennifer Pierce 37F F3039 Springfield MA 35:37 11:29 10/11 30 337 71 Steven Maxam (43) 43M M4049 Chicopee MA 36:19 11:42 12/13 41 327 72 Stephanie Green 40F F4049 Barkhamsted CT 36:50 11:52 8/11 31 318 73 Edward Arcouette 60M M6098 Windsor Locks CT 37:48 12:11 6/6 42 301 74 Nancy Arcouette 60F F6098 Windsor Locks CT 37:49 12:11 3/3 32 302 75 Virginia Maxam 49F F4049 Chicopee MA 38:21 12:22 9/11 33 328 76 Kea Rief 14F F0019 Florance MA 39:38 12:47 3/3 34 341 77 Sasha Zatyrka 27F F2029 West Suffield CT 40:11 12:57 5/5 35 355 78 Michael Spasmuro 42M M4049 Suffield CT 40:20 13:00 13/13 43 390 79 Heather Turrisi 39F F3039 Wethersfield CT 40:55 13:11 11/11 36 386 80 Donna Serkey 46F F4049 West Suffield CT 41:01 13:13 10/11 37 343 81 Susan Jurras 47F F4049 Canton CT 41:01 13:13 11/11 38 366 82 John Murphy 50M M5059 Chicopee MA 41:08 13:16 7/7 44 333 ====================================================================================================
Platt Systems Official Reporting System Space And Aviation 5K Road Race Division Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Peter McBride || 2. John Pajer || 3. Dennis Barone Overall Female: Keron Smith || 2. Barbara Bosworth || 3. Mary Anne Rogers DIVISI FINAL PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: F0019 ** Female 19 and under ** 1 Miranda Jurras 14F F0019 Canton CT 30:03 9:41 367 2 Melissa Pierce 12F F0019 Springfield MA 35:37 11:29 338 3 Kea Rief 14F F0019 Florance MA 39:38 12:47 341 New Division: F2029 ** Female from 20 to 29 ** 1 Elizabeth Mayer 24F F2029 Vernon CT 32:09 10:22 368 2 Mrinalini Walton 29F F2029 Windsor Locks CT 33:16 10:43 349 3 Sarah Warren 26F F2029 East Hampton MA 33:28 10:47 350 New Division: F3039 ** Female from 30 to 39 ** 1 Keron Smith 33F F3039 Manchester CT 20:56 6:45 382 2 kelly Mullen 30F F3039 windsor Locks CT 23:01 7:25 332 3 Lani Ralston 38F F3039 Granby CT 23:11 7:28 400 New Division: F4049 ** Female from 40 to 49 ** 1 Barbara Bosworth 47F F4049 Wilbraham MA 22:16 7:10 307 2 Leeann Cerpovicz 46F F4049 W Spfld CT 23:12 7:29 370 3 Laura Garlin 40F F4049 Watertown CT 25:23 8:11 378 New Division: F5059 ** Female from 50 to 59 ** 1 Mary Anne Rogers 51F F5059 Hartford CT 22:54 7:23 359 2 Terry Shaughnessy 50F F5059 Southwick MA 23:11 7:28 345 3 Neci Rief 52F F5059 Florance MA 31:37 10:11 342 New Division: F6098 ** Female from 60 to 98 ** 1 Kathleen Furlani 61F F6098 Broad Brook CT 25:02 8:04 314 2 Ginger Blinstrubas 60F F6098 Woodbury CT 33:28 10:47 305 3 Nancy Arcouette 60F F6098 Windsor Locks CT 37:49 12:11 302 New Division: M0019 ** Male 19 and under ** 1 Tyler Stahl 17M M0019 Southwick CT 19:02 6:08 388 2 Troy Marin 11M M0019 east granby CT 27:04 8:43 357 3 Steven Maxam (15) 15M M0019 Chicopee MA 27:22 8:49 326 New Division: M2029 ** Male from 20 to 29 ** 1 Peter McBride 23M M2029 New Haven CT 16:37 5:21 364 2 Kristofer Traska 27M M2029 Broad Brook CT 21:22 6:53 346 3 keith Poloskey 29M M2029 springfield MA 23:53 7:42 339 Platt Systems Official Reporting System Space And Aviation 5K Road Race Results Posted to www.plattsys.com Timing by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 Overall Male : Peter McBride || 2. John Pajer || 3. Dennis Barone Overall Female: Keron Smith || 2. Barbara Bosworth || 3. Mary Anne Rogers DIVISI FINAL PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME PACE BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== ===== New Division: M3039 ** Male from 30 to 39 ** 1 Dan Campbell 30M M3039 Oakdale CT 19:22 6:14 358 2 James Nielsen 34M M3039 Newington CT 19:54 6:25 335 3 Jonathan Morales 33M M3039 Unknown CT 20:40 6:39 331 New Division: M4049 ** Male from 40 to 49 ** 1 John Pajer 46M M4049 Leicester MA 17:36 5:40 361 2 Ken Clark 46M M4049 Somers CT 18:40 6:01 362 3 Christian Nelson 41M M4049 West Hartford CT 21:19 6:52 334 New Division: M5059 ** Male from 50 to 59 ** 1 Dennis Barone 54M M5059 W Hartford CT 18:17 5:53 303 2 Ray Wise 54M M5059 Hartford CT 20:06 6:29 352 3 Mark Laudati 50M M5059 Winsted CT 21:11 6:49 379 New Division: M6098 ** Male from 60 to 98 ** 1 Louis Di Sessa 65M M6098 Westfield CT 22:03 7:06 384 2 Fred Hudak 64M M6098 Torrington CT 22:09 7:08 322 3 Charlie Yescott 68M M6098 Unionville CT 22:37 7:17 373
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