2015 FAA Cross Country Meet #1
Wed Sept 16, 2015 - Sherwood Island State Park Westport CT
Plattsys Timing @ plattsys.com - 83 degrees - Partly Cloudy
Timing & Results by Plattsys Timing @ plattsys.com
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING FOR Men *************
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RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
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Brunswick Sc vs Greens Farms BOYS
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 19 1 3 4 5 6 8 9
2. GRFA Greens Farms 42 2 7 10 11 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. McCall(GRFA)); 3. Peisch(BRUN)); 4. Parkin(BRUN));
5. McFaddin(BRUN)); 6. Grasso(BRUN)); 7. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 8. Peisch(BRUN));
9. Ciporin(BRUN)); 10. Hennessy(BRUN)); 10. Minson(GRFA)); 11. Barnet(GRFA));
12. Jeb(GRFA));
Brunswick Sc vs Hopkins Scho BOYS
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 21 1 3 4 6 7 9 11
2. HOPK Hopkins Scho 37 2 5 8 10 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. Young(HOPK)); 3. Peisch(BRUN)); 4. Parkin(BRUN));
5. Simon(HOPK)); 6. McFaddin(BRUN)); 7. Grasso(BRUN)); 8. Hanlon(HOPK));
9. Peisch(BRUN)); 10. Norwitt(HOPK)); 11. Ciporin(BRUN)); 12. Christie(HOPK));
Brunswick Sc vs King
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 16 1 2 3 4 6 8 9
2. KING King 45 5 7 10 11 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. Peisch(BRUN)); 3. Parkin(BRUN)); 4. McFaddin(BRUN));
5. Jove(KING)); 6. Grasso(BRUN)); 7. Richter(KING)); 8. Peisch(BRUN));
9. Ciporin(BRUN)); 10. Hennessy(BRUN)); 10. Kahn(BRUN)); 10. Driscoll(BRUN));
10. Hock(KING)); 11. Jeffery(BRUN)); 11. Raghavan(BRUN)); 11. Ren(BRUN));
11. Jimenez(BRUN)); 11. Linnan(KING)); 12. Morales(BRUN)); 12. Maki(KING));
Brunswick Sc vs The Masters BOYS
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 21 1 3 4 6 7 8 9
2. MAST The Masters 40 2 5 10 11 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. Perry(MAST)); 3. Peisch(BRUN)); 4. Parkin(BRUN));
5. Brakey(MAST)); 6. McFaddin(BRUN)); 7. Grasso(BRUN)); 8. Peisch(BRUN));
9. Ciporin(BRUN)); 10. Regele(MAST)); 11. Hennessy(BRUN)); 11. Catania(MAST));
12. Koepke(MAST));
Brunswick Sc vs Rye Country BOYS
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 15 1 2 3 4 5 7 8
2. RCD Rye Country 48 6 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. Peisch(BRUN)); 3. Parkin(BRUN)); 4. McFaddin(BRUN));
5. Grasso(BRUN)); 6. Arquit(RCD)); 7. Peisch(BRUN)); 8. Ciporin(BRUN));
9. Hennessy(BRUN)); 9. Stefanoni(RCD)); 10. Cho(RCD)); 11. Chun(RCD));
12. Kahn(BRUN)); 12. Shulman(RCD));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
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RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
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Brunswick Sc vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. BRUN Brunswick Sc 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 50 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Israel(BRUN)); 2. Peisch(BRUN)); 3. Parkin(BRUN)); 4. McFaddin(BRUN));
5. Grasso(BRUN)); 6. Peisch(BRUN)); 7. Ciporin(BRUN)); 8. Hennessy(BRUN));
8. Smith(STL)); 9. Will(STL)); 10. Kahn(BRUN)); 10. Driscoll(BRUN));
10. Jeffery(BRUN)); 10. Raghavan(BRUN)); 10. Ren(BRUN)); 10. Jimenez(BRUN));
