URI Track Invitational - Results Event 1 Men 55 Meter Dash =================================================================== Name Year School Prelims H# =================================================================== Preliminaries 1 Downing, Kevin FR U New Haven 6.48q 3 2 Sawyer, Tyrone SR U New Haven 6.49q 1 3 Price, Torrey SR Stonehill Co 6.49q 4 4 Guscott, Nicholas FR Rhode Island 6.55q 6 5 Stienberg, Kevin FR U Conn 6.55q 6 6 Suarez, Dave JR St Peters Co 6.56q 5 7 Martins, Jeffry SR Rhode Island 6.57q 3 8 Howland, Marc SO Brown Univer 6.58q 1 9 Robinson, Cailean FR Wheaton Coll 6.59 4 10 Cimino, Mark JR Wheaton Coll 6.61 1 11 Thompson, Leon SO St Peters Co 6.63 6 12 Joseph, Tyrone SR SCSU 6.63 5 13 Wright, Michael SR Wheaton Coll 6.65 2 14 Ocran, Nana SO SCSU 6.68 2 15 Rose, Jeffrey FR SCSU 6.74 4 16 Damon, Rob JR Rhode Island 6.77 1 17 Neville, Stephan FR Stonehill Co 6.77 6 18 Dean, Greg FR Rhode Island 6.79 2 19 Watson, Angelo SO SCSU 6.81 3 19 Guilmette, Tyler SR Stonehill Co 6.81 4 21 Leger, Hedrick SO St Peters Co 6.82 2 22 Bush, Allen SO AIC 6.89 5 23 Sleep, Corey JR Umass Dart 6.91 4 24 Boles, Elijah FR CCSU 6.95 4 25 Brown, Lloyd SR AIC 6.96 3 26 Knuuttila, James SR Umass Dart 6.97 1 27 Coriaty, Phil FR Stonehill Co 6.99 5 28 Joslyn, Jelani SR U New Haven 7.05 6 29 Markie, Kevin SO Umass Dart 7.06 2 30 Depaolo, Clinton SR CCSU 7.10 3 31 Allen, Darnell FR St Peters Co 7.10 6 32 Perron, Zachary SR Bryant Unive 7.13 3 33 Triplett, Marquise JR AIC 7.17 2 34 Nguyen, Johnson FR Umass Dart 7.27 6 35 Larcom, Jonathan FR Umass Dart 7.30 6 36 Deiulis, Jonathan SR Umass Dart 7.34 5 37 Parisi, Michael SO Umass Dart 7.52 5 38 Spencer, Thomas SO Umass Dart 7.94 4 39 Barker, Mitchell FR Providence C 10.38 5 Event 1 Men 55 Meter Dash ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Finals 1 Price, Torrey SR Stonehill Co 6.42 10 2 Sawyer, Tyrone SR U New Haven 6.46 8 3 Martins, Jeffry SR Rhode Island 6.51 6 4 Howland, Marc SO Brown Univer 6.52 5 5 Guscott, Nicholas FR Rhode Island 6.52 4 6 Downing, Kevin FR U New Haven 6.55 3 7 Stienberg, Kevin FR U Conn 6.58 2 -- Suarez, Dave JR St Peters Co FS Event 2 Men 55 Meter Hurdles =================================================================== Name Year School Prelims H# =================================================================== Preliminaries 1 Kehrer, Jim FR U Conn 7.82q 1 2 Jasmin, Matt SR Brown Univer 7.82q 3 3 Edmonds, Kyle JR U Conn 7.85q 2 4 Reid, Alex SR Rhode Island 7.96q 4 5 Monteiro, Anthony FR Bryant Unive 8.05q 4 6 Alexander, Brian JR Rhode Island 8.07q 1 7 Hoddwells, Max FR Stonehill Co 8.27q 1 8 Lewis, David FR St Peters Co 8.29q 1 9 McKinney, Davion SO St Peters Co 8.37 3 10 Allen, Darnell FR St Peters Co 8.38 3 11 Polakowski, Jason -- SCSU 8.40 1 12 Leger, Hedrick SO St Peters Co 8.40 3 13 Stewart, Clarence SO St Peters Co 8.47 3 14 Depaolo, Clinton SR CCSU 8.48 4 15 Williams, Marcus SO Umass Dart 8.51 3 16 Beal, Jeffrey SO Umass