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Platt Systems Timing Calendar
Block Island Sprint Triathlon
Info:Block Island Sprint Triathlon, Block Island, RI 1/4 mile swim, 4 mile run, 12 mile bike
Date Sat Aug 06, 2022 at 9am in Block Island, RI
Contact:Block Island Recreation David Sniffen
Web Site: WEB SITE
Registration: ONLINE REG
Video: VIDEO
Notes:The race begins at 9:00 a.m. There is a 6:00am boat departing Point Judith race morning.

If the ferry is cancelled race day, or there is severe weather; the race will be cancelled.

Race fee is non-refundable.

Roads are not closed during the bike portion.
Sat Aug 06, 2022Block Island Sprint Triathlon Block Island, RI ONLINE REG