10. Thies(STL)); 11. Jackson(STL)); 12. Morales(BRUN)); 12. Eveland(STL));
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Greens Farms vs Hopkins Scho BOYS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 22 1 3 5 6 7 8 9
2. GRFA Greens Farms 39 2 4 10 11 12 13 14
1. Young(HOPK)); 2. McCall(GRFA)); 3. Simon(HOPK)); 4. Courtemanche(GRFA));
5. Hanlon(HOPK)); 6. Norwitt(HOPK)); 7. Christie(HOPK)); 8. Judd(HOPK));
9. Florian(HOPK)); 10. Chinyumba(HOPK)); 10. Kindseth(HOPK)); 10. Martin(HOPK));
10. Minson(GRFA)); 11. Barnet(GRFA)); 12. Jeb(GRFA));
Greens Farms vs King BOYS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 22 1 3 5 6 7 8 12
2. KING King 36 2 4 9 10 11 13 14
1. McCall(GRFA)); 2. Jove(KING)); 3. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 4. Richter(KING));
5. Minson(GRFA)); 6. Barnet(GRFA)); 7. Jeb(GRFA)); 8. Green(GRFA)); 9. Hock(KING));
10. Linnan(KING)); 11. Maki(KING)); 12. Mix(GRFA));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
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RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Greens Farms vs The Masters BOYS
1. MAST The Masters 23 1 3 5 6 8 9 10
2. GRFA Greens Farms 36 2 4 7 11 12 13 14
1. Perry(MAST)); 2. McCall(GRFA)); 3. Brakey(MAST)); 4. Courtemanche(GRFA));
5. Regele(MAST)); 6. Catania(MAST)); 7. Minson(GRFA)); 8. Koepke(MAST));
9. Campbell(MAST)); 10. Littlewood(MAST)); 11. Barnet(GRFA)); 12. Jeb(GRFA));
Greens Farms vs Rye Country BOYS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 26 1 2 6 8 9 12 14
2. RCD Rye Country 29 3 4 5 7 10 11 13
1. McCall(GRFA)); 2. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 3. Arquit(RCD)); 4. Stefanoni(RCD));
5. Cho(RCD)); 6. Minson(GRFA)); 7. Chun(RCD)); 8. Barnet(GRFA)); 9. Jeb(GRFA));
10. Shulman(RCD)); 11. Abrams(RCD)); 12. Green(GRFA));
Greens Farms vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 17 1 2 3 5 6 8 11
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 42 4 7 9 10 12 13 14
1. McCall(GRFA)); 2. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 3. Minson(GRFA)); 4. Smith(STL));
5. Barnet(GRFA)); 6. Jeb(GRFA)); 7. Will(STL)); 8. Green(GRFA)); 9. Thies(STL));
10. Jackson(STL)); 11. Mix(GRFA)); 12. Eveland(STL));
Hopkins Scho vs King BOYS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 20 1 2 4 6 7 8 9
2. KING King 41 3 5 10 11 12 13 14
1. Young(HOPK)); 2. Simon(HOPK)); 3. Jove(KING)); 4. Hanlon(HOPK)); 5. Richter(KING));
6. Norwitt(HOPK)); 7. Christie(HOPK)); 8. Judd(HOPK)); 9. Florian(HOPK));
10. Chinyumba(HOPK)); 10. Kindseth(HOPK)); 10. Martin(HOPK)); 10. Sullivan(HOPK));
10. Hartigan(HOPK)); 10. El-Fishawy(HOPK)); 10. Hock(KING)); 11. Wisdom(HOPK));
11. Linnan(KING)); 12. Sanger(HOPK)); 12. Maki(KING));
Hopkins Scho vs The Masters BOYS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 24 2 3 5 6 8 9 11
2. MAST The Masters 34 1 4 7 10 12 13 14
1. Perry(MAST)); 2. Young(HOPK)); 3. Simon(HOPK)); 4. Brakey(MAST));
5. Hanlon(HOPK)); 6. Norwitt(HOPK)); 7. Regele(MAST)); 8. Christie(HOPK));
9. Judd(HOPK)); 10. Catania(MAST)); 11. Florian(HOPK)); 12. Chinyumba(HOPK));
12. Kindseth(HOPK)); 12. Martin(HOPK)); 12. Koepke(MAST));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