Dart 8.57 4 17 Deininger, Nicholas SO Umass Dart 8.59 2 18 Perron, Zachary SR Bryant Unive 8.59 1 19 Driscoll, John FR Stonehill Co 8.61 3 20 Lally, Steven SO Rhode Island 8.67 1 21 Naude, Brendhan FR SCSU 8.74 2 22 Issley, Nathan FR Stonehill Co 8.94 2 23 Hylan, Tom JR CCSU 9.14 4 Event 2 Men 55 Meter Hurdles ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= Finals 1 Jasmin, Matt SR Brown Univer 7.69 10 2 Kehrer, Jim FR U Conn 7.75 8 3 Reid, Alex SR Rhode Island 7.77 6 4 Alexander, Brian JR Rhode Island 8.10 5 5 Lewis, David FR St Peters Co 8.23 4 6 Hoddwells, Max FR Stonehill Co 8.29 3 7 Monteiro, Anthony FR Bryant Unive 9.87 2 Event 3 Men 200 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Name Year School Finals H# Points ========================================================================== 1 Downing, Kevin FR U New Haven 22.37 11 10 2 Price, Torrey SR Stonehill Co 22.52 9 8 3 Kennedy, David SO Rhode Island 22.69 9 6 4 Sawyer, Tyrone SR U New Haven 22.78 11 5 5 Smith, Dominic FR AIC 22.79 10 4 6 Cormier, Cameron SO Rhode Island 22.83 8 3 7 Antenor, Lou JR St Peters Co 22.86 8 2 8 Suarez, Dave JR St Peters Co 22.91 7 1 9 O-Connor, Thomas SO Bryant Unive 22.92 9 10 Martins, Jeffry SR Rhode Island 22.93 9 11 Reid, Alex SR Rhode Island 22.98 5 12 Smith, Sean SR CCSU 23.09 11 13 Wallace, Marquis SO St Peters Co 23.11 8 14 Guscott, Nicholas FR Rhode Island 23.17 11 15 Kehrer, Jim FR U Conn 23.24 10 16 Chierici, Anthony FR Rhode Island 23.38 6 17 Rose, Jeffrey FR SCSU 23.43 9 18 Ocasio, Jonathan FR St Peters Co 23.45 7 19 Mason, Myles FR CCSU 23.53 6 20 Neville, Stephan FR Stonehill Co 23.64 4 21 Alexander, Brian JR Rhode Island 23.64 5 22 Rosa, Nick FR CCSU 23.65 6 23 Joseph, Alex FR AIC 23.66 7 24 Thompson, Leon SO St Peters Co 23.70 7 25 Roach, Michael FR AIC 23.71 7 26 Jean-Baptiste, Stenson FR SCSU 23.73 10 27 Roberts, Tristan FR CCSU 23.83 7 28 Driscoll, John FR Stonehill Co 23.92 3 29 Gatto, Mike SO St Peters Co 23.97 4 30 Inda, Sylvester FR St Peters Co 24.13 6 31 Sleep, Corey JR Umass Dart 24.20 4 32 Knuuttila, James SR Umass Dart 24.27 3 33 Stevenson, Michael SR U New Haven 24.37 5 34 Farrell, Roryl Fr St Peters Co 24.41 4 35 Shea, Andrew SO Rhode Island 24.47 5 36 Bacote, Christopher JR U New Haven 24.52 2 37 Barker, Mitchell FR Providence C 24.62 4 38 Raditch, Jonathan SR St Peters Co 24.70 3 39 Maldonado, Sylvestre FR U New Haven 24.77 8 40 Begansky, Michael FR AIC 24.81 2 41 Moskowitz, Mike FR Stonehill Co 24.87 2 42 Berube, Matt FR CCSU 24.95 5 43 Deiulis, Jonathan SR Umass Dart 24.95 1 44 Joslyn, Jelani SR U New Haven 24.96 5 45 Parker, Tyler JR U New Haven 24.99 6 46 Dennis, Jason SO AIC 25.13 1 47 Coriaty, Phil FR Stonehill Co 25.31 3 48 Issley, Nathan FR Stonehill Co 25.41 2 49 Nguyen, Johnson FR Umass Dart 25.79 1 50 Larcom, Jonathan FR Umass Dart 25.99 1 51 Parisi, Michael SO Umass Dart 26.90 1 52 Spencer, Thomas SO Umass Dart 28.87 1 Event 4 Men 400 