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Canton LobsterLoop 5K Road Race
Platt Systems Official Reporting System
Canton LobsterLoop 5K Road Race || Canton Gazebo on Canton Springs Rd Canton, CT
Sunday August 21, 2011 || Platt: Timing || Clear Skies Humid - 78 degrees
BIB-CHIP Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476

Platt Systems Official Reporting System Canton LobsterLoop 5K Road Race || Canton Gazebo on Canton Springs Rd Canton, CT Sunday August 21, 2011 || Platt: Timing || Clear Skies Humid - 78 degrees BIB-CHIP Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 **************************** DIVISION RACE RESULTS ***************************** DIVISI PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== FEMALE RESULTS: 11 and under ** 1 Belle Magna 11F F0011 Canton CT 23:09 389 2 Jane Frawley 11F F0011 Canton CT 25:24 106 3 Abigayle Hovey 11F F0011 W. Simsbury CT 26:20 388 FEMALE RESULTS: 12 to 14 1 Kristin Sullivan 14F F1214 Burlington CT 23:45 266 2 Kiley Loureiro 14F F1214 Canton CT 24:24 170 3 Sarah Stevens 14F F1214 Avon CT 25:19 412 FEMALE RESULTS: 15 to 18 1 AnnMarie Tuxbury 17F F1518 New Hartford CT 19:07 328 2 Stephanie Decey 16F F1518 Burlington CT 19:20 326 3 Allie davis 15F F1518 W Simsbury CT 22:38 374 FEMALE RESULTS: 19 to 29 1 Kimberly Powell 21F F1929 Canton CT 18:49 221 2 Shannon Katzmayr 24F F1929 Bloomfield CT 22:50 140 3 Sara Reznick 29F F1929 Canton CT 23:20 232 FEMALE RESULTS: 30 to 39 1 Meredith Pearse 36F F3039 Canton CT 24:00 207 2 Elizabeth Stefanow 33F F3039 East Granby CT 25:20 257 3 Courtney Grant 33F F3039 Canton CT 25:56 1130 FEMALE RESULTS: 40 to 49 1 Mary-Lynn Currier 47F F4049 Canton CT 18:19 65 2 Lisa Khan 43F F4049 West Hartford CT 22:10 146 3 Sheryl Loureiro 47F F4049 Canton CT 22:24 167 FEMALE RESULTS: 50 to 59 1 Catherine Lyons 53F F5059 Bloomfield CT 22:37 349 2 Diane Oberhausen 50F F5059 Avon CT 23:18 198 3 MaryEllen Mullins 53F F5059 Canton CT 26:32 190 FEMALE RESULTS: 60 to 69 1 Sophia Reilly 67F F6069 Nashua NH 50:24 227 2 Susan Jorgensen 60F F6069 Burlington CT 50:58 136 FEMALE RESULTS: 70 to 79 1 Barbara Backman 73F F7079 Canton CT 41:38 13 Platt Systems Official Reporting System Canon LobsterLoop 5K Road Race Results Posted to Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 DIVISI PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== MALE RESULTS: 11 and under ** 1 Aaron Khan 10M M0011 West Hartford CT 21:09 147 2 Joshua Mangini 9M M0011 New Hartford CT 22:17 174 3 Matthew Fosberry 10M M0011 Farmington CT 23:31 101 MALE RESULTS: 12 to 14 1 Christopher Mangini 12M M1214 New Hartford CT 20:35 173 2 Connor McCutcheon 14M M1214 Avon CT 21:48 182 3 Matthew Sullivan 13M M1214 Canton CT 21:49 376 MALE RESULTS: 15 to 18 1 Kevin Stanko 17M M1518 Simsbury CT 16:39 316 2 Joel Kirk 17M M1518 Simsbury CT 16:40 362 3 Jack Genovese 16M M1518 Simsbury CT 16:55 361 MALE RESULTS: 19 to 29 1 Michael Leduc 19M M1929 Canton CT 15:36 166 2 Jesse Schneider 24M M1929 Madrid 15:50 329 3 Spencer Sass 22M M1929 Litchfield CT 16:21 422 MALE RESULTS: 30 to 39 1 Marc Robaczynski 36M M3039 New Hartford CT 15:40 333 2 Carlos Sarmiento 37M M3039 Torrington CT 18:17 383 3 Marco Sarmiento 34M M3039 Torrington CT 19:18 379 MALE RESULTS: 40 to 49 1 Chris Chisolm 49M M4049 Farmington CT 16:17 1123 2 Mark Hixson 46M M4049 Simsbury CT 16:44 453 3 Alan Fosberry 43M M4049 Farmington CT 18:07 102 MALE RESULTS: 50 to 59 1 David McHale 50M M5059 W.Simsbury CT 18:41 387 2 Dennis Barone 56M M5059 W. Hartford CT 19:05 18 3 Mark Kelley 54M M5059 Stafford CT 19:46 144 MALE RESULTS: 60 to 69 1 David Mirkin 63M M6069 Avon CT 21:57 466 2 Ronald Carbone 64M M6069 Bolton CT 24:12 368 3 Joseph Scheideler 61M M6069 Canton CT 26:12 243 Platt Systems Official Reporting System Canon LobsterLoop 5K Road Race Results Posted to Timing & Results by Platt Systems 860-645-1476 DIVISI PLC Name A/S DIV CITY TIME BIB ==== ============================ ==== ===== ====================== ======= ====== MALE RESULTS: 70 to 79 1 Boris Lurye 73M M7079 W. Hartford CT 28:24 423 MALE RESULTS: 80 to ++ 1 Edward Regner 83M M80++ Torrington CT 41:20 225 ******************** PLATTSYS.COM RESULTS ********************

OVerall 5K Results     Divisional Results