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RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Hopkins Scho vs Rye Country BOYS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 17 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
2. RCD Rye Country 46 4 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Young(HOPK)); 2. Simon(HOPK)); 3. Hanlon(HOPK)); 4. Arquit(RCD));
5. Norwitt(HOPK)); 6. Christie(HOPK)); 7. Judd(HOPK)); 8. Florian(HOPK));
9. Chinyumba(HOPK)); 9. Stefanoni(RCD)); 10. Cho(RCD)); 11. Kindseth(HOPK));
11. Martin(HOPK)); 11. Chun(RCD)); 12. Shulman(RCD));
Hopkins Scho vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 50 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Young(HOPK)); 2. Simon(HOPK)); 3. Hanlon(HOPK)); 4. Norwitt(HOPK));
5. Christie(HOPK)); 6. Judd(HOPK)); 7. Florian(HOPK)); 8. Chinyumba(HOPK));
8. Kindseth(HOPK)); 8. Martin(HOPK)); 8. Smith(STL)); 9. Will(STL));
10. Sullivan(HOPK)); 10. Hartigan(HOPK)); 10. El-Fishawy(HOPK)); 10. Wisdom(HOPK));
10. Thies(STL)); 11. Jackson(STL)); 12. Sanger(HOPK)); 12. Congdon(HOPK));
12. Eveland(STL));
King vs The Masters BOYS
1. MAST The Masters 21 1 2 5 6 7 8 9
2. KING King 40 3 4 10 11 12 13 14
1. Perry(MAST)); 2. Brakey(MAST)); 3. Jove(KING)); 4. Richter(KING));
5. Regele(MAST)); 6. Catania(MAST)); 7. Koepke(MAST)); 8. Campbell(MAST));
9. Littlewood(MAST)); 10. Schott(MAST)); 10. Hock(KING)); 11. Linnan(KING));
12. Friedman(MAST)); 12. Reffold(MAST)); 12. Maki(KING));
King vs Rye Country BOYS
1. RCD Rye Country 25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. KING King 36 1 2 10 11 12 13 14
1. Jove(KING)); 2. Richter(KING)); 3. Arquit(RCD)); 4. Stefanoni(RCD));
5. Cho(RCD)); 6. Chun(RCD)); 7. Shulman(RCD)); 8. Abrams(RCD)); 9. Burke(RCD));
10. Hock(KING)); 11. Linnan(KING)); 12. Christopher(RCD)); 12. Ellard(RCD));
12. Maki(KING));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
King vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. KING King 23 1 2 5 6 9 13 14
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 32 3 4 7 8 10 11 12
1. Jove(KING)); 2. Richter(KING)); 3. Smith(STL)); 4. Will(STL)); 5. Hock(KING));
6. Linnan(KING)); 7. Thies(STL)); 8. Jackson(STL)); 9. Maki(KING)); 10. Eveland(STL));
11. Murphy(STL)); 12. Seth(STL));
The Masters vs Rye Country BOYS
1. MAST The Masters 20 1 2 4 5 8 9 11
2. RCD Rye Country 38 3 6 7 10 12 13 14
1. Perry(MAST)); 2. Brakey(MAST)); 3. Arquit(RCD)); 4. Regele(MAST));
5. Catania(MAST)); 6. Stefanoni(RCD)); 7. Cho(RCD)); 8. Koepke(MAST));
9. Campbell(MAST)); 10. Chun(RCD)); 11. Littlewood(MAST)); 12. Shulman(RCD));
The Masters vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. MAST The Masters 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 50 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Perry(MAST)); 2. Brakey(MAST)); 3. Regele(MAST)); 4. Catania(MAST));
5. Koepke(MAST)); 6. Campbell(MAST)); 7. Littlewood(MAST)); 8. Smith(STL));
9. Will(STL)); 10. Schott(MAST)); 10. Thies(STL)); 11. Friedman(MAST));
11. Reffold(MAST)); 11. Jackson(STL)); 12. Eveland(STL));
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Rye Country vs St. Lukes Sc BOYS
1. RCD Rye Country 17 1 2 3 4 7 8 9
2. STL St. Lukes Sc 44 5 6 10 11 12 13 14
1. Arquit(RCD)); 2. Stefanoni(RCD)); 3. Cho(RCD)); 4. Chun(RCD)); 5. Smith(STL));
6. Will(STL)); 7. Shulman(RCD)); 8. Abrams(RCD)); 9. Burke(RCD)); 10. Thies(STL));