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Name Year School Finals H# Points ========================================================================== 1 Burris, Anthony JR U Conn 50.09 6 10 2 Cormier, Cameron SO Rhode Island 50.32 6 8 3 Smith, Sean SR CCSU 50.85 6 6 4 Antenor, Lou JR St Peters Co 50.87 4 5 5 Smith, Dominic FR AIC 50.98 6 4 6 Wallace, Marquis SO St Peters Co 51.41 2 3 7 Hopson, Tyler FR U Conn 51.62 5 2 8 Chierici, Anthony FR Rhode Island 51.71 5 1 9 Comis, Steve FR Stonehill Co 52.47 5 10 Stannard, Brian SO Providence C 52.52 6 11 White, Dionis FR CCSU 52.72 3 12 Roach, Michael FR AIC 52.74 3 13 Mason, Myles FR CCSU 52.82 3 14 Fitzgerald, Andrew SO Bryant Unive 53.03 4 15 Pandiani, Alan SR Providence C 53.25 5 16 Shea, Andrew SO Rhode Island 53.27 4 17 Hylan, Tom JR CCSU 53.48 3 18 Maldonado, Sylvestre FR U New Haven 53.60 4 19 Rosa, Nick FR CCSU 53.62 4 20 Ocasio, Jonathan FR St Peters Co 53.67 3 21 Monteiro, Anthony FR Bryant Unive 53.68 5 22 Raditch, Jonathan SR St Peters Co 53.91 2 23 Kolodziej, William SO U New Haven 54.08 2 24 Nyamkeye, Charles FR Umass Dart 54.20 1 25 Davis, Isaiah JR Providence C 54.27 3 26 Hopkins, Brian SO Umass Dart 54.98 1 27 Gassert, Frank FR Providence C 55.24 2 28 Thompson, Andrew SO St Peters Co 55.74 1 29 Yingling, Andrew SO Umass Dart 55.91 1 30 Bacote, Christopher JR U New Haven 55.93 1 31 Barry, Thomas FR Umass Dart 56.75 2 Event 5 Men 500 Meter Run ========================================================================== Name Year School Finals H# Points ========================================================================== 1 Kennedy, David SO Rhode Island 1:04.93 6 10 2 Dewey, Charlie SR Providence C 1:05.42 6 8 3 Engel, Alex JR Bryant Unive 1:06.01 6 6 4 Waruch, Jake FR U Conn 1:06.18 6 5 5 Sanborn, Nick SO Rhode Island 1:06.88 5 4 6 Ricci, Kyle FR Wheaton Coll 1:07.22 3 3 7 Porcaro, Mark SR Stonehill Co 1:07.26 3 2 8 Porteus, Patrick FR Rhode Island 1:07.79 5 1 9 Edmonds, Kyle JR U Conn 1:08.09 6 10 Tomori, Chris FR U Conn 1:08.14 5 11 DiBella, Michael SO Bryant Unive 1:08.77 5 12 Malet, Zack JR Brown Univer 1:08.90 1 13 Fahey, Colin SO Wheaton Coll 1:08.97 3 14 Dundon, Brian JR Wheaton Coll 1:09.19 3 15 Farrell, Roryl Fr St Peters Co 1:09.49 4 16 Dwyer, Trevarno FR St Peters Co 1:09.54 4 17 Arneaud, Gerald FR Umass Dart 1:09.83 4 18 Inda, Sylvester FR St Peters Co 1:10.32 4 19 Camara, Matt FR Stonehill Co 1:10.68 2 20 Parker, Tyler JR U New Haven 1:10.76 5 21 Treivush, Dylan FR Wheaton Coll 1:10.97 3 22 Katz, Harrison FR CCSU 1:11.03 5 23 Kichar, Mark SO U New Haven 1:11.03 4 24 Torres, Jared FR AIC 1:11.39 6 25 Boles, Elijah FR CCSU 1:11.51 3 26 Donahue, Tyler FR Umass Dart 1:13.55 2 27 Arais, Efrain SO Wheaton Coll 1:13.63 2 28 Galvin, Joseph JR U New Haven 1:15.37 2 29 Troche, Christopher FR U New Haven 1:23.66 1 Event 6 Men 800 Meter Run ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 Rutt, Michael JR U Conn 1:57.60 10 2 Whalen, Matt SR CCSU 1:59.25 8 3 