11. Christopher(RCD)); 11. Ellard(RCD)); 11. Jackson(STL)); 12. Eveland(STL));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING FOR Women *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Convent SH vs Greenwich Ac GIRLS
1. GA Greenwich Ac 27 2 4 6 7 8 9 10
2. CONV Convent SH 32 1 3 5 11 12 13 14
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Bugniazet(GA)); 3. Holl(CONV)); 4. Schaeffer(GA));
5. Gallagher(CONV)); 6. Dean(GA)); 7. Apostolides(GA)); 8. Saer(GA));
9. Callahan(GA)); 10. Bastianich(GA)); 11. Howe(GA)); 11. Wolanske(CONV));
12. Bellissimo(CONV));
Convent SH vs Greens Farms GIRLS
1. CONV Convent SH 26 1 4 6 7 8 10 11
2. GRFA Greens Farms 31 2 3 5 9 12 13
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Martin(GRFA)); 3. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 4. Holl(CONV));
5. McCreesh(GRFA)); 6. Gallagher(CONV)); 7. Wolanske(CONV)); 8. Bellissimo(CONV));
9. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 10. Heinzerling(CONV)); 11. Brakman(CONV)); 12. Doherty(CONV));
12. Nail(CONV)); 12. Holl(CONV)); 12. Sheehan(CONV)); 12. Carroll(CONV));
12. Scianna(GRFA));
Convent SH vs Hopkins Scho GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 24 2 3 4 7 8 9 10
2. CONV Convent SH 35 1 5 6 11 12 13 14
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Ellis(HOPK)); 3. Bedford(HOPK)); 4. Walker(HOPK));
5. Holl(CONV)); 6. Gallagher(CONV)); 7. Walewski(HOPK)); 8. Czepiel(HOPK));
9. Hagani(HOPK)); 10. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 11. Wolanske(CONV)); 12. Hughes(HOPK));
12. Bellissimo(CONV));
Convent SH vs King GIRLS
1. CONV Convent SH 20 1 2 4 6 7 8 9
2. KING King 41 3 5 10 11 12 13 14
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Holl(CONV)); 3. Strom(KING)); 4. Gallagher(CONV));
5. Ozizmir(KING)); 6. Wolanske(CONV)); 7. Bellissimo(CONV)); 8. Heinzerling(CONV));
9. Brakman(CONV)); 10. Doherty(CONV)); 10. Nail(CONV)); 10. Holl(CONV));
10. Sheehan(CONV)); 10. Carroll(CONV)); 10. Bissell(KING)); 11. Moye(KING));
12. Mather(CONV)); 12. Howell(KING));
Convent SH vs The Masters GIRLS
1. CONV Convent SH 23 1 2 3 8 9 11 12
2. MAST The Masters 32 4 5 6 7 10 13 14
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Holl(CONV)); 3. Gallagher(CONV)); 4. Guzzardi(MAST));
5. Bavarro(MAST)); 6. Mitchell(MAST)); 7. Schneider(MAST)); 8. Wolanske(CONV));
9. Bellissimo(CONV)); 10. Kane(MAST)); 11. Heinzerling(CONV)); 12. Brakman(CONV));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Convent SH vs Rye Country GIRLS
1. CONV Convent SH 18 1 2 3 5 7 9 10
2. RCD Rye Country 41 4 6 8 11 12 13
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Holl(CONV)); 3. Gallagher(CONV)); 4. Kim(RCD));
5. Wolanske(CONV)); 6. Vumbacco(RCD)); 7. Bellissimo(CONV)); 8. Cutler(RCD));
9. Heinzerling(CONV)); 10. Brakman(CONV)); 11. Doherty(CONV)); 11. Nail(CONV));
11. Holl(CONV)); 11. Sheehan(CONV)); 11. Carroll(CONV)); 11. Shropshire(RCD));
12. Mather(CONV)); 12. Meyerhoff(CONV)); 12. Butler(CONV)); 12. Wilson(CONV));
12. Zuber(RCD));
Convent SH vs School Holy GIRLS
1. SHC School Holy 25 2 3 5 7 8 9 10
2. CONV Convent SH 34 1 4 6 11 12 13 14
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Liddy(SHC)); 3. Cleary(SHC)); 4. Holl(CONV)); 5. ODriscoll(SHC));
6. Gallagher(CONV)); 7. Semprevivo(SHC)); 8. Fleisher(SHC)); 9. Fray(SHC));
10. OShea(SHC)); 11. Wolanske(CONV)); 12. Pennerella(SHC)); 12. Semprevivo(SHC));
12. Bellissimo(CONV));
Convent SH vs St. Lukes GIRLS
1. CONV Convent SH 15 1 3 4 6 7 8 9
- STL St. Lukes 0 2 5 10
1. Jordan(CONV)); 2. Wilson(STL)); 3. Holl(CONV)); 4. Gallagher(CONV));
5. Vaske(STL)); 6. Wolanske(CONV)); 7. Bellissimo(CONV)); 8. Heinzerling(CONV));
9. Brakman(CONV)); 10. Doherty(CONV)); 10. Nail(CONV)); 10. Holl(CONV));
10. Sheehan(CONV)); 10. Carroll(CONV)); 10. Wiggers(STL)); 11. Mather(CONV));
11. Meyerhoff(CONV)); 11. Butler(CONV)); 11. Wilson(CONV)); 11. Butler(CONV));
11. Browder(CONV)); 11. Grady(CONV)); 11. Keeney(CONV)); 11. Santoro(CONV));
11. Jenkins(CONV)); 11. Kharevska(CONV)); 11. Skinner(CONV)); 11. Jones(CONV));
11. Massello(CONV));
Greenwich Ac vs Green Farms GIRLS
1. GA Greenwich Ac 28 2 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. GRFA Green Farms 31 1 3 4 11 12 13
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Bugniazet(GA)); 3. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 4. McCreesh(GRFA));
5. Schaeffer(GA)); 6. Dean(GA)); 7. Apostolides(GA)); 8. Saer(GA)); 9. Callahan(GA));
10. Bastianich(GA)); 11. Howe(GA)); 11. Johnson(GA)); 11. Courtemanche(GRFA));
12. Weiser(GA)); 12. Scianna(GRFA));
Greenwich Ac vs Hopkins Scho GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 24 1 3 4 7 9 13 14
2. GA Greenwich Ac 31 2 5 6 8 10 11 12
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Bugniazet(GA)); 3. Bedford(HOPK)); 4. Walker(HOPK));
5. Schaeffer(GA)); 6. Dean(GA)); 7. Walewski(HOPK)); 8. Apostolides(GA));
9. Czepiel(HOPK)); 10. Saer(GA)); 11. Callahan(GA)); 12. Bastianich(GA));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Greenwich Ac vs King GIRLS
1. GA Greenwich Ac 18 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
2. KING King 45 3 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Bugniazet(GA)); 2. Schaeffer(GA)); 3. Strom(KING)); 4. Dean(GA));
5. Apostolides(GA)); 6. Saer(GA)); 7. Callahan(GA)); 8. Bastianich(GA));
9. Howe(GA)); 9. Ozizmir(KING)); 10. Johnson(GA)); 10. Weiser(GA)); 10. Bissell(KING));
11. Moye(KING)); 12. Howell(KING));
Greenwich Ac vs The Masters GIRLS
1. GA Greenwich Ac 22 1 2 5 6 8 10 11
2. MAST The Masters 35 3 4 7 9 12 13 14
1. Bugniazet(GA)); 2. Schaeffer(GA)); 3. Guzzardi(MAST)); 4. Bavarro(MAST));
5. Dean(GA)); 6. Apostolides(GA)); 7. Mitchell(MAST)); 8. Saer(GA));
9. Schneider(MAST)); 10. Callahan(GA)); 11. Bastianich(GA)); 12. Howe(GA));
12. Kane(MAST));
Greenwich Ac vs Rye Country
1. GA Greenwich Ac 17 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
2. RCD Rye Country 46 4 9 10 11 12 13
1. Bugniazet(GA)); 2. Schaeffer(GA)); 3. Dean(GA)); 4. Kim(RCD)); 5. Apostolides(GA));
6. Saer(GA)); 7. Callahan(GA)); 8. Bastianich(GA)); 9. Howe(GA)); 9. Vumbacco(RCD));
10. Cutler(RCD)); 11. Johnson(GA)); 11. Weiser(GA)); 11. Shropshire(RCD));
12. Zuber(RCD));
Greenwich Ac vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 22 1 3 4 6 8 10 14
2. GA Greenwich Ac 34 2 5 7 9 11 12 13
1. Liddy(SHC)); 2. Bugniazet(GA)); 3. Cleary(SHC)); 4. ODriscoll(SHC));
5. Schaeffer(GA)); 6. Semprevivo(SHC)); 7. Dean(GA)); 8. Fleisher(SHC));
9. Apostolides(GA)); 10. Fray(SHC)); 11. Saer(GA)); 12. Callahan(GA));
Greenwich Ac vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. GA Greenwich Ac 15 1 3 4 5 6 7 8
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 2 9 10