Mitton, John FR Bryant Unive 1:59.38 6 4 Buck, Tyler SR Umass Dart 1:59.53 5 5 Lumax, Selasi FR SCSU 2:00.79 4 6 Morse, Nathan SO Stonehill Co 2:01.02 3 7 Rochester, Stephen JR U Conn 2:01.26 2 8 Weston, Robert SO CCSU 2:01.47 1 9 Gonzalez, Erik JR Umass Dart 2:01.55 10 Hogler, Jeremy FR Rhode Island 2:01.65 11 Paladino, Vincent SO Rhode Island 2:02.02 12 Shears, Daniel SO Rhode Island 2:02.47 13 Wigton, Nate FR Rhode Island 2:02.52 14 Kenwood, Mark GR Bryant Unive 2:02.55 15 Jackson, Richard JR SCSU 2:02.62 16 Bsby, Ryan FR Bryant Unive 2:02.93 17 Cunningham, Matthew SR Rhode Island 2:02.94 18 Getts, Justin SR Bryant Unive 2:04.10 19 Clasper, Jared FR U New Haven 2:05.11 20 Forbes, Malcolm JR AIC 2:05.62 21 Migani, Nick FR Stonehill Co 2:05.79 22 Coughlin, Benjamin SO Bryant Unive 2:06.51 23 Branch, Mikell SO AIC 2:06.71 24 Lemanski, Matthew JR Umass Dart 2:07.59 25 Henning, Kurt JR Rhode Island 2:08.01 26 Huminski, Austin JR Bryant Unive 2:08.69 27 Kacher, Nick SO Wheaton Coll 2:09.11 28 Pope, Gary K. SR SCSU 2:10.62 29 Thompson, Andrew SO St Peters Co 2:11.08 30 Souza, Miles JR Wheaton Coll 2:15.64 31 Astle, Sean FR Wheaton Coll 2:16.06 32 Libon, Dan SR Wheaton Coll 2:20.64 Event 7 Men 1000 Meter Run ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 McLaren, Hayden JR Providence C 2:25.78 10 2 Gagnon, Brian SR U Conn 2:28.21 8 3 Macklem, David SO U Conn 2:28.31 6 4 Gill, Kevin SO Stonehill Co 2:30.47 5 5 Simeone, RJ JR CCSU 2:33.26 4 6 Jacques, Peter JR Bryant Unive 2:33.59 3 7 Schurz, Anthony FR Brown Univer 2:33.93 2 8 O Brien, Sean SR Brown Univer 2:34.27 1 9 Benson, Brian SO Stonehill Co 2:35.36 10 Watson, Dan FR CCSU 2:35.60 11 Karwiel, Ryan SR Rhode Island 2:35.62 12 Lynch, Michael FR Rhode Island 2:36.08 13 Elnick, Michael FR Brown Univer 2:36.99 14 Kichar, Paul SO SCSU 2:39.75 15 Mackie, Kyle FR AIC 2:40.11 16 Divino, Phil FR Providence C 2:42.33 17 Robbins, Brian SO SCSU 2:42.53 18 Jennings, Edward FR Providence C 2:43.44 19 Mendes, Albert SO St Peters Co 2:43.60 20 Chiapperino, David JR U New Haven 2:49.35 Event 8 Men 1 Mile Run ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 McCarthy, David SO Providence C 4:14.18 10 2 Rutt, Michael JR U Conn 4:14.99 8 3 Sanders, Will SR U Conn 4:18.95 6 4 Barao, Nick SO Providence C 4:22.47 5 5 Iannaccone, Steve SR U Conn 4:23.12 4 6 Berlutti, Nick SR Providence C 4:23.51 3 7 Sanderson, Ry JR CCSU 4:23.77 2 8 Poulsen, Joseph SO SCSU 4:24.00 1 9 Rummery, Benjamin SO Stonehill Co 4:24.39 10 Pilz, Dan SO Stonehill Co 4:24.99 11 Ellison, Justin SO Rhode Island 4:25.20 12 Andrews, Josh JR Stonehill Co 4:27.72 13 Meagher, Matthew SR Stonehill Co 4:29.89 14 Clark, Drew FR Bryant Unive 4:30.76 15 Elnick, Tom FR Brown Univer 4:31.12 16 Ruchames, Nathan JR Rhode Island 4:32.12 17 Nygaard, Eric SO Umass Dart 4:33.51 18 Marceau, Anthony SO CCSU 4:36.70 19 Campbell, Nick SO Stonehill Co 4:37.16 20 Kacher, Nick SO Wheaton Coll 4:37.45 21 Mendes, Albert SO St Peters