1. Bugniazet(GA)); 2. Wilson(STL)); 3. Schaeffer(GA)); 4. Dean(GA));
5. Apostolides(GA)); 6. Saer(GA)); 7. Callahan(GA)); 8. Bastianich(GA));
9. Howe(GA)); 9. Vaske(STL)); 10. Johnson(GA)); 10. Weiser(GA)); 10. Wiggers(STL));
11. Bugniazet(GA)); 11. Fischetti(GA));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Greens Farms vs Hopkins Scho GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 25 2 3 5 7 8 9 10
2. GRFA Greens Farms 34 1 4 6 11 12 13
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Ellis(HOPK)); 3. Bedford(HOPK)); 4. Abrahamson(GRFA));
5. Walker(HOPK)); 6. McCreesh(GRFA)); 7. Walewski(HOPK)); 8. Czepiel(HOPK));
9. Hagani(HOPK)); 10. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 11. Hughes(HOPK)); 11. Courtemanche(GRFA));
12. Martin(HOPK)); 12. Scianna(GRFA));
Greens Farms vs King GIRLS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 20 1 2 3 6 8 9
2. KING King 37 4 5 7 10 11 12 13
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 3. McCreesh(GRFA)); 4. Strom(KING));
5. Ozizmir(KING)); 6. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 7. Bissell(KING)); 8. Scianna(GRFA));
9. Booth(GRFA)); 10. Moye(KING)); 11. Howell(KING)); 12. Nash(KING));
Greens Farms vs The Masters GIRLS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 27 1 2 3 9 12 13
2. MAST The Masters 30 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 3. McCreesh(GRFA)); 4. Guzzardi(MAST));
5. Bavarro(MAST)); 6. Mitchell(MAST)); 7. Schneider(MAST)); 8. Kane(MAST));
9. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 10. Michiels(MAST)); 11. Delong(MAST)); 12. Shear(MAST));
12. Liu(MAST)); 12. Scianna(GRFA));
Greens Farms vs Rye Country GIRLS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 22 1 2 3 7 9 10
2. RCD Rye Country 34 4 5 6 8 11 12
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 3. McCreesh(GRFA)); 4. Kim(RCD));
5. Vumbacco(RCD)); 6. Cutler(RCD)); 7. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 8. Shropshire(RCD));
9. Scianna(GRFA)); 10. Booth(GRFA)); 11. Zuber(RCD)); 12. Buchbinder(RCD));
Greens Farms vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 25 2 3 5 7 8 9 10
2. GRFA Greens Farms 34 1 4 6 11 12 13
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Liddy(SHC)); 3. Cleary(SHC)); 4. Abrahamson(GRFA));
5. ODriscoll(SHC)); 6. McCreesh(GRFA)); 7. Semprevivo(SHC)); 8. Fleisher(SHC));
9. Fray(SHC)); 10. OShea(SHC)); 11. Pennerella(SHC)); 11. Semprevivo(SHC));
11. Christine(SHC)); 11. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 12. Steele(SHC)); 12. Lang(SHC));
12. Irwin(SHC)); 12. Scianna(GRFA));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
Greens Farms vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. GRFA Greens Farms 15 1 3 4 6 7 9
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 2 5 8
1. Martin(GRFA)); 2. Wilson(STL)); 3. Abrahamson(GRFA)); 4. McCreesh(GRFA));
5. Vaske(STL)); 6. Courtemanche(GRFA)); 7. Scianna(GRFA)); 8. Wiggers(STL));
9. Booth(GRFA));
Hopkins Scho vs King GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 17 1 2 3 5 6 7 9
2. KING King 45 4 8 10 11 12 13 14
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Bedford(HOPK)); 3. Walker(HOPK)); 4. Strom(KING));
5. Walewski(HOPK)); 6. Czepiel(HOPK)); 7. Hagani(HOPK)); 8. Ozizmir(KING));
9. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 10. Hughes(HOPK)); 10. Martin(HOPK)); 10. Bissell(KING));
11. Moye(KING)); 12. Pliakas(HOPK)); 12. Howell(KING));
Hopkins Scho vs The Masters GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 19 1 2 3 6 7 10 11
2. MAST The Masters 38 4 5 8 9 12 13 14
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Bedford(HOPK)); 3. Walker(HOPK)); 4. Guzzardi(MAST));
5. Bavarro(MAST)); 6. Walewski(HOPK)); 7. Czepiel(HOPK)); 8. Mitchell(MAST));
9. Schneider(MAST)); 10. Hagani(HOPK)); 11. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 12. Hughes(HOPK));
12. Kane(MAST));
Hopkins Scho vs Rye Country GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 17 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
2. RCD Rye Country 46 4 9 10 11 12 13
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Bedford(HOPK)); 3. Walker(HOPK)); 4. Kim(RCD)); 5. Walewski(HOPK));
6. Czepiel(HOPK)); 7. Hagani(HOPK)); 8. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 9. Vumbacco(RCD));
10. Hughes(HOPK)); 10. Cutler(RCD)); 11. Martin(HOPK)); 11. Shropshire(RCD));
12. Pliakas(HOPK)); 12. Zuber(RCD));
Hopkins Scho vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 27 2 3 6 7 9 11 13
2. HOPK Hopkins Scho 28 1 4 5 8 10 12 14
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Liddy(SHC)); 3. Cleary(SHC)); 4. Bedford(HOPK));
5. Walker(HOPK)); 6. ODriscoll(SHC)); 7. Semprevivo(SHC)); 8. Walewski(HOPK));
9. Fleisher(SHC)); 10. Czepiel(HOPK)); 11. Fray(SHC)); 12. Hagani(HOPK));
Hopkins Scho vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. HOPK Hopkins Scho 15 1 2 4 5 6 7 9
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 3 8 10
1. Ellis(HOPK)); 2. Bedford(HOPK)); 3. Wilson(STL)); 4. Walker(HOPK));
5. Walewski(HOPK)); 6. Czepiel(HOPK)); 7. Hagani(HOPK)); 8. Vaske(STL));
9. Kwhaja(HOPK)); 10. Hughes(HOPK)); 10. Martin(HOPK)); 10. Wiggers(STL));
11. Pliakas(HOPK)); 11. Voytovich(HOPK)); 11. Wilklow(HOPK));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
King vs The Masters GIRLS
1. MAST The Masters 21 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
2. KING King 40 1 6 10 11 12 13 14
1. Strom(KING)); 2. Guzzardi(MAST)); 3. Bavarro(MAST)); 4. Mitchell(MAST));
5. Schneider(MAST)); 6. Ozizmir(KING)); 7. Kane(MAST)); 8. Michiels(MAST));
9. Delong(MAST)); 10. Shear(MAST)); 10. Bissell(KING)); 11. Liu(MAST));
11. Moye(KING)); 12. Sheth(MAST)); 12. Howell(KING));
King vs Rye Country GIRLS
1. KING King 27 1 3 6 8 9 10 11
2. RCD Rye Country 30 2 4 5 7 12 13
1. Strom(KING)); 2. Kim(RCD)); 3. Ozizmir(KING)); 4. Vumbacco(RCD));
5. Cutler(RCD)); 6. Bissell(KING)); 7. Shropshire(RCD)); 8. Moye(KING));
9. Howell(KING)); 10. Nash(KING)); 11. Harvey(KING)); 12. Zuber(RCD));
King vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 17 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
2. KING King 46 4 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Liddy(SHC)); 2. Cleary(SHC)); 3. ODriscoll(SHC)); 4. Strom(KING));
5. Semprevivo(SHC)); 6. Fleisher(SHC)); 7. Fray(SHC)); 8. OShea(SHC));
9. Ozizmir(KING)); 10. Pennerella(SHC)); 10. Semprevivo(SHC)); 10. Christine(SHC));
10. Steele(SHC)); 10. Lang(SHC)); 10. Bissell(KING)); 11. Irwin(SHC));
11. Moye(KING)); 12. Howell(KING));
King vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. KING King 15 2 3 5 7 8 9 10