Co 4:37.73 22 McLean, Adam JR SCSU 4:38.05 23 Casey, Thomas SR Bryant Unive 4:38.43 24 Edwards, Danny SO Stonehill Co 4:38.79 25 Pereira, Jason SO SCSU 4:40.53 26 Whelan, Timothy JR Umass Dart 4:41.66 27 Hoagland, Zach FR Providence C 4:41.86 28 Freitas, Ryan SO U New Haven 4:42.12 29 Donahoe, Corey FR Stonehill Co 4:42.81 30 Holmes, Eric GR Umass Dart 4:44.40 31 Libon, Dan SR Wheaton Coll 4:46.20 32 Sacca, Mike SO St Peters Co 4:53.13 33 Gehen, Daniel SR Bryant Unive 5:00.24 34 Souza, Miles JR Wheaton Coll 5:05.07 35 Goldblatt, Richard FR Umass Dart 5:05.15 36 Astle, Sean FR Wheaton Coll 5:10.89 37 Levy, Natan SO Wheaton Coll 5:26.89 Event 9 Men 3000 Meter Run ======================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 Yeates, Richard SR Providence C 8:27.02 10 2 Johnson, Scott fr U Conn 8:28.86 8 3 Anderson, Mike JR Providence C 8:35.00 6 4 Croff, Chris JR SCSU 8:45.90 5 5 Andrews, Josh JR Stonehill Co 8:47.76 4 6 Hankinson, Steve SO Providence C 8:48.23 3 7 Mulwo, Brian FR AIC 8:53.63 2 8 Politio, Steve FR Stonehill Co 8:56.10 1 9 Meagher, Matthew SR Stonehill Co 8:57.85 10 Gilmore, Kevin FR Umass Dart 8:58.49 11 Fidler, Dan SO Stonehill Co 9:01.56 12 Brunelle, Corey FR Providence C 9:02.44 13 McDermott, Christopher GR SCSU 9:04.61 14 Alexander, Sam FR CCSU 9:06.79 15 Lankow, Zach SO Stonehill Co 9:07.47 16 MacGregor, Justin SR SCSU 9:09.83 17 Pezzullo, Michael FR Rhode Island 9:12.28 18 Stevens, Derek JR Umass Dart 9:12.70 19 Lynch, Jason SO Stonehill Co 9:12.81 20 Tiernan, Kevin FR CCSU 9:22.35 21 Healey, Kevin FR Rhode Island 9:29.28 22 Freitas, Ryan SO U New Haven 9:43.76 23 Dodge, Matt SO Stonehill Co 9:49.83 24 Sechovicz, Ryan SO Umass Dart 10:09.64 25 Hafferkamp, Scott SR Wheaton Coll 10:11.38 26 Meserve, Wesley SO Umass Dart 10:13.85 Event 11 Men 4x400 Meter Relay ========================================================================== School Finals H# Points ========================================================================== 1 University of Connecticut 'A' 3:23.14 3 10 1) Burris, Anthony JR 2) Edmonds, Kyle JR 3) Waruch, Jake FR 4) Rochester, Stephen JR 2 Bryant University 'A' 3:25.10 2 8 1) DiBella, Michael SO 2) Engel, Alex JR 3) O-Connor, Thomas SO 4) Monteiro, Anthony FR 3 Rhode Island 'A' 3:26.70 3 6 1) Cormier, Cameron SO 2) Chierici, Anthony FR 3) Sanborn, Nick SO 4) Alexander, Brian JR 4 Southern Connecticut State Uni 'B' x3:28.30 3 1) Jackson, Richard JR 2) Jean-Baptiste, Stenson FR 3) Polakowski, Jason -- 4) Watson, Angelo SO 5 Ccsu 'A' 3:28.60 2 5 1) Simeone, RJ JR 2) Smith, Sean SR 3) Mason, Myles FR 4) White, Dionis FR 6 Brown University 'B' x3:30.63 1 7 Stonehill College 'A' 3:30.77 2 4 1) Hoddwells, Max FR 2) Porcaro, Mark SR 3) Comis, Steve FR 4) Lul, Pak FR 8 Wheaton College 'A' 3:30.97 1 3 1) Dundon, Brian JR 2) Ricci, Kyle FR 9 Providence College 'A' 3:31.94 3 2 1) Dewey, Charlie SR 2) Davis, Isaiah JR 3) Pandiani, Alan SR 4) Stannard, Brian SO 10 Umass Dartmouth 'A' 3:37.92 2 1 1) Arneaud, Gerald FR 2) Barry, Thomas FR 3) Hopkins, Brian SO 4) Nyamkeye, Charles FR 11 Stonehill College 'B' x3:38.10 2 1) Neville, Stephan FR 2) Driscoll, John FR 3) Blanche, Eric FR 4) Guilmette, Tyler SR 12 University of New Haven 'A' 3:39.11 1 1) Kolodziej, William SO 2) Kichar, Mark SO 3) Clasper, Jared FR 4) Chiapperino, David JR 13 American International College 'A' 3:43.13 1 1) Mackie, Kyle FR 2) Forbes, Malcolm JR 3) Dennis, Jason SO 4) Branch, Mikell SO Event 12 Men Long Jump ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Dean, Greg FR Rhode Island 6.98m 22-11.00 10 2 Guilmette, Tyler SR Stonehill Co J6.98m 22-11.00 8 3 Elliott, Akeem FR SCSU 6.78m 22-03.00 6 4 Williams, Marcus SO Umass Dart 6.60m 21-08.00 5 5 Augustine, Diwani JR SCSU 6.59m 21-07.50 4 6 Joseph, Alex FR AIC 6.54m 21-05.50 3 7 Rose, Jeffrey FR SCSU 6.38m 20-11.25 2 8 Berube, Matt FR CCSU 6.16m 20-02.50 1 9 Rathbun, Eric SO CCSU 6.14m 20-01.75 10 Depaolo, Clinton SR CCSU 6.01m 19-08.75 11 Jean-Baptiste, Stenson FR SCSU 5.98m 19-07.50 12 Brida, Chris FR Bryant Unive 5.95m 19-06.25 13 Bush, Allen SO AIC 5.91m 19-04.75 14 Stewart, Clarence SO St Peters Co 5.90m 19-04.25 15 Moskowitz, Mike FR Stonehill Co 5.85m 19-02.50 15 Comis, Steve FR Stonehill Co 5.85m 19-02.50 17 Williams, Jeffrey FR SCSU 5.84m 19-02.00 18 Fallo, Russell FR SCSU 5.80m 19-00.50 19 Fitzgerald, AJ SO Brown Univer 5.64m 18-06.00 20 Begansky, Michael FR AIC 5.61m 18-05.00 21 Trifone, Nick FR CCSU 5.56m 18-03.00 22 Richardson, Conor JR Bryant Unive 5.55m 18-02.50 23 Fitzgerald, Andrew SO Bryant Unive 5.53m 18-01.75 24 Lewis, David FR St Peters Co 5.51m 18-01.00 25 Perron, Zachary SR Bryant Unive 5.48m 17-11.75 26 Smith, Jamaal JR U Conn 5.06m 16-07.25 -- Chapin, Andrew JR Brown Univer FOUL Event 13 Men Weight Throw ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Brinley, John SR SCSU 18.17m 59-07.50 10 2 Peterson, Derek JR Rhode Island 16.88m 55-04.75 8 3 Manzolillo, Greg SO U Conn 16.47m 54-00.50 6 4 Keeling, Jacob SO Rhode Island 16.42m 53-10.50 5 5 Sampson, Patrick SO U Conn 16.09m 52-09.50 4 6 Prince, Tyler SR Brown Univer 14.58m 47-10.00 3 7 Adams, Tyler JR Rhode Island 14.15m 46-05.25 2 8 Haskell, Steve SR Bryant Unive 13.47m 44-02.50 1 9 Borrelli, Gregory JR Rhode Island 13.19m 43-03.25 10 LeBlanc, Brian JR U Conn 13.13m 43-01.00 11 Bannerman, David FR SCSU 12.97m 42-06.75 12 Johnson, Steve FR U Conn 12.94m 42-05.50 13 Alleman, Mike FR U Conn 12.64m 41-05.75 14 Williams, Rashad FR CCSU 12.53m 41-01.50 15 Cappello, Stephen SO SCSU 12.35m 40-06.25 16 Fanning, Patrick SO Stonehill Co 12.22m 40-01.25 17 Timmons, Travis SO U New Haven 12.15m 39-10.50 18 Creighton, Robert JR U New Haven 11.81m 38-09.00 19 Brandt, Paul SO U New Haven 11.51m 37-09.25 20 William, Edwin SO AIC 11.36m 37-03.25 21 Bouchard, Jon JR U New Haven 11.32m 37-01.75 22 Wnuk, Matt FR Stonehill Co 11.11m 36-05.50 23 Woodin, Joshua FR U New Haven 10.68m 35-00.50 