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 1 4 6
1. Wilson(STL)); 2. Strom(KING)); 3. Ozizmir(KING)); 4. Vaske(STL));
5. Bissell(KING)); 6. Wiggers(STL)); 7. Moye(KING)); 8. Howell(KING));
9. Nash(KING)); 10. Harvey(KING)); 11. Mitchell(KING)); 11. Loret de Mola(KING));
11. Baughman(KING)); 11. Benjamin(KING));
The Masters vs Rye Country GIRLS
1. MAST The Masters 20 1 2 4 5 8 9 10
2. RCD Rye Country 39 3 6 7 11 12 13
1. Guzzardi(MAST)); 2. Bavarro(MAST)); 3. Kim(RCD)); 4. Mitchell(MAST));
5. Schneider(MAST)); 6. Vumbacco(RCD)); 7. Cutler(RCD)); 8. Kane(MAST));
9. Michiels(MAST)); 10. Delong(MAST)); 11. Shear(MAST)); 11. Liu(MAST));
11. Shropshire(RCD)); 12. Sheth(MAST)); 12. Zuber(RCD));
********* PLATTSYS DUAL MEET SCORING *************
==== ============== =====================================================
RANK TEAM TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
==== ============== =====================================================
The Masters vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 17 1 2 3 4 7 8 11
2. MAST The Masters 42 5 6 9 10 12 13 14
1. Liddy(SHC)); 2. Cleary(SHC)); 3. ODriscoll(SHC)); 4. Semprevivo(SHC));
5. Guzzardi(MAST)); 6. Bavarro(MAST)); 7. Fleisher(SHC)); 8. Fray(SHC));
9. Mitchell(MAST)); 10. Schneider(MAST)); 11. OShea(SHC)); 12. Pennerella(SHC));
12. Semprevivo(SHC)); 12. Christine(SHC)); 12. Kane(MAST));
The Masters vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. MAST The Masters 15 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 1 6 10
1. Wilson(STL)); 2. Guzzardi(MAST)); 3. Bavarro(MAST)); 4. Mitchell(MAST));
5. Schneider(MAST)); 6. Vaske(STL)); 7. Kane(MAST)); 8. Michiels(MAST));
9. Delong(MAST)); 10. Shear(MAST)); 10. Liu(MAST)); 10. Wiggers(STL));
11. Sheth(MAST)); 11. Yin(MAST)); 11. Goodman(MAST)); 11. Cunniffe(MAST));
11. Taylor(MAST));
Rye Country vs School HC GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 16 1 2 3 4 6 7 8
2. RCD Rye Country 47 5 9 10 11 12 13
1. Liddy(SHC)); 2. Cleary(SHC)); 3. ODriscoll(SHC)); 4. Semprevivo(SHC));
5. Kim(RCD)); 6. Fleisher(SHC)); 7. Fray(SHC)); 8. OShea(SHC)); 9. Pennerella(SHC));
9. Vumbacco(RCD)); 10. Semprevivo(SHC)); 10. Cutler(RCD)); 11. Christine(SHC));
11. Steele(SHC)); 11. Lang(SHC)); 11. Shropshire(RCD)); 12. Irwin(SHC));
12. Furio(SHC)); 12. Mahamedi(SHC)); 12. Quinn(SHC)); 12. Zuber(RCD));
Rye Country vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. RCD Rye Country 15 2 4 5 6 8 9
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 1 3 7
1. Wilson(STL)); 2. Kim(RCD)); 3. Vaske(STL)); 4. Vumbacco(RCD)); 5. Cutler(RCD));
6. Shropshire(RCD)); 7. Wiggers(STL)); 8. Zuber(RCD)); 9. Buchbinder(RCD));
School HC vs St. Lukes Sc GIRLS
1. SHC School HC 15 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
- STL St. Lukes Sc 0 3 9 10
1. Liddy(SHC)); 2. Cleary(SHC)); 3. Wilson(STL)); 4. ODriscoll(SHC));
5. Semprevivo(SHC)); 6. Fleisher(SHC)); 7. Fray(SHC)); 8. OShea(SHC));
9. Vaske(STL)); 10. Pennerella(SHC)); 10. Semprevivo(SHC)); 10. Christine(SHC));
10. Steele(SHC)); 10. Lang(SHC)); 10. Irwin(SHC)); 10. Wiggers(STL));
11. Furio(SHC)); 11. Mahamedi(SHC)); 11. Quinn(SHC)); 11. Michelini(SHC));
11. Preusse(SHC)); 11. Brodie(SHC));
Plattsys Timing (PLATTSYS.COM) Results
A Step Ahead from the Start
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