24 Newton, Daniel SO Stonehill Co 10.61m 34-09.75 25 Waddell, Bernard Fr St Peters Co 10.31m 33-10.00 26 Brown, Andrew JR AIC 9.50m 31-02.00 -- Kincade, Dan FR Stonehill Co FOUL Event 14 Men Triple Jump ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Smith, Jamaal JR U Conn 14.21m 46-07.50 10 2 Elliott, Akeem FR SCSU 14.03m 46-00.50 8 3 Augustine, Diwani JR SCSU 13.93m 45-08.50 6 4 Favery, Tyrone SO U Conn 13.77m 45-02.25 5 5 Brida, Chris FR Bryant Unive 13.35m 43-09.75 4 6 Markie, Kevin SO Umass Dart 13.29m 43-07.25 3 7 Williams, Jeffrey FR SCSU 12.97m 42-06.75 2 8 Roberts, Tristan FR CCSU 12.91m 42-04.25 1 9 Dennis, Marcus FR Wheaton Coll 12.80m 42-00.00 10 Hoddwells, Max FR Stonehill Co 12.78m 41-11.25 11 Richardson, Conor JR Bryant Unive 12.74m 41-09.75 12 Dean, Greg FR Rhode Island 12.62m 41-05.00 13 Torres, Jared FR AIC 12.34m 40-06.00 14 Moskowitz, Mike FR Stonehill Co 12.04m 39-06.00 15 Rellerford, Antoine SO AIC 12.01m 39-05.00 16 Reigstad, Andrew FR Rhode Island 11.87m 38-11.50 17 Fallo, Russell FR SCSU 11.68m 38-04.00 18 McKinney, Davion SO St Peters Co 11.47m 37-07.75 Event 15 Men High Jump ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Thomas, Marquis SR U Conn 2.18m 7-01.75 10 2 Favery, Tyrone SO U Conn 2.04m 6-08.25 8 3 Dixon, Jared SO SCSU J2.04m 6-08.25 6 4 Dagostino, Joe JR Stonehill Co 1.99m 6-06.25 5 5 Elliott, Michael JR Rhode Island J1.99m 6-06.25 3.50 5 Damon, Rob JR Rhode Island J1.99m 6-06.25 3.50 7 Maddocks, Jordan SO Brown Univer J1.99m 6-06.25 2 8 Leonard, Shawn SR Rhode Island 1.94m 6-04.25 1 9 Waruch, Ben FR U Conn 1.89m 6-02.25 9 Rathbun, Eric SO CCSU 1.89m 6-02.25 9 Waruch, Jake FR U Conn J1.84m 6-00.50 11 Hopson, Tyler FR U Conn J1.89m 6-02.25 12 Lally, Steven SO Rhode Island J1.89m 6-02.25 12 Smith, Sean SR U Conn J1.89m 6-02.25 15 Torres, Jared FR AIC J1.84m 6-00.50 15 Berube, Matt FR CCSU J1.84m 6-00.50 17 Fitzgerald, AJ SO Brown Univer J1.84m 6-00.50 18 Roberts, Justin SO AIC 1.79m 5-10.50 -- Trifone, Nick FR CCSU NH Event 16 Men Shot Put ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Dubs, Andrew SR U Conn 17.23m 56-06.50 10 2 Powlen, Bryan JR Brown Univer 15.52m 50-11.00 8 3 Alleman, Mike FR U Conn 15.48m 50-09.50 6 4 Keeling, Jacob SO Rhode Island 15.00m 49-02.50 5 5 LeBlanc, Brian JR U Conn 14.74m 48-04.50 4 6 Peterson, Derek JR Rhode Island 14.72m 48-03.50 3 7 Adams, Tyler JR Rhode Island 14.65m 48-00.75 2 8 Borrelli, Gregory JR Rhode Island 14.01m 45-11.75 1 9 Fanning, Patrick SO Stonehill Co 13.39m 43-11.25 10 Manzolillo, Greg SO U Conn 12.99m 42-07.50 11 Newton, Daniel SO Stonehill Co 12.85m 42-02.00 12 Waddell, Bernard Fr St Peters Co 12.68m 41-07.25 13 Waruch, Ben FR U Conn 12.54m 41-01.75 14 Williams, Rashad FR CCSU 12.21m 40-00.75 15 Triplett, Marquise JR AIC 11.82m 38-09.50 16 Haskell, Steve SR Bryant Unive 11.65m 38-02.75 17 Yow, Bobby FR Brown Univer 11.60m 38-00.75 18 Woodin, Joshua FR U New Haven 11.52m 37-09.50 19 Diguglielmo, Charles FR U New Haven 11.43m 37-06.00 20 Kincade, Dan FR Stonehill Co 11.12m 36-05.75 21 Jordan, Charles FR Stonehill Co 11.06m 36-03.50 21 Brown, Andrew JR AIC 11.06m 36-03.50 21 Wnuk, Matt FR Stonehill Co 11.06m 36-03.50 24 William, Edwin SO AIC 10.72m 35-02.00 25 Timmons, Travis SO U New Haven 10.71m 35-01.75 26 Bunion, Leonard JR AIC 10.69m 35-01.00 27 Lee, Dwight SO AIC 10.55m 34-07.50 28 Souza, Kyle FR Wheaton Coll 7.80m 25-07.25 29 Westhoff, Steven SO U New Haven 7.56m 24-09.75 -- Cappello, Stephen SO SCSU FOUL -- Johnson, Steve FR U Conn FOUL Event 17 Men Pole Vault ================================================================================= Name Year School Finals Points ================================================================================= 1 Underwood, Sutton SR SCSU 4.95m 16-02.75 10 2 Kida, Shunzaburo SO Rhode Island 4.80m 15-09.00 8 3 Alexander, Matt FR U Conn J4.80m 15-09.00 6 4 Whitehead, Ryan JR SCSU J4.80m 15-09.00 5 5 Carstensen, John SR Rhode Island 4.65m 15-03.00 4 6 Waszczak, Patrick SO SCSU 4.50m 14-09.00 3 7 Meverden, Zach SO U Conn J4.50m 14-09.00 2 8 Duggan, Kyle SO U Conn J4.50m 14-09.00 1 9 Staub, Joe SR U Conn 4.20m 13-09.25 10 Ricciardi, Jake SR Brown Univer J4.20m 13-09.25 11 Smith, Sean SR U Conn 4.05m 13-03.50 12 Latner, Michael JR Wheaton Coll 3.75m 12-03.50 13 Lambert, Kyle U New Haven 3.45m 11-03.75 -- MacCarthy, Jim JR Wheaton Coll NH Event 19 Men 4x800 Meter Relay ======================================================================= School Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 Providence College 'A' 7:43.94 10 1) McCarthy, David SO 2) McLaren, Hayden JR 3) Berlutti, Nick SR 4) Hankinson, Steve SO 2 University of Connecticut 'A' 7:47.20 8 1) Macklem, David SO 2) Iannaccone, Steve SR 3) Sanders, Will SR 4) Gagnon, Brian SR 3 Stonehill College 'A' 8:06.38 6 1) Benson, Brian SO 2) Morse, Nathan SO 3) Rummery, Benjamin SO 4) Gill, Kevin SO 4 Rhode Island 'A' 8:11.83 5 1) Porteus, Patrick FR 2) Paladino, Vincent SO 3) Karwiel, Ryan SR 4) Lynch, Michael FR 5 Ccsu 'A' 8:20.54 4 1) Whalen, Matt SR 2) Watson, Dan FR 3) Weston, Robert SO 4) Katz, Harrison FR 6 Stonehill College 'B' x8:23.03 1) Pilz, Dan SO 2) Migani, Nick FR 3) Camara, Matt FR 4) Edwards, Danny SO 7 Umass Dartmouth 'A' 8:23.76 3 1) Nygaard, Eric SO 2) Holmes, Eric GR 3) Gonzalez, Erik JR 4) Buck, Tyler SR 8 Rhode Island 'B' x8:31.13 1) Hogler, Jeremy FR 2) Ellison, Justin SO 3) Henning, Kurt JR 4) Cunningham, Matthew SR -- Wheaton College 'A' DQ 1) Brousseau, Matt SO 2) Browne, Jason FR 3) Treivush, Dylan FR 4) Fahey, Colin SO Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) University of Connecticut 169 2) Rhode Island 121 3) Southern Connecticut State 72 4) Providence College 67 5) Stonehill College 59 6) CCSU 32 7) Brown University 31 8) Bryant University 30 9) University of New Haven 26 10) UMass Dartmouth 17 11) St Peters College 15 12) American International Co 13 13) Wheaton College 6